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Body lift 

Having sagging skin and excess fat is a common problem as you lose weight, age or undergo childbirth. While a good routine exercise and a healthy diet can help, it may not suffice on its own to regain a rejuvenated body profile. In this case, a body lift is a dazzling choice to remove your extra fat and tone your skin at the same time. To know more about the procedure, get a free consultation about your body lift surgery from our experts.


What is body lift?

A body lift is surgical procedure that improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports skin and fat. This procedure removes excess sagging skin and fat while improving irregular skin surface. These body procedure come mainly into two types; lower and upper body lift. Lower body lift includes abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks. On contrary, an upper body lift mainly includes upper arm lift, breast lift (or gynecomastia). There are also some non-surgical alternatives that come with subtler results and the advantage of having no downtime. These include RF therapy, laser treatments, infrared light therapy, and body endermologie®.

Why is a body lift done?

There are a handful of main reasons that you might opt for a body lift surgery including:

  • Improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue in different parts of body
  • Removing excess fat from unwanted areas such as hips, buttocks and breasts
  • Treating excess sagging skin caused by significant weight, loss, aging, or childbirth
  • Gaining more confidence in your body shape
  • Correcting asymmetry in buttocks and breasts that is due to shrinkage

What are the Target Areas for a Body Lift?

A body lift can be generally distanced into lower and upper body lift. First, you can find the main target areas for an upper body lift in the following:

  • Neck
  • Upper arm
  • Breasts
  • Upper back
  • Side of the chest

On the other hand, lower body lift targets the following main areas:

  • Lower abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Surrounding areas

What are the Types of Body Lift?

The types of body lift surgery come mainly into two types; upper and lower body lift. The following are the main types of upper body lift:

  • Neck lift

A neck lift is a surgical procedure to tighten loose skin and remove excess fat around the neck area and jawline. A neck lift is a great way to achieve a tauter and more youthful looking neck. As neck is a highly noticeable part of the body, a neck lift can add a lot to your attractively.

  • Arm Lift

An arm lift is a surgical procedure that improves the profile of the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm. This cosmetic procedure, also known as brachioplasty, removes excess sagging skin that droops downward from between the armpit and elbow. This procedure might also include liposuction to reduce localized pockets of fat in the upper arm area.

Breast lift, aka mastopexy, is a procedure, to raise and reshape your breasts to give them a firmer, rounder look. The surgery also removes extra skin around your breast and reduces the size of your areola — the red colored circle around your nipple.

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a procedure that flattens your abdomen by removing extra fat and skin. This procedure can also tighten muscles in your abdominal wall. This, in turn, creates an improved contour in your abdominal area. Tummy tucks can come in from of “mini” or a more invasive procedure depending on the amount of skin and fat to be removed.

The following types are the remainder of body lift procedures that come under lower body lift:

  • Lateral (outside) thigh lift and hips

Outer thigh lift surgery, also known as lateral thigh lift, is a body lift procedure used to create thinner outer thighs with an enhanced skin profile. This procedure is a great option to improve loose skin, massive skin folds, and fat bulges in the outer aspect of the thighs. If needed, this procedure may also include liposuction and excision of skin to create a firmer and more lifted look in the hips.

A buttock lift, or butt lift, is a procedure to remove excess skin and fat are from the buttocks. Next, the remaining skin is repositioned to create a more lifted.

Non-surgical Body Lift Options

In addition to the surgical body lift, there are also some non-surgical alternatives for a body lift surgery that usually give less dramatic results. These alternatives usually have the advantage of coming with zero down time and less possibility of complications.

  • Radiofrequency (RF) Therapy

RF therapy is a non-surgical method that tightens loose skin on your body by stimulating the production of collagen. The procedure typically takes less than an hour and should be almost painless with no downtime.

  • Infrared Light Therapy

This technique uses heating that causes the body to initiate the healing process which stimulates collagen and elastin production. Similar to ultrasound and radiofrequency, infrared light therapy causes gradual improvement on the skin over the course of several months.

  • Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are another type of non-invasive body lift alternative that can improve the shape and profile of various body areas without any surgery. They mainly use a heating effect of the laser that stimulates collagen production to tighten and tone the skin, resulting in an uplifted appearance in the area.

