Frequently Asked Questions about Tummy Tuck

Our Surgeons Answered Frequent Questions about Tummy Tuck.

Are tummy tuck scars bad?

Tummy tuck, like any other surgery, leaves scars. The scars and incisions are accumulated around the bellybutton. At first the scars may be visual, but will gradually disappear and blend into your skin.

Are tummy tuck scars permanent?

The scars will fade, they will not disappear. But you should not worry about the appearance of your belly after the surgery, because the scars will easily be hidden in the bikini line.

Are tummy tucks dangerous?

Any surgery has complications, including tummy tuck. But there is no need to worry! You will have a completely safe surgery at Flora agency.

Are tummy tucks safe?

Tummy tuck could cause side effects like any other surgery, but our prestigious doctors will perform the safest surgery for you.

Are tummy tuck results permanent?

During a tummy tuck procedure, the surgeon eliminates fat cells and the removed fat cannot return. So tummy tuck results are permanent and your skin won’t loosen either, unless there’s a significant change in weight which will make your skin sag.

Are tummy tuck scars a turn off?

Some people might find tummy tuck scars unpleasant because it may flatten the navel after fading in. If you don’t like how your belly button looks after the procedure, you can get a belly button reshaping surgery.

Are tummy tuck stitches dissolvable?

Fortunately, most of the time the skin dissolves the stitches. It takes approximately 120 days.

Are tummy tuck scars worth it?

98% of the clients are all satisfied by the results and claim are ‘totally worth it’.

Are abdominoplasty sutures permanent?

Sutures used during tummy tuck are permanent and temporary. The permanent ones tighten the muscles, and will last forever.

Are abdominoplasty and panniculectomy the same thing?

Both tighten belly skin, but panniculectomy, unlike abdominoplasty, does not tighten the muscles.

Can tummy tuck kill you?

Surgery will always have certain complications. Flora’s medical team has always performed the best surgeries, and it is far-fetched to die during the operation.

Can tummy tuck help back pain?

Tummy tuck will strengthen the muscles and improve your posture, leading to a decrease in back pain.

Can tummy tuck remove stretch marks?

Tummy tuck can remove many of the stretch marks, especially between the belly button and the bikini line.

Does insurance cover tummy tuck?

Insurance plans will cover panniculectomy, not tummy tuck.

Can tummy tuck be medically necessary?

Tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery and is not medically necessary.

Can tummy tuck remove fat?

During tummy tuck, the surgeon eliminates fat cells with the fat stored inside them.

Can tummy tuck scars be removed?

You can make the scars fade even more with specific treatments like laser therapy.

Can tummy tuck help incontinence?

Forming up and strengthening the muscles during tummy tuck will reduce incontinence.

Can abdominoplasty cause adhesions?

Adhesions are not tummy tuck’s side effect.

Can abdominoplasty cause cancer?

Only if you have a tumor, the cancer might spread through the body during the surgery.

Can I get abdominoplasty on the NHS?

Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery, and cosmetic surgeries are not available on the NHS.

Can you claim abdominoplasty on taxes?

You are not allowed to claim abdominoplasty on taxes.

How is tummy tuck performed?

Surgeons perform tummy tuck by making incisions around and under the belly button, in order to eliminate fat cells and remove excess skin in the area. They also tighten the muscles during the procedure.

How does tummy tuck change my life?

No one often regrets a tummy tuck, and patients are mostly satisfied with the results. It will make you more confident and healthy after losing weight, excess skin, and tightening the muscles and the core.

How much does tummy tuck cost?

The operation itself will averagely cost from 4,000 dollars to 12,000 dollars, but in Iran it costs about 1,800 dollars.

How much does tummy tuck cost in the UK?

A tummy tuck surgery itself will averagely cost from 7,000 pounds to 10,000 pounds in the UK.

How long is tummy tuck recovery?

Some side effects might take up to 2 or 3 weeks, but you still aren’t fully recovered. Full recovery happens about 6 weeks after the surgery. Besides, don’t forget to eat your vitamins and drink plenty of water to speed up the healing process.

How long after tummy tuck can I drink alcohol?

Drinking alcohol is prohibited until the second week.

How much weight loss after abdominoplasty?

Patients averagely lose 2 to 5 pounds by this plastic surgery, but the results may take 6 weeks to be visible because of the swelling.

How dangerous is abdominoplasty?

Just like any other surgery, abdominoplasty may leave some side effects. Make sure to completely follow your doctor’s instructions during recovery.

What is tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck is a plastic surgery in which the surgeon removes the belly fat, and excess skin (or loose skin) and tightens the muscles in order to contour the abdomen.

What does tummy tuck do?

Tummy tuck eliminates fat cells and loose skin in the belly area and strengthens the weak abdominal muscles.

What is tummy tuck revision?

A tummy tuck will sometimes need a revision, which can be called a secondary abdominoplasty. The surgeon can perform it either at the office or in the operation room. The purpose of the revision may vary based on the results of the initial tummy tuck and your own desires.

What is tummy tuck and liposuction?

Tummy tuck is the procedure in which the surgeons remove loose skin and fat cells with their stored fat and strengthened abdominal muscles. Liposuction, lipoplasty, or body contouring, is a surgical procedure that removes fat cells from various parts of the body by suction.

What is tummy tuck without surgery?

Tummy tuck without surgery is a procedure in which belly fat cells and loose skin are removed without surgery and anesthesia, but the procedure itself will not strengthen the muscles.

What is tummy tuck exercise?

