Hair Transplant in Iran

Find your high-class hair transplant with the most skillful surgeons in the most equipped clinics with an unbelievably economical cost in Iran.

The maximum density a hair transplant can achieve

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hair transplant cost in Iran

Flora medical tourism facilitator offers all-inclusive Hair Transplant Packages all across Iran(Tehran, Mashhad, Kish island, Shiraz, Tabriz, Esfahan, Yazd, Ahvaz, Sari…), for any budget.

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What is a Hair Transplant?

The hair transplant (also known as hair restoration, hair grafting, and hair implants) is a cosmetic surgery that can restore the area where a patient had hair loss. By this procedure, a surgeon may take donor hairs from the back or sides of the patient’s scalp, patient’s beard, back, or chest and move them to the needed area for solving the hair loss problem.

Standard hair follicle (grafts) contains 1-4 hair apiece. As an example, a 2000 graft hair transplant can restore 4000 single hairs. Although the traditional hair transplant revives the dead hairs of patients’ scalp (that is still the most common procedure), hair transplant surgeons now present beard and eyebrow transplants as well.

The most usual reason for hair loss is genetic. This hair loss trouble is as androgenic alopecia, or men and women pattern baldness. The hair loss, for men, begins in receding hairline and the crown, and for women, the recession begins in near the temples and a widening part line.

What is a Hair Transplant

It has to say that doctors can treat these entire problems effectively for both men and women by a successful hair transplant. That’s where you can trust Flora medical tourism agency for receiving the high quality hair transplant surgery at an economical cost in Iran. Schedule your hair transplant HERE. Flora’s online consultants will guide you through every question that you might have.

Hair Transplant Step by Step

1. Consultation for your Hair Transplant in Iran

The first step of your pleasurable hair transplant in Iran is to contact online consultants. They will give you information about the different aspects of your upcoming surgery. Our consultants will explain to you about the exact cost of our hair transplant packages. Also, they will inform you about the duration of your stay in Iran. Afterward, our skilled cosmetic surgeon will talk to you about your hair transplant procedure in Iran. Then, if you feel ready to get into our hair transplant package, we will book you a proper residency, modern clinics, and a skilled surgeon for your hair transplantation in Iran. Our specialist will also contact you to inform the pre-surgery obligations to you to consider.

2. Hair Transplant Surgery

A hair transplant surgery can take 4 hours or more. In most cases, hospitalization will not be needed for the first night. During the surgery, after thoroughly cleaning your scalp, your surgeon will inject local anesthesia. Depending on the technique, your surgeon may cut (FUT) or make tiny holes (FUE) in your scalp skin. You will require up to three or four treatment sessions for reaching the full head of hair. Our agents will arrange these sessions in several months apart to allow each hair transplant to fully heal.

3. Recovery for your Hire Transplant

Flora agency’s nurses and staff will be completely at your service for your hair transplant recovery timeline. They will provide you with pain medications, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory medications to keep swelling down. Our doctors may prescribe Minoxidil (Rogaine) or hair growth medications to improve hair growth back. Most patients will be able to return to their work several days after the surgery.

4. Aftercare & Follow-up after Hair Transplant

Once you arrive at your home, our experienced aftercare team will follow you up for running the needed actions. We will provide you with the most updated information for your hair transplant aftercare. You should note that transplanted hair may fall out after the two or three weeks of your surgery. It is completely normal and is a part of the procedure, therefore you should not worry about it. You need three or four hair transplant sessions for a complete restoration. According to your schedule, our agents will arrange the sessions. You can see some results of new hair growth 8 to 12 months after your surgery. You can access our 24\7 helpline in Iran and ask about your demands. Either during your stay in Iran or when you return to your country, they will help you.

