Brachioplasty in Iran

Have you ever decided to pull off your shirt and see your arm muscles bulging after a work-out session? However, you got worried and chose not to do so because of the look of sagging skin on the arms. Looking for a solve and a way up to a higher self-confidence? Get your arm skin tightened with a Brachioplasty surgery in Iran starting at an unbelievable price of 1400$.

Get your best arm skin profile

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liposuction cost in Iran

Flora medical tourism facilitator offers all-inclusive Brachioplasty Packages all across Iran(Tehran, Mashhad, Kish island, Shiraz, Tabriz, Esfahan, Yazd, Ahvaz, Sari…), for any budget.

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What is Brachioplasty?

A brachioplasty, aka Arm Lift, is a surgery aiming to tighten the back part of your upper arm, from your arm to your elbow. The procedure works by removing extra skin and tissue and pulling the remaining skin back into a tightened contour. The procedure can make your upper arm look tighter and smoother. Various causes can make your arm skin saggy such as losing weight. Brachioplasty usually follows a weight-loss surgery as a body contouring procedure. The procedure may also include liposuction of excess fat pocketed inside the arm tissue. This can create an improved shape in the arms.

what is liposuction

Brachioplasty Step by Step in Iran

1. Consultation for your Brachioplasty in Iran

As a short preparation for your surgery, you will have a consultation session during your first day in Iran. This session is usually dedicated to a full examination of your mental and physical condition as well as answering your related questions. The results of the examinations will be used as a hint for your surgeon to choose the best type of techniques for you.

The Liposuction Surgery in Iran

2. Brachioplasty Procedure in Iran

Brachioplasty surgery starts with use of either intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Next, depending on the amount of skin and fat to be removed, the incisions are made on the inside of the arm or on the back of the arm. The incisions may also extend from the underarm (axilla) to just above the elbow. If necessary, liposuction can come as the next step to remove excess fat that has built up in the arm. At last, your surgeon will stich to wounds closed.

3. Recovery of your Brachioplasty in Iran

Following your Brachioplasty procedure you cannot jump into the back routine you had before. There are certain instructions that you should follow to pass a smooth recovery process including:

  • Consume pain medication in case of acute pain during the first three to five day
  • Avoid sun exposure for at least the first six to eight weeks
  • Get good rest during the first week of your recovery
  • During the first week, small drainage tubes might be placed in your arms to remove excess fluid accumulation

Recovery of your Liposuction in Iran

Aftercare & Follow-up after Tummy Tuck

4. Aftercare & Follow-up after Brachioplasty

The rest of the instructions are for the time period after your 1-week staying in Iran. Flora will also offer a 2-year follow-up service for any type of surgery packages you choose. Meanwhile, our specialists will stay in touch with you to take your recovery process under observation. The following do and not-to-do list belongs to the follow-up period:

  • Put off strenuous activities for a well 2-weeks period after your surgery
  • Keep your compression garment until 4-6 weeks after the surgery
  • If necessary, apply scar creams daily for 2 months to help the scars heal faster

Find your Liposuction day by day Schedule in this Article

Daily Schedule

Is Iran a Wise choice for Brachioplasty?

When you are thinking about a Brachioplasty procedure you will face a wide array of choices. Considering price of surgery and quality of services, there are several reasons why Iran is a wise choice for your Brachioplasty surgery:

  • Quite economic price of surgery while maintaining the quality
  • Positive feedbacks from many candidates who have had the same procedure in Iran
  • Applying novel methods and advanced medical equipment for treatment
  • Diligent and hardworking medical staff to help you anytime
  • Well-trained and well-experienced surgeons with related background for Brachioplasty
  • Cheap and affordable cost of accommodation
  • Avant-garde medical services comparable with top-rated countries at a lower price

Is Iran the Wise Choice for my Liposuction?

How much does Brachioplasty cost?

Brachioplasty surgery cost can vary widely across the world. The price starts from a low threshold of $ 1000 to the high level of $9000 in New York. Note that this is only the cost of surgery alone and you may also be charged for other services. The average Brachioplasty cost is set around $4,861 in the world. It is to be said that sometimes the price comes at the cost of quality of services. However, in Iran we try to find you best surgeons and provide you with best medical services at a reasonably economic price. The average Brachioplasty price for Iran goes somewhere around 1800$. With Flora, you can purchase your all-inclusive Brachioplasty package covering the whole cost of surgery at the amazing price of 1500$.

Why is Brachioplasty done?

There are several reasons why you might opt for a Brachioplasty. The following list gives you the main reasons why people usually choose to undergo the procedure:

  • Removing the excess fat inside your arm tissue
  • Creating a tightened arm skin
  • Making your arm look more juvenile
  • Increasing your confidence
  • Removing scar tissue from previous surgery
  • Be able to observe work-out results better
  • Increasing your overall comfort with your physical appearance

Brachioplasty Techniques

Minimal incision Brachioplasty

A minimal incision brachioplasty, uses incisions limited to the axilla to create surgical rejuvenation to the arms. When needed, lipoplasty (fat reduction) may also be combined with the skin and tissue treatment. Minimal Brachioplasty is a safe and effective technique that creates long-lasting lifting results.