  • Body Endermologie®

Endermologie is a safe, FDA-approvedtreatment procedure that uses a device that alternately massages and sucks on the skin. This can remove the appearance of cellulite and improve the tone of skin at the same time.

Is Iran the Wise Choice for Body Contouring Surgery?

For anyone who has a cosmetic surgery in mind, Iran seems now as a dazzling choice. Offering high-quality services and making use of advanced and newly developed techniques has made Iran among the top medical tourism destinations in the world. Here, are the main reasons why Iran tops all other choices for your body contouring surgery:

  • Far more economic prices
  • Comparable quality of services with European countries
  • Getting treated by well-experienced board-certified surgeons
  • Visiting spectacular tourism monument, historical places and tombs in Iran
  • Offering you bazars full of goods and souvenirs at a low cost
  • Making use of state-of-the-art equipment and technologies
  • Having alternative choices including less invasive or non-invasive procedures like Lasik treatments and Radiofrequency techniques

How much does a Body Contouring Surgery Cost?

The cost of body contouring surgery depends on two main factors, type of surgery and destination country. As an example, a full body lift has an average price 30000$ in the world. With the world average price, you can undergo an arm surgery in the range of 8000$. For a surgery on your inner thighs you may have to pay 10000$ a pair. Far below the world average price, you can have different types of body contouring surgery in Iran. As an example, the cost of a Lower body lift in Iran is around $3000, far below its global price at $8000. Choose Flora and enjoy from our all-inclusive body coming at amazing prices cheaper than the average price in Iran with high-quality services. With Flora, you can have your breast rejuvenation, liposuction, and tummy tuck surgery at 2100$, 2000$, and 1800$ respectively.

Who is a Good Candidate for Body Lift?

The following features serves right about you, you may be a good candidate for a body lift:

  • Have lost a significant amount of weight and that left sagging skin on your body
  • You are overweight and physical activity and changes in your diet couldn’t be of enough help
  • Your skin has lost its elasticity
  • Being over 18 years old
  • Have a body mass index that’s greater between 25 and 32

On contrary, if the following conditions proves right about you, you may not be a good candidate for the procedure:

  • Being under 18 years old
  • Not being prepared to follow a strict diet plan throughout your lift
  • You have an addiction to cigarette or drinking
  • Having an abnormal mammogram
  • Suffering from certain conditions such as heart disease
  • Allergies to anesthesia

Why is Iran the Wise Choice for Body Lift?

Are you wondering about which country to choose as your medical destination? Then read the following reasons why Iran is your wisest and best choice:

  • Making use of most advanced and novel medical equipment and techniques
  • Much cheaper price for all-inclusive surgery packages
  • Comparative quality of services with top-rated countries
  • Having well-experienced board-certified surgeons
  • Visiting tourism attractions, historical places and tombs in Iran
  • Buying souvenirs at a low cost in Iranian Bazars
  • Giving you a wide array of choices including alternative choices including less invasive or non-invasive procedures like Lasik treatments and Radiofrequency techniques

How much does a Body Lift cost in Iran?

The global average body lift cost is about 8000$. This is only the surgeon’s fee, and for a full body lift price you should add other prices such as anesthesia, hospitalization and etc. In the US, the price might go up to somewhere between $15,000 and $30,000 or more for a full body lift. If you are looking for a far more economic price, then Iran is offering body lift surgery with an average cost of 4000$. This cost usually includes doctor visit, clinic, anesthesia, post-op recovery, follow-up, etc. Choose Flora and enjoy from our incredibly priced body lift packages with highest service quality including all you need from 3000$.

Preparing for a Body Lift

If you would like to opt for a body lift, you need to take specific measures before your surgery as a preparation. The following are general instructions that you need to follow for your body lift regardless of its specific type:

  • Don’t eat anything from the night before surgery
  • Stop smoking and drinking for a minimum of 3 weeks before surgery
  • You may need to lose some weight if you have a BMI over 32 (Consult with our specialists about it)
  • Avoid taking certain medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding

In the following you can get to know about the specific instructions for each type of body lift surgery:

Neck lift

  • Follow a diet free of alcohol, very fatty and sugar-laden foods for a week before surgery
  • Get yourself ready to follow a specific lifestyle for the recovery period after surgery (like keeping your head straight and not twisted)

Arm Lift

  • Get prepared for the lifestyle after surgery where you are not able to do certain things including lifting your arms for some time
  • Try to maintain a lifestyle with exercise and a sustainable nutrition plan before your surgery time

Breast lift

  • Go near your ideal weight before the surgery
  • Get a baseline mammogram both before and after breast lift surgery to help find any changes in your breast tissue.

