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Body Contouring

It is a dream coming true for many to lose a substantial amount of weight and get their ideal body shape. However, this might not be the end of story for them. After the weight loss, they might have trouble dealing with complications such as sagging skin that lacks elasticity. Here, a body contouring surgery following major weight loss can do the trick. This surgical procedure can both remove excess sagging skin and fat as well as improving the shape of the underlying support tissue.

What is Body Contouring Surgery?

Body contouring is a generic term referring to several types of procedure that help remove excess sagging skin and fat after major weight loss. These procedures reduce or remove stubborn pockets of fat to contour and shape different the underlying tissues of the body. Liposuction, tummy tuck, and breast rejuvenation are among the most common surgical types of body contouring surgery. There are also non-surgical alternatives such as ultrasound and radiofrequency energy techniques that can provide the results without any incision.

Why is Body Contouring Surgery Done?

You may undergo a body contouring surgery for several kinds of reasons. The following is a list of common reasons that you might opt for a body contouring surgery:

  • Removing excess fat from unwanted areas either using liposuction or non-invasive alternatives such as radiofrequency technique
  • Giving a better shape and contour to your body areas such as arms, back, belly and flanks (love handles), buttocks, neck and chin, thighs
  • Improving sagging skin caused after significant weight loss
  • Correcting asymmetry in different parts of body such as breasts and buttock
  • Gaining more self-confidence
  • Reconstructive purposes such as restoring function and normal appearance to a body area
  • Being unable to get rid of excess fat by exercise

Types of Body Contouring Surgery

Body contorting surgery involves both surgical and non-surgical options. Each of these options target specific areas of body. First, you can get to know the main types of surgical body contouring procedures:


Liposuction is the most common type of body contouring surgery. The procedure involves suctioning out the fat deposits from unwanted areas such as abdomen and thighs. These fat pockets are further purified and injected into the target area. This is a good option for candidates who have a stable weight and localized fatty deposits that are unwanted.

2.Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure targeted at the abdomen to reduce excess fat and skin. The surgery involves removing excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen in order to tighten the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall. The procedure can improve sagging skin as well as the extra fat which is not removable by means of exercise.

3.Breast rejuvenation (including Breast Lift, Reduction or Augmentation)

Breast rejuvenation surgery includes several types of surgery that aim to restore breast contour and shape. The first type of breast rejuvenation is breast lift which improves breast profile and removes sagging skin. Breast reduction aims to reduce the size of breast mostly by means of suctioning out the excess fat. Breast augmentation is also another type of breast rejuvenation that increases the size of breast. This volume increase will happen by using either fat pockets suctioned from other areas or inserting breast implants into the breast area.

4.Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)

An arm lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the under portion of your upper arms. During an arm lift, the surgeon removes excess skin and fat from between the armpit and elbow. The main goal of an arm life is reducing excess sagging skin that droops downward and removing excess fat in the upper arm region. The procedure also helps tighten and smooth the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm.

5.Buttock lift

As its name suggests, a buttock lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the buttocks. It may be done as part of a tummy tuck (belt lipectomy) or lower body lift to improve the contour of your buttocks, groin, thighs and abdomen. Note that a buttock lift cannot add any volume to the buttocks on its own. However, coupling the procedure with a butt augmentation can help boost both shape and size of your buttocks. There are two ways for this volume augmentation; first is by using your own body fat and the other is by placement of butt implants.

6-A circumferential body lift procedure

Circumferential body lift procedure removes a belt of skin to create a smoother, more youthful body contour in the target areas. These areas include subcutaneous fat and tissue in the abdomen, skin in the waist and buttock areas. The procedure has the advantages including improvement of your body while it helps enhance your self-confidence.

7.Thigh Lift

A medial thigh lift is a common cosmetic surgery to address sagging skin in your inner thighs. The procedure starts by making an incision from your groin down toward your knee or toward the back of your thigh area.


A panniculectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the pannus, excess skin and tissue from the lower abdomen. Contrary to a tummy tuck, the panniculectomy does not tighten the abdominal muscles.

There are also some non-surgical options for body contouring surgeries. Pay attention that these options are not as effective as the surgical options. The following is the list of main types of non-surgical body contouring:

1.Cold treatments (CoolSculpting)

CoolSculpting is a popular non-surgical type of body contouring the area by killing fat cells. The procedure employs temperatures cold enough to kill fat cells without resorting into liposuction.

