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Dorsal Hump

Nasal humps are common nasal impairments that reduce the attractiveness of the nose hugely. Humpy noses are very irritating and intolerable for most people. For reducing their dorsal humps, patients are seeking effective treatments. In the article on this page, we will examine these treatments along with the other matters related to the dorsal hump. Hence, if you are suffering from these humps, reading the following article is greatly suggested to you.

What is Nose\Dorsal Hump?

A dorsal hump is a common nasal impairment that appears on the patients’ nose dorsum (bridge of the nose). The causes of arising a dorsal hump on the nose are varying, but they usually originated from the individual’s genetics. The excess of cartilage and bone on the nose bridge creates an enlarged nasal dorsum which mainly characterizes by humps. It is known as the most common reason that convinces people to undergo a nasal cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasties, for removing it from the nose. The reason for this high demand for treating dorsal hump is that it will decrease the aesthetics of the nose drastically, especially when observed from the side.

Do I have a Dorsal Hump?

Normally, the dorsal humps of people are very striking and can are recognized easily from the side view. Still, for helping you to see if your nose has a hump or not, we list some indications of the dorsal hump in the following.

  • Having an excess bone or cartilage across the nose bridge
  • Having fleshy and oily nasal skin
  • Abnormal nose anatomy especially in the nasal bridge
  • Deep projected nose tip

What Causes a Dorsal Hump?

Various reasons may lead to dorsal humps emerging on people’s noses. Similar to others, genetics is the most influencing cause for this nasal complication. Moreover, it is proved that some particular ethnic groups, such as the Mediterranean race and Arabs tend to have humps on their noses more than the rest. Along with these factors, nasal injuries and traumas are the other usual causes of the dorsal hump. The good news is that no matter for what reason your dorsal hump emerged, you can simply reduce or remove them by having the suggested treatments. We will show how you can get rid of this nasal deformity in the following of this page.

Is it Necessary to Remove my Dorsal Hump?

As mentioned earlier, nose humps may cause various complications for the patients. More importantly, besides its unattractive form, nose humps may lead to breathing problems. These problems may necessitate the suffered patients to remove their irritating dorsal hump as soon. At the end of the day, the decision for treating the dorsal hump is totally personal. You should consider your condition yourself before going to your doctor’s office. If you have a keen desire to correct your nose humps you should see an experienced otolaryngologist. According to otolaryngologists and plastic surgeons removing the dorsal hump is considered very advantageous for patients. They also nominate rhinoplasty surgery as the best way to correct the dorsal humps for patients. You can get more information regarding the rhinoplasty procedure and its associated matter on Flora’s rhinoplasty page HERE.

Should I Remove or Reduce my Dorsal Hump?

Dorsal humps are considered very disturbing and intolerable for most people. For this reason, many patients seek appropriate treatments to either reduce the humps or remove them completely from the nose structure. Various treatments, including both surgical and nonsurgical procedures, are available for correcting the patients’ dorsal humps effectively. In most of these approaches, the doctors are able to reduce or remove dorsal humps from the nose. Although the result of the dorsal hump reduction and removal are differing, the techniques used in both of these approaches are nearly the same. The decision for removing or reducing is highly dependent on the patients’ condition and expectations. If you are suffering from the too enlarged hump with serious condition, your must have it removed. In contrast, dorsal hump reduction may suffice in cases that need only minor modifications. Hence, your doctor should inspect your condition and consider your expectations fully to advise you of a suitable treatment.

Different Treatments for Removing and Reducing the Dorsal Hump

Effective treatments for dorsal humps are surgical rhinoplasty (both open and closed approaches) and less invasive nonsurgical nose job. There are also some tricks for making your dorsal hump look smaller. In below, we will briefly show you how these procedures can correct your dorsal hump.

Known as the most common and most beneficial way to treat the nasal hump, open rhinoplasty is recommended for severe conditions that require the dorsal hump removal. During this surgery, which is performed under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes some incisions on the nose skin to access the nasal underlying structure. With this complete view of the nasal bones and cartilage, the surgeon is able to apply major modifications for fixing the dorsal hump. By having open rhinoplasty approach, patients can either reduce their dorsal hump or remove it surgically. Requiring a rather long recovery timeline is the major drawback of this treatment that may concern hasty patients.

