Thread Lift In Iran

Aging can trace undesirable signs on your face. To get rid of the signs, the conventional way was a facelift surgery which comes with surgical risks. By having a minimally invasive Thread Lift in Iran, you can safely regain your juvenile skin profile. Here at Flora, we offer our thread lift packages including all necessary medical services starting at the stunning price of 500$.

Skin rejuvenation with a safe Thread Lift in Iran

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facelift cost in Iran

Flora medical tourism facilitator offers all-inclusive Thread Lift Packages all across Iran(Tehran, Mashhad, Kish island, Shiraz, Tabriz, Esfahan, Yazd, Ahvaz, Sari…), for any budget.

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What is Thread Lift?

A thread lift, aka collagen thread lift, is a cosmetic procedure that uses temporary sutures to create a mild but visible lifting in the skin. Here, instead of surgically removing loose facial skin, the surgeon simply inserts dissolvable sutures inside skin and pulls the skin back slightly. This can create a lifting and tightening to the facial skin and treat aging signs such as wrinkles, folds, sagging cheeks, and jowls. In addition to lifting, threads can counter aging in another way: by provoking the body’s collagen production and directing them to the treated areas. Considering the vital role collagen plays in the aging process, this can greatly contribute to the rejuvenation of the facial skin

What is Facelift?

Thread Lift Surgery Step by Step in Iran

1. Consultation for Your Thread Lift in Iran

Regardless of your chosen procedure, you need to pass a consultation session with your surgeon prior to your procedure. Your surgeon will dedicate this session to having a full physical and mental examination, explaining the procedure and answering your questions. Then, he/she will also be providing you with some information about the potential results, the surgical techniques and recovery tips. Based on the consultations and examinations, your surgeon can choose the best surgical techniques to be chosen for you.

Facelift Surgery in Iran

2.Thread Lift Surgery

Generally, the procedure starts with the administration of local anesthesia. First, the surgeon will mark the areas where the thread should be placed. Then, he/she uses a thin needle or cannula to insert the dissolvable threads in to the skin. After the threads are inserted, the cone-like structures latch onto skin tissue and the surgeon will pull back and tighten the skin. At last, the threads are trimmed to make them secure and invisible below the skin surface.

3.Thread Lift Recovery

Though thread lift is comparably minimally invasive surgery, you will still need to take some recovery measures after your surgery. During this recovery period, you need to perform some instructions and avoid certain activities including:

  • Take your pain medication to relieve the pain
  • Avoid smoking and drinking for at least one week after the procedure
  • Do not touch, wet and wash your face for a minimum of 12 hours
  • You are allowed to remove the bandage after the first week
  • Most patients get back to normal life and can resume their work after the first week of recovery

 Recovery for Your Facelift in Iran

4.Thread Lift Follow-up

4.Thread Lift Follow-up

After enjoying from our 1-week medical services in Iran, you can spend the rest of your recovery in your homeland. There, we provide with follow-up service for 2 years regardless of your chosen surgery type. These service will include contacts with our via voice or video calls, getting regularly checked by your doctor and answering your questions about recovery process. During this time, you should be following the rest of the recovery instructions including:

  • The complete recovery usually takes no more than two weeks
  • Keep your head elevated during the first few weeks to allow for proper blood flow
  • Avoid using a blow dryer or other hair drying tools to keep your head cool and dry during your recovery
  • Apply ointments on a regular basis to the incision areas on your ear
  • Do not resume any rigorous activity for at least two weeks after surgery

Find your Facelift day by day Schedule in this Article

Daily Schedule

Is Iran the Wise Choice for your Thread Lift?

With the vast array of destination choices for a thread lift surgery, it might be a tough job to find the best place. Read the following reasons why Iran can be your wisest thread lift choice:

  • Offering economic surgery prices in Iran compared to other countries
  • Vast number of candidates for various types of cosmetic surgery
  • High-standard quality of medical services even with a much lower price
  • Top-rated surgeons
  • Buying souvenirs at local Bazars
  • Visiting ancient and beautiful Iranian monuments and tourism attractions

Is Iran an Ideal Place for My Facelift

How much does Thread Lift Cost?

When choosing your medial destination, cost of surrey is one of the most important factors to consider. For a Thread Lift, the average world cost of goes around $2,050. The surgery price goes higher to $2250 in countries such as the US and around $3200 in UK. A fully fledged thread lift package ranges from $600 to $1,600. Flora offers its Thread lift packages which includes all necessary medical services at a stunning price of $600.

Why is Thread Lift done?

Before taking the time and spending your money, you might have been caught thinking why to undergo a Thread Lift at all. In the following you can find the main ways in which a Thread Lift can help you:

  • Reducing facial wrinkles and sagging skin
  • Thread Lift is a less invasive alternative to a facelift and has a shorter recovery with a lower risk
  • Giving your face a mild rejuvenation
  • Gaining more confidence by improving your facial profile

What are the Main Target Areas for a Thread Lift?