Find your Hair Transplant day by day Schedule in this Article

Daily Schedule

Is Iran the Wise Destination for Hair Transplant Patients

Hair transplant, like other cosmetic surgery, is highly frequent in Iran. Every year, a large number of hair transplant patients, both Iranians and medical tourists, plan their surgery in Iran. This large amount of candidates motivates cosmetic surgeons to add on their expertise and experience. Surgeons in Iran are eager to achieve the best result out of their surgeries in Iran. The high demand for hair transplants and the most skilled surgeons need the most high-tech hospital and clinics too. Different cities in Iran are located with the most advanced hospitals and clinics where you can arrange your surgery. Importantly, the affordable cost of hair transplant in Iran is another advantage that brings many patients to this country.

One of the most crucial factors of traveling abroad is destination security. Contrary to the general belief, Iran is a very safe destination to travel, considering many travelers described Iran as the “safest country they’ve ever been to”, or “much safer than traveling in Europe”.

How Much does my Hair Transplant Cost in Iran?

Like our other cosmetic packages, Flora medical agency will offer you the hair transplant at the lowest cost. The average cost of Flora’s hair transplant surgery is nearly 80% lower than the same class surgery in other countries. To avoid misunderstandings, the economical price that you pay to our facility does not mean poor quality for your hair transplant (like every other procedure that we provide). You can get your desirable full hair transplant at an advanced clinic by a highly experienced surgeon, by Flora. The high-quality yet affordable cost of hair transplant would be less than 1,000$ in Iran. You can compare the average cost of hair transplant in different counties to Iran in the table below.

Country Cost of the hair transplant for 3000 graft
USA 7500$
Canada 7500$
United Kingdom 6000 $
Malaysia 5000$
Germany 5000$
Mexico 4500$
Turkey 3500$

What Happens During a Hair Transplant Procedure?

Based on the technique of your hair transplant surgery, you may be undergoing different procedures during your hair transplant. Generally, after the injection of the local anesthesia, the surgeon will try to remove your hair follicles. Then, they will transplant them into the bald area of your head to return hairs for you. In the following, we will inform you about the different techniques that you may experience in your surgery.

Different Techniques Used in Hair Transplant Surgery

Mainly, there are two methods of hair transplant surgery. Both of these methods are accessible in our hair transplant packages. The two techniques for hair transplantation are follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). They have their own features as separate procedures. We will explain the different characteristics of the techniques below so that you can choose the more fitting method.

  • FUT Technique

In the FUT technique, first, the surgeon places an incision on your scalp with a sharp knife. Second, he/she eliminates a strip of skin with grown healthy hair from the back of the scalp. This incision leaves a linear scar on the back of the head which the hair conceal. After the follicles of healthy hairs have been obtained, the surgeon transplants them to the needed area. By this technique, patients can get more hair follicles in one session, compared to the FUE technique.

  • FUE Technique

In the FUE technique, the healthy hairs will be transplanted one by one at a time. So, no incision will be needed. This technique is more sophisticated than FUT. In this procedure, a surgeon can remove hair follicles from the scalp, beard, chest, and back. This technique is the best option for patients who need a large number of grafts. Before undergoing this method you need to shave the donor area. However, you can get a no-shave FUE which is a more time-consuming and frequent technique. This procedure is not fully scar-free, whereas tiny dots will be placed on your head in the treated area. As soon as your hair grows back, these spots will heal even if you keep your hair short.

Both of these techniques have their own positive and negative features. Obviously, in consultation with our experienced surgeons, you can decide which method suits you the best.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair transplant


Hair transplant surgery results are permanent; it means that for the rest of your life you will have a head full of hair.

  • You do not need any complicated preparation for getting a hair transplant. The only prep that may cause a problem for you may be the shaving of the donor area. This is not a necessity for all the methods.
  • There are not any bold differences between natural hair and a transplanted hair. The surgery looks incredibly natural when it operates correctly
  • Regularly, there will be no need for strong painkillers after the surgery for patients.
  • A hair transplant will boost your confidence and beauty.