A closed approach of rhinoplasty is suitable for patients who need less serious changes (dorsal hump reduction) in their dorsal hump. The major benefits that a closed nose job is offering these patients are a shorter recovery period and invisible scar tissues after the surgery. Alike to open rhinoplasty, in this procedure also, anesthetics are used to produce a pain-free surgery for patients. During the surgery, the surgeon will only work through your nostrils for applying the changes. Because of this, the closed approach is considered a less profitable way for removing the dorsal hump when compared to the open approach. However, it may have its high values for some patients with special conditions.

In order to read more information about the differences and commonalities between the closed and open rhinoplasty please see Flora’s other page HERE. On this page, we prepared a comprehensive article discussing these two nose job approaches along with their related subjects.

Although nonsurgical rhinoplasty is believed not to be as efficient as surgical procedures, it offers its own exceptional benefits. During a non-surgical rhinoplasty, also called liquid rhinoplasty, the surgeon will make the patients’ dorsal hump look smaller by injecting the fillers to the nose surface. The two main advantages that this treatment has over surgical rhinoplasties are that it has no recovery time and is less expensive. However, for disadvantages, we should mention that nonsurgical rhinoplasty can only reduce the nasal hump partially and its result is short-lived. Patients who need minor reductions for their dorsal hump should undergo this procedure every 6 months.

To get more information about the ins and outs of this noninvasive cosmetic procedure, please visit Flora’s nonsurgical nose job page HERE.

  • Home remedies

There are many legends spreading among the people about the natural home remedies for treating the dorsal hump. Certainly, most of these self-prescribed treatments are unproven and ineffective. However, there are a few ways that may help nasal humps to look smaller, such as nasal exercises and makeup tricks. To get the detailed information, please check our other page HERE. On this page, we prepared a thorough article answering the question “how can you make your nose look smaller?”.

Techniques Used in Nasal Hump Removal Surgery

For removing the dorsal hump out of patients’ noses, the surgeons have a variety of options to take during the surgery. The appropriate technique has to be determined depending on the patients’ condition and expectations. Hence, ENT doctors must examine the patients’ situation earnestly before the surgery. To get you acquainted with these techniques, we prepared the following section for your consideration.

*Most of the below explanations are referred from

  • Cutting the nose septum and upper lateral cartilage

This is a more common method used in dorsal hump removal surgery. This technique is usually recommended for conditions with an insignificant dorsal hump and wide internal nose angle. Inverted V deformity is the major risk for this technique that can result from overly narrowing of the nose bridge.

  • Removing just the humps and maintains the upper lateral cartilage

As the amount of hump removal is limited in this technique, this method usually works its best for patients who have only a small nasal hump. By this technique, the surgeon tries to remove only the humps and preserve the main structure of the nose upper lateral cartilage.

  • Cutting back the upper lateral cartilages

During this method, first, the surgeon will split the upper lateral cartilages from the nasal bridge. The separated cartilage now can be easily reduced without any risk of damages to the upper lateral cartilages. Once the desired result is achieved, the surgeon will sew back the cartilages to their position.

  • Split the upper lateral cartilage, remove the hump, and then fold the upper lateral cartilage

Similar to the above technique, in the first step, the surgeon will separate the upper lateral cartilage from the bridge. Then, the upper lateral cartilage will be folded along the nose. After that, the surgeon will put a spring in the middle of the nose to reduce and remove the dorsal hump.

  • Split the upper lateral cartilages, remove the hump, and then insert the spreader graft

The difference between this technique and the above technique is that here the surgeon uses the spreader graft instead of the springs.

  • Split the upper lateral cartilage, remove the hump, and then fold the upper lateral cartilage plus insert spreader grafts

This technique is the combination of the two above techniques. This method is frequently used in serious cases of nasal hump which require dramatic reduction or removal.