2.Heat treatments (SculpSure)

SculpSure is an FDA- approved type of body contouring that uses heat to remove fat from unwanted target areas. This method uses laser energy to destroy the structure of fat cells. At the end, the body eliminates the dead cells to reach fat reduction goals.

3.Ultrasound energy (UltraShape)

UltraShpae method is a procedure that uses gentle ultrasound technology to destroy fat in just three pain-free treatment sessions. This is a very good non-surgical option to get rid of reduce stubborn fat that is resistant to lose by exercise.

4.Radiofrequency energy (truSculpt, Vanquish)

This treatment method uses radiofrequency energy to heat tissues to the point of cell death. The procedure employs a flat instrument called an applicator that is placed on the target area to procedure the necessary radiation. TruSculpt and Vanquish are two most common types of Radiofrequency energy technique.

Is Iran the Wise Choice for Body Contouring Surgery?

For anyone who has a cosmetic surgery in mind, Iran seems now as a dazzling choice. Offering high-quality services and making use of advanced and newly developed techniques has made Iran among the top medical tourism destinations in the world. Here, are the main reasons why Iran tops all other choices for your body contouring surgery:

  • Far more economic prices
  • Comparable quality of services with European countries
  • Getting treated by well-experienced board-certified surgeons
  • Visiting spectacular tourism monument, historical places and tombs in Iran
  • Offering you bazars full of goods and souvenirs at a low cost
  • Making use of state-of-the-art equipment and technologies
  • Having alternative choices including less invasive or non-invasive procedures like Lasik treatments and Radiofrequency techniques

How much does a Body Contouring Surgery Cost?

The cost of body contouring surgery depends on two main factors, type of surgery and destination country. As an example, a full body lift has an average price 30000$ in the world. With the world average price, you can undergo an arm surgery in the range of 8000$. For a surgery on your inner thighs you may have to pay 10000$ a pair. Far below the world average price, you can have different types of body contouring surgery in Iran. As an example, the cost of a Lower body lift in Iran is around $3000, far below its global price at $8000. Choose Flora and enjoy from our all-inclusive body coming at amazing prices cheaper than the average price in Iran with high-quality services. With Flora, you can have your breast rejuvenation, liposuction, and tummy tuck surgery at 2100$, 2000$, and 1800$ respectively.

Am I a Good Candidate for Body Contouring Surgery?

You should check the following list of items to see if you are a good candidate for a body contouring surgery:

  • Significant weight loss has left excess skin on your body
  • You are already within or near your target weight
  • Being realistic about your surgery results
  • No addiction to cigarette and drinking
  • You are prepared to follow specific instructions and a diet plan for your life

On contrary, you may not be a good candidate for the surgery in the following cases:

  • Suffering from an undiagnosed condition
  • Not being ready to follow specific instructions during your recovery period
  • Harsh addiction to cigarette and drinking

Preparing for Body Contouring Surgery

There are some specific instructions that you should follow before you undergo your body contouring surgery:

  1. Get cleared for surgery by your surgeon
  2. You will have to take a lab test which will be done in Iran
  3. Take certain medications or discuss your current medications with a specialist
  4. Avoid smoking for two a month beforehand of surgery
  5. Stay away from taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding
  6. Refrain from eating or drinking for a specific period of time, typically 12 hours before surgery

There are also some specific instructions to prepare for different kinds of procedures:


  • Make sure that you have tried to lose as much weight as you can by exercise
  • Bathe and wash your hair in the night before surgery as you may not be able to bathe for several days

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

  • Stop ALL herbal medications, supplements, teas and diet pills, as they may increase bleeding for at least two weeks
  • Drink plenty of fluids containing electrolytes (Gatorade, Smartwater, etc.) during the day prior to your surgery

Breast rejuvenation (including breast lift, reduction or augmentation)

Brachioplasty (arm lift)

  • Do not lift your arms above shoulder level for three to four weeks from surgery time
  • Work on getting into a regular routine with exercise and a sustainable nutrition plan for weight maintenance before going under the knife

Buttock lift

  • Prepare mentally to avoid sitting directly on the fat grafted area for at least three weeks.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle before your procedure

