Breast augmentation questions and answers

We have provided you with some most common questions and the answers.

Are breast implant sizers accurate?

Sizers and sizing systems allow both patients and surgeons to choose the implant volume before the surgery. The accuracy of the breast sizing system is dependent on how much your surgeon knows their way around. As Flora medical tourism agency meets all the requirements, there would be no disturbance for our customers regarding the result of their breast implant. Undoubtedly, our surgeon utilizes the most accurate breast implant sizing system for you.

Are breast implants safe?

Similar to all surgical procedures, breast implants have their own risks. But the procedure itself will not be hazardous for patients if performed by a qualified surgeon. Happily, Flora agency will guarantee all its patients to receive the most protected breast implant as we are cooperating with the most skilled surgeons performing our cosmetic surgeries.

Are breast implants dangerous for your health?

The truth is that a trivial number of breast implants patients may be suffering from an illness called breast implant illness. As a follow-up service, Flora has committed itself to bring its patients the needed procedures for solving any probable complication.

Do breast implants increase cancer risk?

Health scientists claimed that some type of breast implant fillers may lead to breast cancer. Although the chance for this problem is extremely low, it may put the patients in a formidable challenge. Therefore Flora medical tourism agency’s surgeons only use the cancer-free fillers as breast implants.

Is breast implant illness common?

It is not much common among the patients. However many patients realized that they have been infected from this disease, these are only misconceptions. As Flora’s client, no complication will be a concern for your breast augmentation recovery. Breast implant illness can be fully healed by the help of our post-op team.

What are breast implant illness symptoms?

Breast implant illness or BII, refers to a wide range of symptoms that can irritate the patients after their breast augmentation. You can see all the probable symptoms below.

  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Exhaustion
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Breathing problems
  • Sleep disorder
  • Rashes and skin problems
  • Dry mouth and dry eyes
  • Nervousness
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Hair loss
  • Gastrointestinal problems

Do breast implants last forever?

The answer depends on many things. The materials of your implant, the expertise of your surgeon, and your body’s reaction to the surgery are the most influential factor to the lifespan of your breast augmentation. Indeed, as Flora’s client, if your body has the potential to absorb the implants fitly, the result will last for a long time without any need for replacement procedures.

Can breast implants move out of place?

In some patients, breast implants may shift or go out of their order by the passage of time. Although this problem may happen due to the many different factors choosing the skilled surgeon and ideal implants can greatly help to hinder this problem. Flora agency’s most skilled surgeons and world-class medical services are the reason why our patients rarely face these problems.

Can breast implant illness cause weight gain?

No٫ gaining weight is not a symptom of this illness.

Can breast implant illness kill you?

No way! Breast implant illness is not a deadly disease at all. In fact, surgeons can simply cure it by removing the implants out of the patient’s body.

Will breast implants affect breastfeeding?

Most women after the breast implant will be able to breastfeed if they wanted to. Likely problems with breastfeeding are resulted from inappropriate incisions. This issue mostly arises from the surgeon’s misinformation in the pre-surgery discussions. Therefore, there will not be any misconception for you, as Flora’s client. You and your surgeon will discuss your expectations in a medical consultation session.

How will breast implants be done?

During the breast augmentation surgery, the surgeon first will numb your breast area, then, he\she will place silicone or saline under the breast tissue or chest muscles Finally, he\she should close the incisions carefully.

Which type of implants causes cancer?

Textured implants may link to cancer, the implants associated with anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). This rare type of lymphoma is known to be the main reason for breast cancer among breast augmentation patients. Make assured that your surgeon will not utilize this dangerous kind of implant for you. 

What breast implant size should I get?

Alongside your personal preference, you need to consider your body style to choose the proper breast implant size also; you can determine the right breast implant size through the consultation with your surgeon beforehand of the surgery.

What type of breast implant is the best?

Saline breast implants and silicone breast implants are the most relevant types of breast implants. Note that both of these types are available at Flora medical tourism agency’s breast augmentation packages.

Which type of breast implant is the safest?

Many health scientists believe that both saline and silicone breast implants are the safest implants at present. 

When breast implants were invented?

The medical procedure that we know as breast augmentation today had been invented in the 1960s by Dr. Frank Gerow and Dr. Thomas Cronin. The doctors invented the first silicone breast implant and performed it on patients in 1962. 

When do breast implants start to feel normal?

Depending on the type of your breast implant it will take 6-12 months for your body to get accustomed to the implants and feel natural.

When should breast implants be replaced?

Although receiving a high-quality breast implant may be stable for a longer time, surgeons recommend to replace breast implants every ten years.

How long do breast implants last?

Although the breast implants actually wouldn’t have to be expired if performed efficiently, most patients require a replacement surgery every 10-20 years.

Can breast implants cause neurological problems?

No. Recent studies showed that there is no relation between breast implants and the risk of getting the neurological disorder.

Who is the best breast augmentation surgeon?

A highly skilled surgeon can perform the best result out of your breast implantation surgery. Flora medical tourism agency provides its patients with the most skilled surgeons in the world.

Do breast implants look smaller at first?

Yes. It is normal for breast implants to look smaller than a few days\weeks after the surgery. But don’t worry; the implants will leave their impact as the recovery procedure progresses.