A Thread Lift can target multiple areas on your face including:

  •  Jaw line

PDO threads are an excellent solution to define the jaw line as well as lifting and tightening sagging skin of the jowls. Even with slight swelling immediately after treatment, immediate results in this patient can be seen

  • Brow line

A thread Lift can also be considered as a less invasive option for a Brow Lift. This can give a considerable rejuvenation to your brow area.

  • Forehead

Forehead can also be included in the target areas of a thread Lift. The results are less dramatic but the procedure comes with less downtime.

  • Nose

As an alternative for rhinoplasty, a thread lift can also help with nose contouring with no downtime. Though the results are not as dramatic as a surgical rhinoplasty, thread lift is an effective way to shift and shape the tissue below your nose. Note that thread lift cannot alter the structure or shape of the nose which usually requires a surgical operation.

  • The area under the eyes

Thread Lift is also a great way to mildly improve the appearance of eyebrows and eyelid hooding. If you would like to avoid risks of a surgical Blepharoplasty, this alternative can help rejuvenate your upper eyelids and brows.

  • Cheeks

Performing a Thread Lift on your cheeks can help reduce sagging skin and tighten it in the area.

  • Neck

A thread Lift is quite an effective solution to smoothen out the wrinkles on your neck without an invasive surgical operation

Am I a Good Candidate for a Thread Lift?

In order to be deemed a good thread Lift candidate you need to be in certain mental and physical conditions such as:

  • Being over 18 years old
  • Having undesirable wrinkles and saggy skin on your face
  • Staying in good physical and mental health
  • Being near your ideal weight

However, the following features may prove that you are not a good candidate for the procedure:

  • Being less than 18 years old (or over 55 years old)
  • Having a health condition such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney problems, and lung conditions
  • Obesity
  • Allergies to anesthesia

Facelift VS Thread Lift

While both Facelift and Thread Lift are effective solutions to give your face a rejuvenation effect there are yet differences between them. First, in below you can find the main similarities between the two procedures:

  • Both procedures can create a tightened skin on your face
  • Pulling and lifting are the main effects of the two procedures

The main differences of the two procedures include:

  • A facelift is more invasive and creates more dramatic and permanent results
  • Thread lift is a kind wire facelift that uses dissolvable threads and is thus less invasive
  • Compared with facelift, a thread lift procedure is more cost-effective
  • The recovery time is comparably shorter in thread lift

How to Prepare for a Thread Lift?

You should start your preparation months before your procedure’s date. The following are the main types of the preparation instructions for a thread lift surgery:

  • Avoid processed foods and refined carbohydrates for a month before surgery
  • Keep your body well-hydrated during the weeks prior to your thread Lift
  • Try to approach your ideal weight before surgery
  • Do not smoke or drink for at least a week before the procedure
  • Refrain from eating from the night before surgery
  • Arrange a 1-week off-work period for the time you stay in Iran

Thread Lift Techniques

To perform your thread lift surgery, there are several types of threads. The basic steps of procedure are almost the same for all of these types of thread. However, these types of thread are made of different materials. In below you can first get to know the main three types of threads:


NoveThreads is the latest trend in cosmetic surgery world creating a subtle lifting results with no downtime. This type of thread uses fully absorbable surgical sutures composed of polydioxanone (PDO) potential to re-define facial contours by stimulating collagen production. The procedure will only take about 30 minutes to be completed. The results start immediately after the surgery and peaks at 6 months and last between 2-3 years. NovaThreads come also into two types: barbed and smooth threads.

  • Barbed threads

As their name suggest, barbed PDO, or Cog threads, latch into tissues during placement, allowing the thread to efficiently pull loose, sagging skin.

  • Smooth threads

Smooth PDO threads do not create as much lifting as barbed threads. However, they are more efficient in stimulation of collagen production.


Instalift®, or Silhouette Lift, is the other option for thread lift which is also FDA approved and can create facial rejuvenation results. As mentioned above, the main difference between Instalift® and Novathreads is in their used materials. In below you can find some of the differences between these two techniques of thread lift:

  • Instalift® uses sutures with cones that are especially made for grabbing sagging tissue. Therefore, it provides a better lifting in the cheeks and jowls compared with
  • NovaThreads bring more collagen stimulation than Instalift®

Screw threads

In screw threads, one or two threads are intertwined around the insertion needle to boost results. Screw threads are able to offer increased volume to the targeted area. These are best solution to improve sunken areas of the facial skin.

What Types of Procedure can be Combined with a Thread Lift?


Performing a BOTOX® in conjunction with a thread lift near the brow and eye area can definitely boost your results. This is mainly due to the face that threads are often not suitable for those areas. The main difference between a Botox and Thread Lift is that Botox does not simulate collagen production.


Dysport® can also be combined with a Thread Lift to achieve boosted facial rejuvenation results in brow and eye area.


