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Wide Nose Rhinoplasty

Many people have problems with the shape of their noses which make them to undergo a nose cosmetic surgery. For the ones who are not happy with the width of their noses, a wide nose rhinoplasty is regarded as the best way to enhance the nasal appearance. However, it is very important for patients to have the enough knowledge about the distinct features of this special type of rhinoplasty before takin any serious decision. For this purpose, we decided to provide you with the below comprehensive article discussing all the related topics of wide nose rhinoplasty. Reading the following article is highly recommended for candidates of nose cosmetic surgeries.

Do I have the Wide Nose?

Having a wide nose is very common among the population and you found many people complaining about the width of their noses. In general, the noses which their widths are wider than the space between the eyes are considered as wide noses. However, some people are too sensitive about their nose appearance and considered their well-shaped nose as overly wide. These illusions should be resolved by having a medical consultation with ENT specialist.  As a general service from Flora, you can contact our online team of ENT specialist to ensure that you are having a wide nose or not. We will also help you deliberately to plan your needed rhinoplasty surgery with the most skilled surgeon at the lowest cost. To get more information, please contact us HERE.

What Causes a Wide Nose for People?

Wide noses can appear on people’s faces due to several reasons. Fortunately, with the help of nose cosmetic surgeries, this nasal impairment can get resolved easily, no matter for what reason they emerged. In below, we list the most common causes of wide nose for your consideration.

In addition to these, some special ethnic groups are famous for their wide nasal profile. We will comprehensively talk about the wide nose ethnicity in the following section.

Wide Nose Ethnicity

People from different ethnic groups may have wide nose on their faces. However, African, African Americans, Mediterraneans, and Middle Easterners tend to have wide nose more than other ethnic groups. The good news is that no matter what your ethnic group is you can get rid of your wide nose by having the rhinoplssy procedure. Moreover, patients who want to preserve their nose ethnicity while reducing the width of their nose should consider having the ethnic rhinoplasty. You can read more information about this special type of cosmetic surgery on Flora’s ethnic nose job’s page HERE.

Wide Nose vs. Bulbous Nose Tip

Overly wide nose and fleshy bulbous nose tip is the two common problems that convince people to get a nose job. Bulbous noses are the noses which have excessive fat and fleshes in their tips which make a droopy-shape nasal appearance at the end of the bridge. On the other hand, wide nose is featured with overly wide nostrils or nasal bridges. Both bulbous tip and wide nose profile can decrease the nose appearance of people hugely. That is why, people who desire more attractiveness, undergo cosmetic surgery to treat these problems.  Although it is very rare, but some patients may suffer from both a wide nose and bulbous tip which make their needed rhinoplasty more complicated than usual. In cases that have only a bulbous nose tip, a bulbous nose rhinoplasty can easily resolve the excessive flesh of patients’ nasal tips. To get more information about bulbous tip rhinoplasty (also called tiplasty), you can visit Flora’s other page HERE.

How to Narrow my Wide Nose?

Patients can get various treatments and remedies to narrow their overly wide noses. However, according to ENT specialists, the best way to get rid of a wide nose is to have rhinoplasty. Either surgical or nonsurgical rhinoplasty can result a narrower nose for patients. Depending on the condition of patients, the doctor should suggest the fitting treatment to produce a desired result. Besides the rhinoplasty procedure, there are some home remedies and tricks to make your nose look smaller and narrower. For your consideration, we summarized them in below.

  • Surgical rhinoplasty

Surgical rhinoplasty is known as the optimal treatment for the wide noses to get narrowed. Additionally, rhinoplasty surgery offers other various benefits for patients such as, opening the nasal air passageways and straighten the crooked nose. You can get more information about this surgery on Flora’s rhinoplasty page HERE.

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty, colloquially called liquid nose job, is a least-invasive cosmetic procedure that can be very beneficial for some conditions (usually the ones who need only minor adjustments). However, besides its advantages, nonsurgical nose job has also some deficiencies when compared to the surgical rhinoplasty. For this reason, it is essential for patients to pass a medical consultation with a specialist to get ensured which procedure suits them the best. You can read more information about nonsurgical rhinoplasty on Flora’s other page HERE.


  • Home remedies and tricks

Although most of the self-made remedies for narrowing the nose are just a common legend, some of them can produce a temporary result for people. Most effective among them are nasal exercise and makeup tricks. By having a regular nasal exercises, people can train their nose to look narrower and smaller. Some makeup techniques like using a darker bronzer or contour powder can also help you to make your nose look narrower. To get more details about these natural ways to reduce the size of the nose, you should visit Flora’s How to make your nose look smaller page HERE.

Techniques of Wide Nose Rhinoplasty

Reducing the width of an overly wide nose is one of the main aims that patients have for receiving their rhinoplasty surgery. As a result, ENT and plastic surgeons develop various techniques of rhinoplasty to produce a narrower smart nasal appearance for patients. The required technique for performing the patients’ surgeries should be determined based on the condition and expectation of patients. In below, we tried to summarize the two most frequently used techniques of wide nose rhinoplasty surgery to give you the overall description.