  • A hair transplant procedure doesn’t solve the hair loss problem, whereas the patient’s hair will continue to fall out.
  • When the operation goes incorrect, it will result in an unnatural look of the hair and it may damage the surrounding hairs. Of course, there will be no worry for you as a Flora medical tourism agency’s client with the help of our highly experienced doctors.
  • In some methods, this surgery may leave scars on your skin.
  • Unfortunately, the insurance does not cover hair transplants costs.
  • Not all the transplanted hair will survive through the time; they may have fallen out in the weeks following the surgery.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Hair Transplant?

A good hair transplant candidate can be anyone who does not like their appearance and wants to boost it. These candidates may have suffered from thinning or bald areas on the scalp and receding hairline. You can have a hair transplant at any age, but the perfect age inspect the exact condition of your hair loss. As a good candidate for hair transplant, you also will need to have enough healthy donor hair. So that the surgeon can remove them and transplant.

How Can I Arrange my Hair Transplant with Flora Medical Tourism Agency?

Flora medical tourism agency is committed to providing you with the best cosmetic surgery in Iran. We will arrange all the details and cover all the needed actions of your coming hair transplant in Iran. In the first stage, you need to send us a request. Our online consultant will contact you. The will provide you with essential information about the arrangement of your medical visit to Iran.

Risks and Side Effects of Hair Transplant

Alike to any surgical procedure, a hair transplant can also have risks that you need to be aware of. Typically, all the below side effects which follow a hair transplant surgery will be temporary. The side effects will often clear up in a short time after the surgery.

Bleeding and swelling of the scalp

This is the most common side effect of the hair transplant which happens because of the incisions on the skin. The specific medications that our doctor will prescribe can reduce this side effect easily.


The other common side effect that follows this procedure is itching. Patients should avoid scratching the scalp to relieve from the itching. Because, this can cause the movement of the transplanted hair follicles. It could also cause an infection in the treated area and become dangerous. After the surgery patients should use a proper shampoo for their hairs to control the itching effects.


Infection and inflammation can occur following a hair transplant surgery. By using antibiotic medications and cream the doctor can treat this side effect. Once the infection becomes more dangerous you need to contact our aftercare specialist in order to get the required advice.

Shock loss

Even though it is not a side effect of hair transplant, it is highly worth mentioning. This scenario happens when newly transplanted hairs fall out in the following weeks of the surgery. Patients should not be shocked and worried about this. Because it is a common complication and it lets the new hair grow.

Alternatives to hair transplant

The results of these alternative procedures to hair transplant are not permanent. But, if you do not want to undergo the surgical procedure, you can get the below non surgical alternatives.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP)

In this procedure, there will be injections of your blood’s platelets, which are full of growth factors and proteins. By injecting, your new hair can grow and give you an appealing look. You should repeat this injection needs every six months and it works for 60% of patients.

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT)

You need to use LLLT devices (such as HairMax and CapillusPro) on thinning areas a few times a week to provoke hair growth. It takes six months for them to affect you and you need to keep using them for keeping the result.

Scalp micro pigmentation (SMP)

This procedure makes your hair look denser by tattooing tiny dots between the hairs and scalp.


This pill can reduce DHT, a male hormone that makes hair loss, and treat the male-pattern baldness. The effect of the pills may take up to three months to show.

You should use all these methods continuously to maintain the results.

Differences between Men and Women Hair Transplant

The mutual reason for hair loss in both males and females is increased sensitivity of male sex hormones called Testosterone. Females are also having a particular amount of this hormone in their body. Women generally suffer from two kinds of hair loss, receded hairline, and female pattern baldness. There is male pattern baldness to which totally differs from its female pattern. Because of this difference, surgeons treat their baldness in different ways (Although their main scheme is the same).

Baldness is more common in men than women and they may experience it at younger ages than women. Aside from the male pattern baldness, thinning areas on the scalp, bald spot on the crown, and receding hairline are other problems that men’s hair look had to deal with.