What is breast augmentation with fat transfer?

Fat grafting breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that will be achievable for the patients who have extra fat. Within this procedure, the surgeon harvests the needed fat from patients’ bodies and injects fat cells into their breasts.

Is breast augmentation worth it?

Yes. A breast augmentation will be surely valuable if performed by an expert surgeon. Flora medical tourism agency proved many times that its breast augmentation packages would be totally profitable for the ones who wish to have bulky breasts. You can get more information about our all-inclusive handy breast augmentation package by reading HERE.

Is breast augmentation painful?

Surely during the procedure patients wouldn’t feel any discomfort as the operation is performed under general anesthesia. After the surgery, however, patients may feel an insignificant pain through their treated area. The pain is completely common and can be managed by over the counter pain medications.

Can a breast augmentation cause back and neck pain?

Many women who have had breast implants complained about their back and neck pains after their surgery. These pains are because of the surgeries in which the implants have been inserted under the muscle. However, all the pains will disappear as the body adjusts itself to the implants.

How can a breast augmentation change my life?

Undergoing a well-performed breast augmentation will create well-shaped larger breasts for you that can both improve your attractiveness and boost your self-confidence.

How much does a breast augmentation cost?

The universal average cost of breast augmentation is around $6000 in 2020. However, breast augmentation is way cheaper in Iran compared to any other country. You can receive efficient breast augmentation at the lowest cost in the world from Flora agency. Get more information by contacting our 24\7 consultants HERE.

How long does a breast augmentation surgery take to perform?

The breast augmentation surgery will take between one to two hours.

Will insurance cover the expenses of a breast augmentation?

The answer is no, similar to other cosmetic procedures.

When insurance covers the expenses of a breast augmentation?

Insurance companies will pay the expenses of breast augmentation only if their customer has had a mastectomy due to breast cancer.

When can patients swim after their breast augmentation?

Patients may be able to swim after one month of their surgery. However, they should be very careful to avoid fast swimming and heavy diving which can damage the implants.

Where can I get the cheapest breast augmentation?

Flora agency in Iran, offers the most economical breast augmentation packages of the world. Breast surgery packages consist of the most skilled surgeons, most advanced hospitals, and numerous amazing general services.

How long after a breast augmentation can I drive?

Driving after your breast augmentation will mostly depend on whether you are still using sleep-inducing pain medications or not. As soon as you stop to take these medications, you will be able to drive.

How soon after my breast augmentation can I touch\massage my breasts?

Typically, breast augmentation patients can touch or massage their breasts one week after their surgery. Don’t forget to discuss this matter with your surgeon before you do.

How long after my breast augmentation can I sleep on my side?

Breast augmentation patients need to avoid sleeping on their side at least 6 weeks after their surgery. Indeed they have to sleep on their back during this time in order to prevent the deformation of the implant.

How long after a breast augmentation can I work out?

You can restart your daily walking after 2-3 days, however, any heavy physical activity, should be avoided at least for the first two weeks following the breast augmentation surgery.

How long after a breast augmentation can I drink alcohol?

It is necessary for breast augmentation patients to avoid drinking alcohol for two weeks after their surgery. Alcohol may cause many problems for patients such as nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, low blood pressure, and difficulty in breathing.

How long after a breast augmentation can I run?

As a breast augmentation patient, you need to wait at least a month after your surgery to run.

Can a breast augmentation fix saggy breasts?

Yes. Breast augmentation is a medical procedure that would be perfect for the patients wanting to fix their breast sagginess. Contact Flora’s consultants by clicking HERE.

Can a breast augmentation fix the uneven breasts?

Yes. A considerable number of patients get this cosmetic surgery in order to even the size of their breasts. Although asymmetrical breasts can also be treated by breast reduction, many specialists recommend patients to undergo breast augmentation for getting better results.

Can a breast augmentation improve the small frame breasts?

Yes of course. No matter how small your breasts are, you can simply boost their size by undergoing an efficient breast augmentation. You can get one of the world’s best breast augmentation procedures by the help of Flora medical tourism agency. Contact our online consultants to get more exact details about our all-inclusive breast augmentation package at an unbelievable price.

Can a breast augmentation correct tubular breasts?

Yes. Receiving an efficient breast augmentation should correct your tubular breasts. Actually, about 5% of the women who undergo a breast augmentation suffer from tubular breasts. 

Can a breast augmentation enhance the shape of my breast?

Yes, why not! By undergoing a propitious breast augmentation, your breasts’ shape can be enhanced as well as its volume. 

What are the alternatives for breast augmentation?

Although breast augmentation is the most effective procedure, there are some free-implant alternatives that some patients prefer. The two major alternative procedures for breast augmentation are fat transfer breast enlargement and auto-augmentation breast enlargement.

Can I get a breast augmentation under local anesthesia?

Yes, if you wish. However, it is better for patients to be fully numb under the general anesthesia during the surgery. 

What breast implant size should I get?

Alongside your personal preference, you need to consider your body style to choose the proper breast implant size also; you can determine the right breast implant size through the consultation with your surgeon beforehand of the surgery.

How can a breast augmentation change my life?

Undergoing a well-performed breast augmentation will create well-shaped larger breasts for you that can both improve your attractiveness and boost your self-confidence.