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

  • Avoid herbal medications, supplements, teas and diet pills, as they may increase bleeding for at least two pre-op weeks
  • Drink plenty of fluids containing electrolytes (Gatorade, Smartwater, etc.) during the day prior to your surgery

Lateral (outside) thigh lift and hips

  • You must be able to return to work within a week
  • Avoid any demanding job or activity for about three weeks

Buttocks lift

  • You should be ready for a 3 week period when you are not allowed to sit on the fat injected area
  • Keep a healthy diet that is full of fruit, vegetables, and legume before and after BBL surgery
  • In some cases, candidates need a weight-gaining diet that is full of healthy fat for a specific period of time to gain more fat pockets before the surgery

What is the Procedure of a Body Lift?

Body lift contains several specific subtypes of surgery. The following is the general procedure that a body lift contains:

  • At first, the surgeons uses general or local anesthesia to the area
  • The surgeon makes an incision in the target area
  • Next, he/she removes excess fat, tissue and tightens the skin
  • At last, the surgeons ends the surgery by stitching the incisions closed

Get to know about the specific steps of each type of body lift surgery in below:

Neck lift

  • The surgeon makes the first incision in the hairline, runs down and around the ear and ends in the posterior hair
  • If needed, the surgeon will sculpt or redistribute fat from the jowls and neck
  • Then, he/she redrapes the skin over the uplifted contours and the excess skin is removed
  • A separate incision under the chin may be necessary to suction out the excess fat in this area

Arm Lift

  • The surgeon first removes excess skin and fat from the underarms (between the armpit and elbow)
  • Then the surgeon tightens the skin over the newly repositioned contours

Breast lift

  • The incision runs around the areola
  • Next, the surgeon will lift and reshape your breasts to give it a rejuvenated contour

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

  • This procedure mainly removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen
  • The surgeon usually tightens the connective tissue in the abdomen (fascia)

Lateral (outside) thigh lift and hips

  • The surgeon starts by liposuction of the thigh to help thin the fatty deposits of the thigh
  • The, he/she makes varying lengths of incisions to remove the outer thigh skin

Buttocks lift

  • The surgery starts with removing excess skin and fat  from buttocks using liposuction
  • Then, the surgeons repositions the remaining skin to create a more youthful look

Recovery of Body Lift

After you surgery, you should spend a recovery period where you are not allowed to do certain things. You also have to follow certain general instructions throughout this period of time:

  • Your surgeon will apply dressings or bandages to the incisions after the procedure
  • Small, thin tubes may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess blood that may collect.
  • You may need to use compression garments to help you with your swelling in the first week
  • Avoid working for at least two to three weeks off from work
  • Restrict your normal activities for four to six weeks
  • Wait approximately six to eight weeks before you can resume any heavy exercise
  • Bruising will begin to go away in a few weeks, and the swelling should subside within a few months

In the following you can get to know about the specific instructions that your surgery might require:

Neck lift

  • Wear your bandage day and night for the first week following the surgery
  • Keep your head straight (without excessive twisting) and elevated above your heart to minimize swelling during the first two weeks

Arm lift

  • Avoid activities that raise your blood pressure in the first week as they can cause bleeding in the incision sites
  • Put off heavy lifting, contact sports and jogging for up to six weeks

Breast lift

  • Patients typically are off work for three to seven days
  • It usually takes 6 to 12 weeks to be able to observe the final results

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

  • You should be wearing an abdominal binder for about six weeks
  • It commonly takes six weeks before you return to weight training
  • Ice packs can help reduce the swelling

Lateral (outside) thigh lift and hips

  • You may have to apply surgical drains which will be removed within the first week.
  • Keep using a soft compression garment as instructed for about three weeks after surgery

Buttocks lift

  • Wait two to three weeks of recovery before you resume normal activities
  • You will not be allowed to sit on your butt for two weeks
  • Keep sleeping on your side or on your stomach until you reach full recovery