  • Withdraw the upper lateral cartilages and their humps, and then replace them with spreader grafts

During this technique of dorsal hump removal, the surgeon replaces the removed cartilaginous hump by inserting the spreader grafts. The ENT doctor puts the spreader grafts across the nasal bridge and extends them into the tip of the nose. The grafts are very helpful for patients as they correct their breathing problems along with preserving the rigidity of the upper lateral cartilages.


Please note that the mentioned technique requires high skill and experience from the surgeons to perform them correctly. Therefore, patients should choose an acceptable ENT specialist for performing their dorsal hump removal surgery. To have your cosmetic procedures with the most skilled otolaryngologists in the world, you should consider Flora as your medical facilitator. You can get assured of the appropriacy of our surgeon by visiting HERE. Also, if you request more information about our cosmetic and medical packages, please contact our online team by clicking HERE.

Dorsal Hump Removal Surgery Step by Step

Knowing the overall procedure of your upcoming surgery can help you to prepare yourself better for it. For this reason, we examined the different steps of dorsal hump surgery below for you to consider.

  • Step 1: Anesthesia

As during this surgery, your surgeon will make some incisions on the nose skin, pain-relieving anesthetics are required. Your doctor determines whether you need local or general anesthesia based on your condition before the surgery takes place.

  • Step 2: Making incisions

The incisions locations in this step are fully dependent on the type of your rhinoplasty (whether it is closed or open). In open rhinoplasty, incisions are placed on the nose dorsum, while during a closed approach your surgeon places the incision inside the nostrils.

  • Step 3: Applying the needed modifications; dorsal hump reduction

By taking the techniques that we completely observed in the previous section, your surgeon will reduce or remove the nasal hump from your noses. Plus, a combination of those techniques can also be taken during the surgery of patients with severe cases of the dorsal hump.

  • Step 4: Closing the incisions

After making the needed adjustments on the nose, your surgeon will close the incisions he made earlier. Nasal stitches are used for this purpose. Your surgeon may recognize that nasal splints are also necessary for your condition. These splints will provide better coverage for the fragile nose after the surgery.

  • Step 5: See the result

You will able to see and feel the result of your successful dorsal hump removal surgery after 3-6 months. The required recovery time is conditional on the type of your rhinoplasty and its complexity.

Good Candidates for Dorsal Hump Removal Surgery

As this dorsal hump surgery is believed to be very beneficial for accomplishing the patients’ cosmetic purposes, a large number of patients may be regarded as good candidates for it. To make assured whether you need a dorsal hump removal surgery or not, please see the below section. Typically, good candidates for this surgery are the ones who:

  • Having abnormal nasal anatomy
  • Having a humpy nasal bridge
  • Patients with oily and fleshy nose skin
  • Healthy patients without any serious disabilities
  • Nonsmokers or patients who showed that they can put their cigarettes away for a while
  • Finished facial growth

Is Iran a Wise Choice for having my Dorsal Hump Rhinoplasty?

The qualities of Iranian medical and cosmetic services are first-rate for our international patients. In consequence, many beloved foreigners fly to our country to perform their different medical\cosmetic procedures. Besides this high quality, the cost of dorsal hump rhinoplasty is known as the most economical price in the world. This low cost is because of the inexpensive price of the Iranian Rial compared to the dollar. To get you familiar with the other advantage that Iran held for international patients’ dorsal hump rhinoplasty surgery, we list the main of them below.

How Much does a Dorsal Hump Removal Surgery Cost?

Similar to the other cosmetic surgeries, the exact cost of this surgery is also variable for different patients. Varieties of factors may influence the cost of dorsal hump surgery which patients should consider fully. For this reason, we list these influencing factors in the following section for your consideration.

  • The experience of your ENT doctor
  • The hospital in which you will get the surgery
  • Cost of different anesthesia
  • Whether your health insurance defray the cost or not
  • How complicated is your required surgery
  • The location where you decided to have your dorsal hump removal surgery

Additionally, if you consider a foreign country for having your surgery, you should regard the following factors as well.

  • Daily-life cost in that country
  • The appropriateness of that country for medical procedures
  • The costs of different Medical tourism agencies

To get more information about the exact cost of your needed dorsal hump rhinoplasty, please visit Flora’s other page HERE. On this page, you can see the other details which may vary the cost of your surgery plus the other related matters.