Standard incision Brachioplasty

Here, incisions are generally made on the inside of the arm or on the back of the arm, depending on your surgeon’s preference. In a standard Brachioplasty, the incisions do not extend into other parts such as the lower arms.

Extensive Brachioplasty

An “extended Brachioplasty” is a type of arm lift that is extended to the lateral chest and breasts. The procedure can also include the lower parts of the arm. This technique can be more inclusive than a standard Brachioplasty; making it a better choice for those with sagging skin in their chest and breasts. The procedure can also help prevent the lateralization of the breasts (breast mounds that have fallen out of their desired position).

Extensive Brachioplasty with an upper body lift (or Thoracoplasty)

This Brachioplasty techniques removes excess skin both from your arm and other upper body areas such as chest, shoulders and upper back. This technique may also include Thoracoplasty to remove excess lateral Chest Wall. The name extensive also suggest that the incisions of Brachioplasty can extend to the lower arm if necessary.

Am I a good candidate for Brachioplasty?

To see if you are a good Brachioplasty candidate you need to meet certain requirements. Under the following conditions you generally prove fit for a Brachioplasty surgery:

  • Unwanted fat in the arm area
  • Your skin has gone saggy and loose in the arm area
  • You are near your ideal BMI
  • Expecting realistic results
  • Staying in good physical health without heart disease, and lung or kidney problems
  • Being ready to follow a certain lifestyle and following some instruction during your Brachioplasty recovery

On the other hand, you might not be a Brachioplasty fit candidate in the following cases:

  • Unrealistic expectation from your Brachioplasty results
  • Being from your ideal BMI
  • Diabetes
  • Lack of patience for the preparation and recovery period
  • Health conditions such as heart disease, and lung or kidney problems

Preparing for Brachioplasty

As a surgical operation comes with risk, it is recommended that you follow a certain lifestyle before your procedure to pass a safest surgery. This can also help you gain best results out of your procedure. The following list gives you an overall view of the instructions that you should follow before having you Brachioplasty:

  • Keep a healthy diet, full of mineral and necessary vitamins for at least 1 month prior to your treatment
  • Getting enough hydration is important month before the procedure
  • Try to be near your BMI by the time of your surgery
  • Avoid smoking and drinking for a minimum of 2 weeks
  • To help improve scarring, it is recommended that you stay away from prolonged sun exposure for two pre-op weeks

Arm Lift options

If you are thinking about the alternative procedures that you might take instead of a Brachioplasty, then look at the following list.

  • Surgical:

Arm Liposuction

An arm liposuction can help reduce the excess fat pockets accumulated inside your arm tissue. By doing this, the procedure can create a better-looking profile in your arms. Your surgeon may also combine liposuction with an arm lift to bring both skin tightening and fat removal at the same time.

Upper body lift

This procedure is an inclusive choice to treat loose skin on your chest, upper back, breasts, arms, and also your belly. If necessary, the surgery can also remove extra fat pockets from the tissues. Combining upper body lift and Brachioplasty is also a good choice if you have loose skin elsewhere. These parts may include your chest, back, and even your belly.

  • Non-surgical:

Laser skin tightening

Laser skin tightening is a minimally invasive that usually works by heating the skin, which stimulates the collagen production. This will, in turn, create a tighter and more rejuvenated skin profile.


Microneedling is a minimally invasive alternative that works by inserting small sterilized needles into the skin. This makes small wounds that cause your body to produce more collagen and elastin. As collagen is a repairing agent, it can help improve typical signs of ageing. Micronnedling may also be perfomed on upper and lower arm area.


Thermage is a nonsurgical alternative that uses radiofrequency (RF) to help tighten and smooth skin. The main mechanism used in Thermage is by promoting new collagen production. RF waves produce heat into the skin that treats outer skin and then extends inward. The procedure may also target the arm area.

VASER Liposelection

VASERlipo® is a non-invasive body contouring choice that utilizes ultrasound energy to reduce fat accumulated in tissues. During the procedure, the ultrasound energy targets the fat cells to destroy them. Next, the fat pockets are removed from the body using a gentle suction process. This leaves surrounding tissues intact, while creating a thinner and better-looking contour in the area. This procedure can bring great results with less pain and less downtime than liposuction.


Lipodissolve or mesotherapy uses injections of medications that can melt away the localized fat deposits. phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate are two regular types of meds used in this procedure.

Massage therapy

Messaging can also be a non-surgical remedy that can be of help in improving the profile of your arm skin. However, messaging can only create subtle improvement and is thus not a solution for people who have much saggy skin in their arms.