Risks and Complications of Body Lift

Typical to any surgery is the fact that some risks come with the sweet surgery results. In the following you can find the main risks that may be associated with a body lift:

  • Bleeding
  • Hematoma formation
  • Blood clots
  • Poor wound healing
  • Necrosis of skin or fat (tissue death)

There are also some related complications that may be the negative side of a body lift:

  • Asymmetry of breasts or buttocks
  • Infection
  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Temporary or permanent numbness or change in skin sensation
  • Need for an additional surgery due to unsatisfactory results

Body Lift VS Body Contouring

For those people who have had massive weight loss there are mainly two main options to improve their body profile; body contouring and body lift. Though the two procedure types have common features you might wonder which one is the right option for you. First, read below to get know about the similarities between body lift and body contorting:

  • If needed, body-lift procedures may be combined with contouring (liposuction) to gain maximum results
  •  Both are catchy terms and include several subtypes of surgery
  • Body lift and body contouring can elevate your self-confidence by giving a rejuvenated body profile

However the following are the features that distinguish a body lift from a body contouring surgery:

  • A body-lift is necessary when there is significant amounts of excess skin, as is often seen in massive weight-loss patients
  • A Body contouring surgery does not usually involve skin excision and is best for patients with tighter skin
  •  Body contouring does not mainly treat sagging skin but rather removes excess fat to create a slimmer and more shapely contour
  • While body lift is mainly a cosmetic procedure body contorting is generally a reconstructive procedure

Is Body Lift Worth it?

For the right candidates, a body lift can help them in several ways and is definitely a worthy choice. Here are the main advantages that make body lift worthy for you:

  • Improving sagging skin caused by pregnancy or weight loss
  • Removing excess fat pockets from unwanted area
  • Giving you an improved body contour
  • Helping with asymmetry that is due to shrinkage in your buttocks and breasts
  • Looking more attractive in clothes
  • Gaining elevated levels of self-confidence

Last Word

A body lift is a great option for those who are unsatisfied with their body shape and loose skin that droops. This can to help remove fat and help regain a rejuvenated skin tone and profile. The procedure includes both upper and lower body lift in areas such as lower abdomen, flanks, buttocks, thighs, surrounding areas, upper arm, and breasts. There are also some non-surgical alternatives including radiofrequency and laser treatments that can cause less dramatic results and come with zero down time.

Body Contouring Asked Questions

Is body contouring safe?

Body contouring is an absolutely safe procedure with less than 1% of patients reporting any complications.

Is body contouring permanent?

While body contouring results may not be totally permanent, they can last for a long time (up to 10 years) depending on your own habits.

Can body contouring cause cancer?

There is no scientific evidence that shows any link between surgical and non-surgical body contouring and cancer.

Who can do body contouring?

As body contouring includes several types of procedures, each type may require a different type of surgeon. As an example, dermatologic surgeons (dermatologists), cosmetic surgeons, gynecologist, and plastic surgeons are commonly able to perform liposuction surgery.

How many body contouring treatments are there?

There are two types of body contouring treatments; surgical and non-surgical. There are 8 main surgical options such as liposuction and breast rejuvenation. Common types of non-surgical options are 4 types such as CoolSculpting and radiofrequency energy.

How long does body contouring last?

The results of both surgical and non-surgical body contouring procedures can last up to 10 years or more.

What is body contouring and skin tightening?

If you have loose skin after liposuction on the target area, your surgeon may combine body contouring with skin tightening. Here, the surgeon tightens older skin with skin laxity issues to create a better body contour.

What is body contouring laser?

Laser body contouring is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser energy to remove fat and perform skin fixation.

What is the best body contouring procedure?

Finding the best body contouring procedure is largely dependent on your goals and conditions. Generally, non-surgical options such as radio frequency (RFenergy create more subtle results. For more dramatic results you may need to choose surgical body contouring potions.

Which procedure is the most effective body contouring?

Liposuction is the most effective way to remove excess fat stores in your body and creates most dramatic results.

What is a body contouring session?

Non-surgical options of body contouring happen in several sessions which may take between 30-60 minutes, depending on the size and number of treatment areas.




Ramin Pourasadian

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