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Gastric Sleeve Asked Questions Answered by Flora’s Experts.

Is gastric sleeve reversible?

Unlike gastric bypass, gastric sleeve is a permanent surgical procedure that removes a portion of stomach volume, meaning that it is not reversible.

Are gastric sleeves covered by insurance?

Currently, most insurance companies cover the weight-loss surgeries such as sleeve gastrectomy costs.

Are gastric sleeve patients immunocompromised?

Scientific studies suggest that immunosuppressed patients can safely undergo the surgery and recover from it.

Is gastric sleeve safe?

Gastric sleeve is completely safe if you choose the best medical staff and surgeon to perform it. Flora medical tourism agency will manage the whole process.

Is a gastric sleeve worth it?

Gastric sleeve not only helps patients get rid of excess fat deposits, but it also contributes to the treatment of several obesity-related health conditions such as hypertension, High cholesterol, diabetes and sleep APNEA.

Is gastric sleeve surgery painful?

Since sleeve gastrectomy removes part of the stomach, it is common to feel some belly pain, especially in the first week after the surgery. However, the pain is usually minimal and consuming the prescribed pain meds can help appease the pain.

Is a gastric sleeve right for me?

You are a fit candidate for gastric sleeve if you have a BMI of 40 or above. Gastric sleeve candidates are between 18 to 75. They intend to lose a substantial level of their weight in a short run.

Can gastric sleeves be repeated?

Depending on your anatomy and the evaluation of your surgeon, you may undergo a second gastric sleeve if you have not achieved the ideal results or have gained weight again after recovering from the first surgery.

Can gastric sleeves cause stomach cancer?

According to the studies obesity is a risk for several types of cancer such as stomach cancer. Thus, a gastric sleeve surgery may help reduce the risk of cancer by greatly contributing to weight loss.

Can gastric sleeve surgery fail?

Rarely does gastric sleeve surgery fail unless the patient does not follow the instructions in the recovery period. Our experts will be checking on you regularly to help you pass a successful surgery and recovery period.

Can gastric sleeve stretch?

Stomach stretching is a common complication of gastric sleeve that normally happens in response to food intake. When the stomach is stretched you may feel hunger even if your stomach is half or completely full. Therefore, you should be very careful about conforming by the instructed diet in the post-surgery period.

Can gastric sleeve patients take ibuprofen?

As an NSAID, doctors do not recommend ibuprofen for a longer time than one week after gastric sleeve.

Can gastric sleeve patients take NSAIDs?

You should avoid NSADIs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Aleeve, Naprosyn, Vioxx and Celebrex for one week after the surgery, as they can increase the risk of developing ulcers.

How does gastric sleeve work?

Surgeons perform gastric sleeves through making an initial incision in the stomach area and a subsequent removal of about 75% of the stomach’s volume in order to reduce the amount of food intake afterwards.

How may a gastric sleeve change my life?

A gastric sleeve can help you in removing excess fat and gives you a better body shape. It also prevents risks and conditions related to obesity such as high cholesterol, diabetes and even cancer.

What is gastric sleeve surgery?

Gastric sleeve is a surgery that removes about 75% of stomach volume in order to reach weight loss purposes quickly.

How much does a gastric sleeve cost?

If you plan to have a gastric sleeve with the assistance of Flora, you can order a package at an amazing price of $3,000 while receiving several other services for free.

How long gastric sleeve surgery lasts?

As long as you follow a healthy and standard diet after the surgery, the results are going to be permanent.

What is gastric sleeve revision?

A comparably small number of patients who undergo gastric sleeve may regain weight after some years. A gastric sleeve revision surgery is a good option for these patients to shrink their stomach volume.

What does gastric sleeve do?

Gastric sleeve surgery removes about 75% of the stomach’s volume and thus results in weight loss over a short period.

What is gastric sleeve dumping?