Performing a combined dermal fillers and thread lifts can offer fuller and more lifted facial results that are even comparable to surgical liquid facelift. Restylane® and Sculptra® are among the most commonly used fillers for facial rejuvenation. There are difference between fillers and thread lift such as:

  • Thread lift creates more long-lasting results (up to 3 years)
  • The treatment session is faster in dermal fillers
  • Thread Lift requires a longer recovery time but fillers come with low downtime


Combining an Ultherapy with a Thread Lift can make your facial rejuvenation results more long-lasting. In below you can find the main differences between the two choices:

  • Ultherapy has no downtime
  • Ulthera can locate the SMAS and target a much more precise dose of energy to it


A thread Lift can also be combined with a HIFU to achieve great results depend on skin condition. As its name suggests, HIFU works in a different way than thread lift since it uses Focused Ultrasound as is therefore totally non-surgical. However, both procedures trigger the production of natural collagen in the body.


Microneedling is a type of facial rejuvenation that uses needles to serve the purpose of improving facial profile. This procedure can also be combined with a thread lift to achieve more aesthetic results.

Thread Lift VS Mini Facelift

While both Thread Lift and Mini Facelift are effective ways to get rid of facial wrinkles there are also differences. In below you can find a brief comparison between the two procedures:


  • Both procedures are less invasive than a full facelift
  • Thread Lift and mini facelift can both remove wrinkles and improve sagging skin on face


  • Thread Lift has a shorter downtime and thus the recovery period is quite shorter
  • The results of a mini facelift are more long-lasting up to about 10 years while thread lift lasts only about 3 years

Thread Lift VS Brow Lift

Thread lift and Brow Lift are two common types of facial rejuvenation surgeries. In below you can find a brief comparison between them:


  • Both procedure can create rejuvenation effects to some extent
  • Brow lift and Thread Lift can both raise the eyebrows to decrease the appearance of wrinkles and frown lines and to lift sagging skin


  • Brow Lift only targets you forehead while thread lift can improve your whole facial profile
  • A brow Lift is more invasive than thread lift and comes with a longer recovery time

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Facelift

Risk and Side effects of Thread Lift surgery

Although thread lift is a low-risk procedure, there are some associated side effects and risks. The main side effects of thread lift surgery include:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Slight pain at the site of the thread injection

There are also a handful of risks such as:

  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Visible dimpling or pulling in the position of threads insertion
  • Puckering

How to Arrange a Thread Lift Procedure with Flora?

If you have given us the honor and chosen us to be your medical service provider in Iran here are the steps you need to take. First, you can click the consultation button and get free guidance from our experts. Next, our agents will be helping you through the process of recovering your T-visa and arranging your travel to Iran. At last, you just need to take a week off work for the duration you stay in our beautiful country. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions

steps to get facelift in iran


Are Thread Lift results immediate?

Thread Lift results do not occur immediately after the procedure, meaning that you should wait up to 3 months to observe the final results.

Are Thread Lift results permanent?

While a Thread Lift can really help your skin look younger and smoother, the results are not permanent and only last up to 3 years.

What are PDO Thread Lift?

A PDO thread lift is a type of dissolvable sutures used to lift and rejuvenate loose sagging skin. These threads are made of a colorless polyester called polydioxanone.

How long does it takes to see Thread Lift results?

It typically takes one to three months for the Thread Lift results to become fully visible.

Can Thread Lift cause blindness?

Unlike nose fillers, Thread lift has no risk of causing blindness.

Can a Thread Lift cause nerve damage?

Nerve damage is among the surgical risks of Thread Lift. However, it is very rare and our experienced surgeons try to minimize the risks as much as possible.

What is a better choice for nose? Thread Lift or Fillers?

The fillers will help alter the height of your nose, and the thread lift will help contour your nose and lift the top. Therefore, fillers are better for altering the shape and thread lift is a better choice to lift the tissue. The combination of both also provides longer-lasting results.

What is Thread Lift puckering?

Tension pucker is caused while sewing with too much tension, thereby causing a stretch in the thread. After sewing, the thread relaxes. As it attempts to recover its original length, it gathers up the seam, causing the pucker, which cannot be immediately seen; and may be noticeable at a later stage.

What is Cog Thread Lift?

Cog PDO Threads are a common type of thread that have barbs to latch onto the area and thus can create better lifting.

Which Thread Lift is the best?

Choosing the best type of thread lift largely depends on your conditions as well as cosmetic goals. Your surgeons will talk it over in the consultation sessions to choose the best type for you.

Which is better? Thread Lift or Ultherapy?

Both Ultherapy and Thread Lift are effective ways to give your face a rejuvenation effect. However, While Thread lift is more invasive and has a longer recovery time, it gives faster results in about 3 months. Reaching the results may take 12 months for Ultherapy.

Thread Lift or Lower face lift?

A thread Lift is less expensive and less invasive compared with a lower facelift. However, a lower facelift creates more dramatic results which are also more long-lasting. Considering several conditions such as your expectation, condition and age, you surgeon can choose the best type of surgery for you.