They are some special exercises that you can do a few weeks after surgery in order to enhance your belly appearance. Some common exercises are: light aerobic exercises, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), curl-ups, etc.

What to expect from a abdominoplasty?

You should expect weight loss and tightened skin and muscles in the abdomen area.

What is abdominoplasty and lipectomy?

Tummy tuck and lipectomy are very similar surgical procedures. Lipectomy focuses on the beltline (waist) fat cells and loose skin, while a tummy tuck’s main focus, however, is between the navel and the bikini line.

What does abdominoplasty entail?

Excess fat cells and loose skin elimination and muscle repair.

What is abdominoplasty recovery like?

Until you are fully recovered, you must wear an abdominal garment to avoid fluid build ups and swelling. Second, you must take some certain pills, like antibiotic. Last, never drink alcohol, it will hinder the process.

When is tummy tuck medically necessary?

A tummy tuck is medically necessary when abdominal muscles are separated, also known as diastasis recti.

When is tummy tuck covered by insurance?

Insurance does not cover tummy tuck itself. But if any other issues like infection happen, insurance may cover a part of the cost.

When to get tummy tuck?

It is recommended that patients be close to their ideal weight a few months before the surgery, because you can lose only about 2 to 5 pounds and 2 to 3 clothing sizes after a tummy tuck.

When to exercise after tummy tuck?

You can start exercising about 6 weeks after the surgery.

Where are tummy tuck scars?

Tummy tuck scars are located around the belly button and the bikini line.

Where is tummy tuck?

Surgeons perform tummy tuck on the abdomen area, between the belly button and the bikini line.

Where to buy a tummy tuck belt?

Flora’s medical team provides the tummy tuck belt after the surgery for free.

Where to get tummy tuck?

The best country to get a tummy tuck at the most affordable price is Iran.

Where to get a tummy tuck near me?

You can find near tummy tuck surgeons easily by allowing google to access your location; but the price and experienced surgeons are more important than the distance.

Where to get a tummy tuck for free?

Unfortunately, insurance does not cover abdominoplasty, and it is impossible to get a free tummy tuck, but can it be found with very affordable prices in Iran.

Where is the cheapest tummy tuck?

The cheapest country for tummy tuck is Iran. The total cost depends on the patient’s body, and usually costs about 1800 dollars.

Which tummy tuck is right for me?

The type of tummy tuck surgery is based on your own desires. There are three types:

  • Mini abdominoplasty: removes only a small amount of saggy skin and fat cells under the belly button.
  • Traditional abdominoplasty: removes saggy skin, eliminates fat cells, and repairs the weak abdominal muscles.
  • Extended abdominoplasty: more invasive, and contours the whole area.

Which is better tummy tuck or liposuction?

Tummy tuck is more invasive than liposuction. But when it comes up to belly fat, patients claim they are more satisfied by tummy tuck than liposuction.

Which Spanx after tummy tuck?

You should consult with your surgeon about the garment you need to wear. Make sure the garment fits evenly and is not too tight.

Who does abdominoplasty?

Plastic surgeons perform tummy tuck.

Who is a candidate for tummy tuck?

The best candidates for tummy tucks are men and women who have sagging skin and fat deposits on the belly area, and women who have gained weight and loose skin after pregnancy.

Why get a tummy tuck?

Because a tummy tuck will tighten skin and remove fat cells in the belly area which are not able to change.

Why compression after tummy tuck?

Wearing a tummy tuck garment after surgery will help reduce swelling, and also ease maintaining new body contours in the right way.

Why drains after tummy tuck?

Drains are attached to the patient’s body after the surgery, in order to drain fluid into the pouch. They should remain about one week after the operation.

Why swelling after tummy tuck?

Swelling is a complete normal side effect after abdominoplasty, and is a part of the healing process. After the surgery, healing compounds in the bloodstream are sent to the injured tissue. The accumulation of blood cells and fluids cause an increase in size, or swelling.

Why do muscles repair with tummy tuck?

During a tummy tuck, the surgeon stitches the two ends of the separated muscles together. Besides, repairing muscles will tone up the belly and make you look even healthier.

Will tummy tuck remove love handles?

Tummy tuck can’t remove love handles on its own, but tightening up the abdomen area will indirectly reduce the love handles which are located on the waist.

Will tummy tuck fix diastasis recti?

Diastasis recti heals without surgery after about 1 year. But some women may attempt to speed up the process with a tummy tuck, which stitches the two ends of the separated muscles together

Will tummy tuck remove stretch marks?

During a tummy tuck, the surgeon completely removes or minimizes stretch marks.

Will tummy tuck remove fat?

Tummy tuck eliminates fat cells stored inside the abdomen area. The fat normally won’t return.

Will tummy tuck affect future pregnancy?

Any kind of plastic surgery, including tummy tuck, will not affect a woman’s future pregnancy, but surgeons advise to wait till 6 months after surgery to completely recover for the pregnancy.

Will Tricare cover abdominoplasty?

Tricare does not cover any type of cosmetic surgery, unless it is medically necessary.

Will Aetna cover abdominoplasty?

Aetna covers cosmetic surgeries which plan to improve functioning of a body part, but does not believe that abdominoplasty has the same goal.

Are tummy tuck scars worth it?

98% of the clients are all satisfied by the results and claim are ‘totally worth it’.

How much does tummy tuck cost?

The operation itself will averagely cost from 4,000 dollars to 12,000 dollars, but in Iran it costs about 1,800 dollars.