  • Alar base reduction

This technique is used for patients who are featured with wide nostrils. By reducing the alar of patients’ noses, the surgeon will result a much narrower nose profile. The incision that surgeons made during this technique is less visible than in other approaches. This technique can also be taken for performing alarplasty surgery. You can read more information about this specific type of nose surgery which is specifically used for reducing the alars of patients on Flora’s other page HERE.

  • Nasal osteotomies

As mentioned, one of the main causes of wide noses is the overly wide nasal bones of people. The only way to reduce the size of this area is to make some breaks in their structure to apply the modifications. The medical name of this technique is nasal osteotomies. This technique can combine with other approaches for achieving the more desirable result for patients.

 Open vs. Closed Wide Nose Rhinoplasty

Open and close approach is the two common techniques that are used by surgeons while performing the nose job surgery. For narrowing the patients’ wide noses, both of these nose job approaches can be taken to achieve the desired result. The decision between these two techniques should be made by the inspection of doctors from the condition of their patients. In general, open approach is more benefiting for conditions that need major changes in their nasal structure, while closed approach is usually recommended for patients with minor problems. You can read more information about the differences and procedures of open and closed rhinoplasty on Flora’s other page HERE.

Is Iran a wise choice for having my wide nose rhinoplasty?

No matter what cosmetic or medical surgery you need, Iran is known as one of the best destination that you can choose for getting your treatment. Every year, the high number of international patients travel to our country to get their needed surgery. They also leave our Iran with the biggest smile on their face that shows how satisfied they are from the result of their surgery. In the below section we will examine the benefits that Iran has in providing the high-quality cosmetic and medical services for its medical tourists.

  • Experienced and most skilled ENT and plastic surgeons of Iran who are able to perform the complex surgery of wide nose rhinoplasty at best
  • Iranian developed hospitals and clinics
  • The high percentage of satisfaction of patients from the result of their wide nose rhinoplasty
  • The low cost of wide nose rhinoplasty in Iran
  • The low cost of cosmetic and medical procedures in Iran
  • The great hospitality of Iranians
  • The natural and historical beauties of Iran
  • Iran is listed among the safest countries for traveling according to the

How much does a Wide Nose Rhinoplasty Cost?

The cost of wide nose rhinoplasty is different from one patient to another. Hence, we couldn’t specify the same price for all of the patients of rhinoplasty surgery. However, as most of the wide nose rhinoplasties are considered as a complicated surgery that requires high skills to perform, usually, their costs are more expensive than other types of nose jobs. Moreover, patients should consider the factors that may change the cost of their surgery. Being alerted from these factors can help patients to make the best decision for themselves. To get you familiar with these influencing factors, we summarized them below.

  • The experience and expertise of your surgeon
  • The location (city or country) in which you decided to have your nose job
  • The cost of required anesthesia
  • The complexity of your required nose job surgery
  • Hospital expenses
  • The cost of your medical tourism facilitator

You can also compare the cost of wide nose rhinoplasty in different countries in the below table.

Country Wide nose rhinoplasty’s average cost
US $8000
Canada $7500
UK $5000
Colombia $3500
Lithuania $3000
Turkey $3000
Mexico $3000
Spain $2500
India $2500
Iran $1800

As we mentioned, one of the exceptional advantages of Iran in cosmetic and medical services are its economical prices. This relatively low cost is because of the low price of Iranian currency compared to the dollars. Besides the low cost, the quality of these services in Iran is superior due to the factors we mentioned on the above section. This means that international medical tourists can get their high-quality medical procedure at the most economical cost in Iran. If you became interested to plan your wide nose rhinoplasty in our country, Flora agency is keen to help you deliberately to get your needed surgery easefully and efficiently. To get more detail about our all-inclusive rhinoplasty package, please contact our online consultants HERE.

What’s Different in Wide Nose Rhinoplasty?

What’s different in wide nose rhinoplasty?

Wide nose rhinoplasty is a sub-category of nose job surgeries that is highly recommended for patients with wide noses. Although wide nose rhinoplasty has some differences, but the overall procedure of it, such as its preparation, side effect, recovery, aftercare, etc are similar to other types of rhinoplasties. The main difference is the special techniques (that we discussed earlier) that surgeons may use during a wide nose rhinoplasty to achieve the desired result. You can read more information about the common stages of all types of rhinoplasty procedures, such as its preparation and recovery, on Flora’s rhinoplasty page HERE.

Last Word

Throughout the article of this page, we examined the different aspects of wide nose rhinoplasty. We also touched upon the differences and similarities between this specific type of rhinoplasty and others. It is believed that after reading this article, you shouldn’t have any more questions regarding the matters of wide nose rhinoplasty. However, if you still seek more details, you can contact our online medical team to get the answers of you questions. Our online team can also help you to plan your needed surgery in the best way possible. You can send us message simply by clicking HERE.

Ramin Pourasadian

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