How Much does my Dorsal Hump Rhinoplasty Cost in Different Countries?

As we stated, one of the influencing factors of dorsal hump rhinoplasty is the country where patients decided to get the surgery. Generally, the costs of medical procedures are higher in western and European countries. The costs of the same procedure are more affordable in other countries. Iran as one of these countries is known as the most economical destination for patients dorsal hump rhinoplasty. As we fully explained the various advantage of Iran in the previous section, here we just invite you to see the below table. For having a better comparison of the different costs of dorsal hump rhinoplasty in different countries, we provide you with the following table.

Country Dorsal hump rhinoplastsy’s average cost
US $8000
Canada $7500
UK $5000
Colombia $3500
Lithuania $3000
Turkey $3000
Mexico $3000
Spain $2500
India $2500
Iran $1800

Dorsal Hump Rhinoplasty Recovery Period

In parallel with other cosmetic\medical procedures, the recovery timeline is very significant after dorsal hump rhinoplasty. If you desire a booming result from your rhinoplasty surgery, you should follow the essential directions after your surgery. Therefore, we prepared the following list in which we summarized the Dos and Don’ts you should respect after your dorsal hump removal.

  • Put some eyes around the eye for reducing the post-operative swelling
  • Tape your nose after the surgery as your doctor prescribed
  • Covering the nose with nasal splints for the first week
  • Avoid doing any tense physical activity at least for 3 months
  • Take bath instead of the shower while having the splints on your nose
  • Eat high-fiber foods as possible
  • Brush your teeth mildly
  • Don’t blow in your noses
  • Don’t stay out in the sun for a long time
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol drinking for at least 3 months
  • Avoid swimming at least for 3 months

You can read more recovery guidelines in our nose surgeries’ recovery procedure HERE.

Can I Reduce my Dorsal Hump with a Septoplasty Surgery?

The main reason that makes people get a septoplasty is for correcting their deviated septum in order to breathe easier. Septoplasty procedure alone may not have a notable impact on the humps of the nose. However, when combined with the rhinoplasty procedure (septorhinoplasty), it can both correct the deviated septum and dorsal hump for patients. Due to its high efficiency, this procedure is very popular among patients. To get more information on septorhinoplasty surgery and its associated subject, please visit Flora’s rhinoplasty page HERE.

Dorsal Hump and Droopy Tip

Patients with dorsal humps also have a high potential to have a droopy sagging nasal tip. This nasal impairment is decreasing the nasal appearance very much. For getting rid of these two related problems, patients should consider getting a rhinoplasty procedure by a skilled ENT specialist. To get more information, please see Flora’s high-quality yet economical rhinoplasty packages HERE.

Dorsal Hump Ancestry

Although different people from different ethnic groups may suffer from humpy noses, having dorsal humps is more common in some particular ethnicities. Patients from the below-mentioned ethnic groups tend to have dorsal humps more than others.

  • Arabs
  • Middle Easterners
  • Mediterranean race
  • Americans

Dorsal Humps Heredity

We mentioned genetics as the main cause of people’s nasal bumps. Having dorsal humps is a nasal characteristic that usually runs in families. Hence, most of the patients have inherited their bumpy noses from their parents. As people age, their dorsal hump may become more and more irritable. For that reason, it is recommended for suffered patients to have surgical or nonsurgical dorsal hump reduction rhinoplasties.

Can Dorsal Humps Grow back after the Rhinoplasty?

According to ENT doctors, the rhinoplasty procedure is the optimal option for treating the patients’ dorsal hump. By having rhinoplasties, patients can reduce or remove their nose humps efficiently. In addition, a successful rhinoplasty surgery offers a lifetime result to patients. However, some patients misconceive the post-operative swelling as the regrowth of their recently corrected dorsal humps. This misconception should be prevented by the doctor’s explanation after the surgery.