Dumping syndrome refers to the fast transfer of food, especially sugar, from your stomach into your small bowel. The syndrome is a common complication of gastric sleeve that may cause abdominal cramps and diarrhea, after eating meals. Changing your diet including eating smaller meals and restricting high-sugar foods can prevent or appease the syndrome. But for more serious cases you need to consult a specialist.

When does a gastric sleeve not work?

There is no surgery with absolutely zero risk of failure, but in order to maximize the success rate, you need both a professional surgeon to perform the surgery which is taken care by Flora and the determination to stick to a certain lifestyle and diet that depends heavily upon you.

When to get gastric sleeve?

You are a good candidate for gastric sleeve if you have a BMI of 40 or above and intend to lose a substantial amount of weight in a short period of time.

Where to get gastric sleeve surgery?

The two important factors of quality and cost have made Iran the best choice for undergoing a gastric sleeve surgery.

Who can perform a gastric sleeve surgery?

A bariatric surgeon performs surgeries with the purpose of altering body to reach weight-loss goals.

Who is the best gastric sleeve surgeon?

There has been no absolute standard to find who is the best surgeon for gastric sleeve surgery., Flora tries to find the best surgeons in Iran to perform your surgery with a maximum likelihood of success.

Why to choose gastric sleeve instead of gastric bypass?

Both gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery are effective for losing a high amount of weight in a short time. In fact, choosing which one is a better option depends heavily on your goals and physical condition. Generally, gastric bypass is a better option for those who are highly overweight with a BMI of over 40. On the other hand, the gastric sleeve has a lower risk of dumping syndrome after the surgery.

Why does a gastric sleeve fail?

The failure rate of gastric sleeves is very low, but there are a number of technical, physiological, and psychological factors that can increase the risk. These factors include failure to choose a skilled surgeon, resuming improper eating habits, big size of sleeve even after surgery, stomach stretch over time, and having a long intestine. Our medical staff examine all these factors and by choosing the best surgeon you will have a surgery with maximum success rate.

Why to get a gastric sleeve?

By a gastric sleeve, you can expect to lose 60-70% of your excess weight within 18 to 24 months following the surgery which can also help cure and prevent many obesity-related health conditions.

Why should I undergo a diet before gastric sleeve?

By following a pre-op diet plan, you have the chance of losing fat deposits in and around your liver and abdomen which can subsequently allow for a laparoscopy instead of a more invasive open surgery. Laparoscopy is also easier on the body and requires less post-op recovery time. Moreover, a pre-op diet can warm you up for the more strict diet you should follow in post-op period.

Will gastric sleeves help GERD?

In most patients who undergo gastric sleeve, GERD is relieved but for a minority it may get worse. So, the surgery is generally not recommended for people with severe GERD.

Will gastric sleeves help PCOS?

Gastric sleeve is one of the most effective types of weight-loss surgeries in order to ameliorate symptoms of PCOS condition.

Will gastric sleeves work for me?

Gastric sleeve is not a good option for everyone who intends to get rid of fat deposits. It is for those who are severely obese or have a medical condition that losing weight helps it. For more information contact our consultants.

Will gastric sleeves help fatty liver?

Gastric sleeve performs great in helping severely obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Will gastric sleeve cure sleep APNEA?

Bariatric surgery is considered as one of the most effective ways of healing APNEA disorder by eliminating or reducing the upper airway collapse that is responsible for this condition.

Will gastric sleeve cure binge eating?

As more of a psychiatric disorder, it is recommended that you consult a mental health professional before you undergo a gastric sleeve, as this surgery may not be suffice to cure any eating disorder on its own.

Will gastric sleeve help with diabetes?

Gastric sleeve is an effective way of helping and even eliminating diabetes. Studies suggest that it is far more effective than taking medications in the long run.

Can gastric sleeve surgery fail?

Rarely does gastric sleeve surgery fail unless the patient does not follow the instructions in the recovery period. Our experts will be checking on you regularly to help you pass a successful surgery and recovery period.

How long gastric sleeve surgery lasts?

As long as you follow a healthy and standard diet after the surgery, the results are going to be permanent.