Facial Hair Transplant (Beard Transplant)

Nowadays, many male candidates wanted to undergo a beard or mustache transplant. They want a fancy look with restored facial hair out of their transplant surgery. The facial hair transplant needs more accuracy in surgery. Because the doctor should administer the hair grafts with the proper growth direction to result in a natural look. They can use both FUT and FUE techniques in this surgery. Flora medical tourism agency has high quality yet affordable all-inclusive packages for your pleasurable facial transplant in Iran. You can schedule yours here.

Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow transplant, or eyebrow restoration, is a popular cosmetic surgery. It helps its patients to have an appealing look in their eyebrow. Doctors can use both FUE and FUT techniques in eyebrow transplantation. A surgeon can harvest the donated hair from any area of the body for transplant. As other hair transplants, the specialist performs the eyebrow transplant under the under local anesthesia. It has an immediate recovery, and has a permanent result. Moreover, the eyebrow transplant is a scar-less procedure. Flora medical tourism agency has high quality yet affordable all-inclusive packages for your pleasurable eyebrow transplant in Iran. You can schedule yours here.


Is hair transplant safe?

Hair transplant is one of the safest surgical procedures, since the possibility of its incidence and difficulties is 3%. Of course, the main factor for having a safe hair transplant is to choose the certified surgeons which our agency will arrange for your convenient hair restoration.

Are transplanted hairs permanent?

The result of this surgery lasts for your life. However, some issues may happen to your transplanted hairs in its recovery timeline which is completely normal and fine.

Are the scars that resulted from a hair transplant permanent?

Basically, hair transplant surgery is known as a scar-less procedure and the probable scars that may be left by the hair transplant will be concealed completely once the hairs grow back.

Can hair transplants go wrong?

Although it is very rare for a whole hair transplant to go wrong, it still is possible that a small percentage of the transplanted follicular fails. With a proper surgeon whom our agency will consider for you, there would not be any chance for your hair transplant to fail.

Can hair transplant be done without shaving hair?

While it is possible in FUE hair transplants, the answer really depends on the condition of the patient. If only a small area needs treatment, a surgeon may be able to perform the surgery with an unshaved hair. However, performing this procedure may be more challenging and time-consuming for the surgical team.

Can hair transplant remove the gray hairs?

A hair transplant might not be the solution for both hair loss and gray hair, but you can fade your gray hairs with other procedures that Flora medical tourism agency will be appointed for you.

Which hair transplant method is the best?

Both FUT and FUE techniques can be an ideal option for you in different individual conditions. Although FUE might have some advantages over FUT, we could not consider the absolute superiority between them. You should find out which one of these methods suits you the best.

When does transplanted hair begin to grow?

After the most transplanted hairs have fallen out in the beginning post-surgery weeks, there will be very little new hair growth. These hairs will have been recovered and grown back during the first 3-9 months after a hair transplant. Later, between 12 and 18 months after a hair transplant surgery, transplanted hairs continue to progress in texture and thickness.

When should PRP treatment be performed after a hair transplant?

Specialists use PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) for hair loss prevention after a hair transplant. PRP treatment is mostly dependent on the patient’s condition after the surgery, and you need to discuss this treatment with our high-skilled physician during your after-care in the online sessions.

When to use Minoxidil after hair transplant surgery?

Minoxidil (Rogaine) will help you to make the transplanted hair grow faster. Although using Minoxidil is not suggested for all the patients, you can undergo this treatment between 6-8 months after the surgery. Our aftercare team will follow you up and prepare you with the required information about how to use Minoxidil.

Will transplanted hairs last forever?

Yes, the good news is that when a hair transplant is performed on you by a skilled specialist, it can last a lifetime.

Does hair transplant cause cancer for its patients?

There has not been found any relation between hair transplantation and cancer. So, a hair transplant is completely a safe cosmetic surgery that does not cause any malignant disease.

Is a hair transplant painful?

You should not feel any pain during your hair transplant surgery, as the operation will be performed under local anesthesia.

Does hair transplant damage existing hair?

There would not be any damage to your existing hair as long as the procedure goes in its correct way.