Risks and Side Effects of Dorsal Hump Removal 

Dorsal hump rhinoplasty may have its own threats and side effects for patients. Though the amount of these side effects are varying for patients with different conditions, you should have complete knowledge about the possible risks you may deal with after the surgery. For achieving this goal, you should consider the following section in which we list the most common side effects of dorsal hump rhinoplasty.

  • Swelling and bruising

These side effects are thoroughly manageable by placing ice on the face. Swelling and bruising should not worry patients at all, as they will completely disappear after two weeks of the rhinoplasty.

  • Infection

Similar to most medical procedures infection is possible to happen after the dorsal hump removal surgery. Serious cases of infection must be treated by taking the required antibiotics.

  • Discomfort

Patients may feel some discomfort in the weeks following their dorsal hump removal surgery. These pains can be easily tolerated by taking the OTC pain relievers.

  • Bleeding

Patients may bleed after or during their surgeries. These bleedings are not severe and will stop on their own.

  • Empty nose syndrome

This complication is very rare to happen. However, if the dorsal hump removal surgery is performed by an inexperienced surgeon who removed the nasal tissues excessively, the chances of this problem are high.

Having difficulty in breathing through the nose:  Although the dorsal hump rhinoplasty helps patients to breathe easier than before, in the first two weeks after the surgery they may experience some difficulties while breathing through their noses. In cases of ever breathing problems, your doctor should prescribe you a needed treatment immediately.

Is Dorsal Hump Reduction Worth it?

Dorsal hump reduction provides patients with various advantages. Whether it is surgical or non-surgical, a successful dorsal hump reduction surgery will enhance your nasal appearance dramatically. Surely, it has its worth for patients who are dealing with their humpy annoying noses.

Last Word

Through the above article, we showed you how to treat the annoying dorsal hump with surgical and nonsurgical procedures. Moreover, we discussed the techniques used, costs, benefits, and other associate subjects to dorsal hump removal surgery. We after reading this article, you will have no question mark on your head regarding the dorsal hump. However, you should note that determining a suitable treatment for correcting your dorsal hump requires a specialists’ inspection. As a general service from Flora, you can easily contact our team of medical experts by clicking HERE. Our specialists will help you with any questions you have and the consultation you may need.

Dorsal Hump Frequently Asked Questions

Is dorsal hump genetic?

Yes, in fact, genetics is recognized as the main cause of the dorsal hump arising on people’s noses.

Is dorsal hump bone or cartilage?

Both nasal bone and cartilages can lead to dorsal humps emerging on the nasal bridge.

Is dorsal hump removal easy?

No, actually, the dorsal hump removal surgery requires high skills in performance. Patients should get their dorsal hump rhinoplasties at the hands of experienced most-skilled ENT surgeons. To have your rhinoplasty surgery with the most experienced surgeon around the globe and guarantee yourself a booming result, you should consider Flora’s surgeons. To get more information please contact us HERE

Are dorsal humps hereditary?

Yes. Nasal hump runs in the families. Indeed, many people who have humps on their noses have inherited these nose impairments from their parents.

Can a dorsal hump go away?

The dorsal hump cannot go away on its own. Though, patients can get a dorsal hump rhinoplasty to get rid of their humpy noses.

Does dorsal hump removal hurt?

As the dorsal hump rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, patients shouldn’t feel any discomfort while the surgery.

Can a dorsal hump cause breathing problems?

Yes. Having nasal humps may interrupt the act of breathing for people as it causes some blockage through the nose air passageways.

Can wearing glasses cause a dorsal hump?

Although glasses sometimes can cause a temporary depression of the nose skin, they won’t produce nasal humps at all.

How to treat dorsal hump naturally?

Nasal exercises and makeup tricks are the two most effective natural ways for making the nose humps look smaller. These natural ways will not treat the problem efficiently and their impacts are temporary. For treating the dorsal hump both permanently and effectively, the patient should undergo a dorsal hump removal rhinoplasty.

When does the dorsal hump stop growing?

The dorsal hump can enlarge as we age. After puberty, the growth of the dorsal humps will be stopped. People can reduce or remove their nasal humps with a rhinoplasty. The impact of rhinoplasty lasts for a lifetime and the dorsal hump can’t grow back after it has been removed.

Ramin Pourasadian

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