A circumferential body lift procedure

  • Try to be at a stable, dependable weight before you undergo a lower body lift.
  • Keep your body well-hydrated and maintain a good and healthy life style before the surgery

Thigh lift

  • Keep your body at a stable weight for a significant period of time as weight gain can counter your surgery results
  • Clean thighs properly to minimize the risk of infection in the surgical area


  • You should generally be at a stable weight for six months before undergoing a panniculectomy.
  • Wear loose clothing so you can easily change it

Non-surgical options:

There is normally not much specific instructions to prepare for non-surgical body contouring. Therefore, the general instructions above are usually applicable for non-surgical options as well.

The Procedure of Body Contouring Surgery

As Body contouring surgery includes several kinds of procedures all aiming to improve your body shape and contour. These include panniculectomy (removing excess skin in the lower abdominal region), abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), liposuction and excisional body lifts, such as a lower body lift, arm lift (brachioplasty), thigh lift or buttock augmentation. Each of these procedures has its own steps. In below you can find each types of these surgery with their main steps:

  • The surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting or surgical facility
  • The surgery starts with making an incision in the target body area
  • Next, your surgeon removes fat from unwanted areas with excess fat using liposuction. If you need no size change, the surgeon only tightens the skin in the area
  • If needed, the suctioned fat pockets get purified and further injected into the area with low volume

Here are specific points that may be different about any type of body contouring surgery:


  • The surgeon removes excess skin and tissue from the lower abdomen, sometimes referred to as an “apron.”
  • This surgical option does not tighten the abdominal muscles.


  • An abdominoplasty or tommy tuck procedure flattens your abdomen by removing extra fat and skin and tightening muscles in your abdominal wall.

Breast rejuvenation (including breast lift, reduction or augmentation):

  • Breast implants include the insertion of silicone implants following the incision making process
  • In breast lift, the plastic surgeon reshapes and tightens your breasts to give them a firmer, rounder profile

Brachioplasty (arm lift)

  • The surgeon makes incision in the arm area to tighten the skin and give it an uplifted profile

Buttock lift

  • The surgery is focused on your buttock area to give it a rejuvenated look with skin tightening
  • A circumferential body lift procedure

Thigh lift

  • In this procedure the surgeon starts with making an incision in the inner thigs from the lower end up to the groin. In outer thigh lift, the incision runs from the groin around the front and side of the hip.
  • Next he/she will remove excess fat and skin, reshape and tighten the supporting tissue and give it an uplifted shape


  • First, your surgeon makes an incision in the areas with excess fat.
  • Next, he/she suctions out fat pockets and purifies them from dead cells
  • At last, the surgeon injects the fat into the target area that needs volume augmentation.

Recovery of Body Contouring Surgery

After any type of body contouring surgery, there are certain instructions for you to follow in your recovery period. Generally, it may take you around several months for a full recovery of the procedure. In below you can find the main to-do’s and not-to-do’s for this specific period of time:

  • Soreness is common during the first four weeks following your procedure
  • Your surgeon may place drains for the first week
  • Wear your surgical garments during the first two weeks
  • You may need assistance for walking in the first week

In below you can find specific instructions for each type of body contouring surgery:


  • The majority of bruising and swelling should subsides by the sixth week
  • Wear compression garments for six weeks

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

  • The recovery takes about 8 weeks on average
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for a minimum of 3 months.
  • Put off any type of strenuous physical activity that affects your incision line until six weeks following the surgery

Breast rejuvenation (including breast lift, reduction or augmentation)

  • It usually takes between 6 to 12 weeks for the breasts to achieve their final shape
  • You should be wearing a breast bra 24 hours a day for a specific time after surgery (depends on the surgery type)

Brachioplasty (arm lift)

  • Arm lift recovery timeline is usually 1 to 2 weeks
  • Keep your arms elevated with pillows as it can help reduce swelling and increase comfort during recovery
  • It is likely that you have your arms wrapped from the wrist to the armpit for the first 72 hours following the surgery

Buttock lift

  • Wear a compression garment for the areas treated with liposuction
  • You may be also instructed to use a booty pillow to put less pressure on your butt

A circumferential body lift

  • Put off any vigorous exercise until 6-8 weeks following surgery
  • You will have drain tubes that will be removed 7-10 days following surgery.

