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Facelift Asked Questions Answered by Flora’s Experts.

What is facelift?

Facelift is a kind of cosmetic surgery that lifts up and pulls the skin. Rhytedectomy gives your skin a more youthful looking profile while removing the signs of aging.

Why is facelift performed?

A facelift helps who wish to improve the profile of their skin and thus give it a more youthful appearance.

Where are facelift scars?

In a traditional facelift, the incision begins in front of your ear extending up into the hairline. The incision ends in your lower scalp.

How much does a facelift cost?

You can choose all-inclusive facelift packages at only $12,00 to $2,500 with Flora. This is the most economical price you can find for a high-quality facelift. Flora’s facelift packages also include several free services. Some of these services are: a skilled interpreter, check-ups, tasting Iranian delicious foods as well as a sightseeing tour.

Can facelift go wrong?

Risk is an inevitable part of every surgery and facelift is no exception. Undoubtedly, Flora attempts to minimize the surgery risks by finding best surgeons for your operation.

Can facelift help acne scars?

A facelift may help acne scars by smoothing the skin of the face but if they are too deep inside, a facelift may not be enough to eliminate them. As an alternative, a chemical peel or microdermabrasion may help improve the appearance of these deep scarred areas. Therefore, we recommend you to consult with your doctor in the pre-operative session about your desired results.

Can facelift remove acne scars?

While a facelift can help spread and lessen the density of scars caused by acne, it is not a good option for a complete removal of acne scars, especially those deep acne pitted scars. 

Can facelift cause hair loss?

Facelift may result in temporary hair loss or distortion but it largely depends upon the type of facelift procedure, placement of the incisions, individual health and some other factors. The forehead lift and the upper-face facelift are the two types that are most commonly related with hair loss. However, be sure that Flora chooses the best surgeons and you will be given full instructions on how to reduce the possibility of this temporary hair loss following your surgery.

Can facelift cause acne?

In fact, a facelift can counteract and reduce the density of acne scars. There has been no study supporting that this surgery can cause an increase in the scars.

Can a facelift fall?

There is a risk of falling for facelift procedures that might be as a result of several factors. Being a heavy smoker and thus having a poor skin is a very common reason causing a facelift to fall. It is also so important to follow the instructions on diet, and to dos and not to dos to get the best results out of your facelift surgery. But, in case of a fallen facelift a good secondary facelift can correct the issue. Obviously, you do not need to worry about the risks with Flora, as we choose the best surgeons. Experienced surgeons can reduce these risks to a minimal level.

Can a facelift look natural?

Yes, by choosing the best experts and surgeons. Flora assures you that the end result of your surgery will be the most natural-looking face profile. After your facelift surgery, you will have youthful skin with all the wrinkles and sagging signs removed.

How does facelift work?

A traditional facelift begins with an incision in front of your ear. The incision extends up into the hairline and ends in your lower scalp. The surgeon makes another incision under your chin to further improve the appearance of your neck. Facelift addresses wrinkles, sagging jowls, loose neck skin and fat buildup under the chin.

How to get a facelift naturally?

There are some natural ways of facelift that can improve the profile of your skin to a certain extent. Aloe vera, egg white honey, coconut oil, rosemary and cucumber are the best natural remedies. They can help you tighten the unwanted sagging skins. Natural remedies are only partly effective in smoothing your skin. So, for a complete skin tightening, facelift surgery is the best choice.

How do facelift masks work?

Facelift masks lift sagging skin like in the chin and jaw area. Some slimming masks are like a strap. You can wear them around the chin and jaw area to tighten the skin. The masks help shape the chin area and optimize the profile of your skin without resorting into surgery. You should note that the facelift masks only come with subtle results and simply last up to one day Thus, it is not an option for those seeking more long-lasting results.

What is facelift dentistry?

While a traditional facelift improves the face appearance, facelift dentistry is a non-invasive dental surgery. Facelift dentistry not only improves your facial profile, but also fixes the shape of your entire teeth and jawline.

What is facelift tape?

A facelift tape is a non-surgical option that can temporarily improve the sagging skin and create a smoother face. Before the facelift surgery, the tape was popular among many actresses who wanted to have a more youthful face skin. The tape is usually breathable, hypoallergenic, and of medical-grade.

What is facelift threading?

As a less invasive alternative to facelift surgery, thread lift is a type of facelift procedure that works by inserting a medical-grade thread material into the face and then “pulling” the skin up by tightening the thread. In this type of procedure the surgeon only suspends the skin by stitching up portions of it instead of a total removing.

What is a facelift massage?

Facelift massage is a type of massage that improves sagging skin, smooth wrinkles, and gives a more youthful profile. While Facial massage causes relaxing of the facial muscles, it can only have a minor rejuvenating effect. Facial massages cannot be as effective as a full facelift surgery.

What is a facelift machine?

Facelift machine is a type of machine that smooths sagging facial skin as it loses its elasticity. This machine gives your facial skin a more youthful appearance without any side effects.

Which non-surgical facelift is the best?

Ultherapy is the best non-surgical facelift device that uses ultrasound and radiofrequency for the purpose of skin tightening and lifting.

Which type of facelift is the best?

Among different types of facelift surgery, the deep plane facelift brings the most long-lasting results. In this type of facelift, the surgeon lifts the layer beneath the muscle and attaches the skin to the muscle layers so that a youthful contour is finally achieved.

How is the word Rhytidectomy pronounced?

The word rhytidectomy comes from Ancient Greek and is built from two stem words: ῥυτίς (rhytis) “wrinkle” + ἐκτομή (ektome) “excision”, meaning the surgical removal of wrinkles in contemporary medicine and is therefore pronounced as [rit-i-dek-tuh-mee].

How long does a rhytidectomy surgery take?

Being an outpatient surgery, rhytidectomy may take from 2 to 5 hours. Indeed, the patient can normally go home on the same day of the surgery. The length of the operation depends on the method and whether the facelift is followed by a neck-lift.

How to explain rhytidectomy?

Rhytidectomy/facelift is a type of cosmetic surgery that provides a rejuvenated appearance to the face, cheek, chin as well as neck. This surgery can remove all signs of wrinkles and sagging skin.

What does rhytidectomy mean?

Literally, rhytidectomy comes from two stem words: ῥυτίς (rhytis) “wrinkle” + ἐκτομή (ektome) “excision” and means removing the signs of wrinkles by means of a surgery.

What is rhytidectomy cosmetic surgery?

Rhytidectomy or typically known as facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps remove the signs of aging and gives it a juvenile look such as sagging or folds of skin on the cheeks and jawline.

What does rhytidectomy do?

If you have wrinkles on your face, rhytidectomy pulls back your skin to a juvenile appearance by reducing sagging and folds on it.

What is a rhytidectomy medical term?

Rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure meant to neutralize the effects of time on the aging face for quite a long period of time.

Can a facelift look natural?

Yes, by choosing the best experts and surgeons. Flora assures you that the end result of your surgery will be the most natural-looking face profile. After your facelift surgery, you will have youthful skin with all the wrinkles and sagging signs removed.

Which non-surgical facelift is the best?

Ultherapy is the best non-surgical facelift device that uses ultrasound and radiofrequency for the purpose of skin tightening and lifting.