Arm sculpting

CoolSculpting for the upper arms is a noninvasive fat reduction alternative that involves no incisions. It works by cooling subcutaneous fat to the point that the fat cells are destroyed. The fat pockets can then be absorbed by the body and consequently removed. It is important to note that this procedure does not create tightening effect on the arms.

Liposuction VS Arm Lift

While thinking about choosing the best option, you might wonder if you need a Liposuction or an Arm Lift procedure. The below comparison between Liposuction and Arm Lift can help you gain a better insight about them.


  • Both procedures can help remove excess fat from Arm area
  • Combining the procedures together can boost the results


  • Arm Lift only targets upper arm area while a Liposuction can be performed on whole body areas
  • Liposuction does not improve your skin profile but an Arm Lift can create a tightened skin profile in the upper arm

Brachioplasty VS Coolsculpting

If you are wondering about the best choice between Brachioplasty and Coolsculpting, then the below comparison may help you.

Both procedures may remove extra fat from arm tissue


  • Brachioplasty focuses exclusively on the arm area while Coolsculpting includes whole body areas
  • Coolsculpting goes under the category of non-surgical but Brachioplasty is a surgical procedure

Is Brachioplasty worth it?

While every surgery can cause hesitations due to the coming risks, there are the benefits which may justify the cost and risks. The following are the main benefits that a Brachioplasty procedure can offer:

  • Gaining a rejuvenated profile in upper arm area
  • Getting rid of excess fat in the arms
  • Preventing inflammation and skin rash caused by excess folds of skin
  • Improving your self-confidence by giving you a tightened skin profile
  • You will be able to see the results after around six weeks from the surgery
  • The results can last for up to 10 years
  • A full Arm Lift recovery may take about 4 to 6 weeks
  • Most of the scars will go away after 6-9 months (full scar disappearance may take up to a year)

What can I do about Scarring after an Arm Lift?

Scarring is an inevitable part of every surgical operation. Therefore, it is rather a matter how long the scars are going to stay and the ways that you can improve the signs. It might take up to a year for the scars to pale and die away. However, there are certain methods that you can use to improve the scarring including:

  • Concealer

One of the easiest methods to hide scarring sign is by applying Concealer make-up. However, as the name suggests, it can only hide the scarring.

  • Avoiding sunlight

Exposure to sunlight can make the scarring area look darker than the surrounding. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep your arms away from UV- light for at least the first six to eight weeks.

  • Scar massage

Messaging can help break up the accumulated thick scar tissue. Therefore, it is useful to massage the treated area gently to improve the appearance of scars.

  • Gels and Creams

There are also several types of Gels and Creams that claim to improve the signs of scars after a surgical procedure. ScarAway Silicone Scar Sheets and MD Performance Ultimate Scar Formula are two common types of Gels and Creams used for scar treatment.

Risks and Side effects of Brachioplasty

Brachioplasty surgical risks usually include the following:

  • Nerve damage
  • Sensation changes in the arms such as tingling, numbness, and tenderness
  • Blood clots

Moreover, there are side effects that might come along with a Brachioplasty procedure such as:

  • Discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Soreness and Bruising
  • Need for a revisional surgery

How Can I Get my Brachioplasty Surgery Arranged with FLORA Medical Tourism Agency in Iran?

Medical Facilitators are a huge help with arranging travel details. Flora medical tourism facilitator is a necessary means to ensure that you get the best care for your health issues in Iran. First you should send a request. Our consultant will contact you and guide you through all the process. When you decide to have a trip to Iran and liposuction surgery arranged, FLORA medical tourism agency will arrange all the necessary clinical, travel and hospitality services.

steps to get liposuction services


Can Brachioplasty be covered by insurance?

As Brachioplasty mainly goes under the category of cosmetic surgeries, it is usually not covered by insurance companies.

Who can perform Brachioplasty?

A cosmetic surgeon who is specially trained in brachioplasty with a great deal practical experience can perform the procedure.

What is bilateral Brachioplasty?

A bilateral brachioplasty typically involves the removal hanging skin as well as fat deposits. During this procedure, you can also lose fat pockets to help shape and tone your arm.

Is Brachioplasty without scars possible?

While scarring is an evitable part of the procedure, there are certain methods that you can use to improve the scar marks. These include using of Concealer, and messaging of scars.

How long does an Arm Lift last?

Aging can counter the effects of your Arm Lift, but the results are usually long-lasting and remain for up to 10 years.

What is the best treatment for Brachioplasty scars?

Concealers can be the fastest choice to hide the scarring signs. However, they do not offer real improvement to the scar tissue.

Will liposuction fat come back?

Fat will not return if the patient maintains their weight and has a healthy low fat diet.

Which liposuction technique is the best?

Tumescent liposuction is the most common popular technique as it is more effective, safer and less painful. The procedure is discussed in this article in detail.