Thigh lift

  • Your recovery will take 5 weeks on average
  • Refrain from strenuous exercise for 6-8 weeks
  • Wear compression garments until 4 weeks post-surgery


  • It may take 2-4 months for the incision to fully heal
  • After a week, your surgeon may remove your while deeper sutures will remain to dissolve by time

Non-surgical options

As non-surgical options are non-invasive they include no or little downtime. So, there is usually no special recovery time afterwards.

Body contouring VS. Mammy makeover

Body contouring and Mommy makeover are two generic terms including several types of surgeries. These two terms have both similarities and differences. First, get to know the similarities in below:

  • Both Body contouring and Mommy makeover involve several types of surgery
  • There are common types of surgery between Body contouring and Mommy makeover (such as a breast lift, a tummy tuck, and liposuction)

In below you can also get to know the main features that differentiates these two terms

  • Mommy makeover includes a breast lift, a tummy tuck, and liposuction (normally of the tummy and lower body). However, Body contouring surgery involves all surgery types that intend to tighten, add or reduce volume in your body parts
  • Body contouring is mainly a reconstructive surgery while Mommy makeover a combination of cosmetic surgery procedures

Risks and Side Effects of Body Contouring Surgery

Just like the surgery can give you desirable results, there are some risks and side effects associated with body contouring. The following is a list of most common risks that may come with the procedure:

  • Surgery-related risks
  • Excess Fluid.
  • Internal Bleeding.
  • Formation of blood clots

In below you can also see the mostly possible side effects of body contouring surgery:

  • Scarring is of the most common side effects associated with body contouring
  • Wounds may fail to heal properly.
  • Anesthesia-related side effects
  • Swelling, tenderness and bruising in the surgical site

Last Word

Body contouring surgery is a general solution for loose skin that droops after major weight loss. The surgery can also help remove extra fat from unwanted area to create a desirable contour and improve the tone of underlying tissue. Liposuction, tummy tuck, and breast rejuvenation are among the most common types of body contouring surgery. There are also some non-invasive alternatives for the procedure including cold treatments, heat treatments, and ultrasound (UltraShape) and radiofrequency techniques. However, these non-surgical methods are for more subtle treatments and for more dramatic results you may need to opt for surgical options. Choose Flora for your body contouring surgery and enjoy from our exceptional services, highly qualified surgeons and incredible prices from 6000$.

Body Contouring Asked Questions

Is body contouring safe?

Body contouring is an absolutely safe procedure with less than 1% of patients reporting any complications.

Is body contouring permanent?

While body contouring results may not be totally permanent, they can last for a long time (up to 10 years) depending on your own habits.

Can body contouring cause cancer?

There is no scientific evidence that shows any link between surgical and non-surgical body contouring and cancer.

Who can do body contouring?

As body contouring includes several types of procedures, each type may require a different type of surgeon. As an example, dermatologic surgeons (dermatologists), cosmetic surgeons, gynecologist, and plastic surgeons are commonly able to perform liposuction surgery.

How many body contouring treatments are there?

There are two types of body contouring treatments; surgical and non-surgical. There are 8 main surgical options such as liposuction and breast rejuvenation. Common types of non-surgical options are 4 types such as CoolSculpting and radiofrequency energy.

How long does body contouring last?

The results of both surgical and non-surgical body contouring procedures can last up to 10 years or more.

What is body contouring and skin tightening?

If you have loose skin after liposuction on the target area, your surgeon may combine body contouring with skin tightening. Here, the surgeon tightens older skin with skin laxity issues to create a better body contour.

What is body contouring laser?

Laser body contouring is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser energy to remove fat and perform skin fixation.

What is the best body contouring procedure?

Finding the best body contouring procedure is largely dependent on your goals and conditions. Generally, non-surgical options such as radio frequency (RFenergy create more subtle results. For more dramatic results you may need to choose surgical body contouring potions.

Which procedure is the most effective body contouring?

Liposuction is the most effective way to remove excess fat stores in your body and creates most dramatic results.

What is a body contouring session?

Non-surgical options of body contouring happen in several sessions which may take between 30-60 minutes, depending on the size and number of treatment areas.

Ramin Pourasadian

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