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 Bulbous Nose Tip

Having a bulbous nose tip is very common among the population of the world. This problem usually originates from patients’ genetics. The term bulbous means shaped like a fat, round bulb and it refers to the excessive flesh that people have at the end of their nasal bridge (nose tip). Although the bulbous tip could be very bothersome for patients, it can easily be adjusted by having the needed treatments. In this article, we tried to clarify different aspects of the bulbous nose tip, including its causes, treatments, risks, benefits, and other related topics.

What is a bulbous nose?

The bulbous nose is a term that patients use to define an extra rounded flesh that they have on their nose tips. Many people are dealing with this problem, especially the ones who have abnormal nose anatomy. The bulbous nose may be very irritating for patients that convince them to have it fixed by having common treatments. In the following of this article, we will show you how and by which treatment you can have correct your bulbous nose. So, stay on top.

What Causes a Bulbous Tip?

A bulbous nose may arise for patients due to a combination of things. We brought up the major causes that can lead to a bulbous nose tip in the following for your consideration.

  • Abnormal nasal anatomy
  • Wide and rounded domal cartilage (the point that the cartilage swerve away from each other)
  • Lower lateral cartilage
  • Thick nose skin
  • Having fleshy nose
  • Weak cartilages

What Characterizes the Bulbous Nose Tip?

As we observed, several reasons may drive a bulbous nasal tip to appear on the nose. The main origin of a bulbous tip is the particular ethnic group that the people are come from. People from different races may have the bulbous tip in their noses. However, it is recognized that a person from African and African American race tend to have bulbous tip more than others. In this section, we will specify what characteristics dose bulbous nose tips have. In the following, we summarized the most distinguishing characteristic of a bulbous nose tip.

  • Wide nostrils
  • Round-shaped nose tip
  • Wide nasal tip
  • Extra fat under the nose skin
  • Contracted nasal bridge

How can I fix the Bulbous Nose Tip?

As medical science and technology have developed drastically, various treatments for improving the bulbous nose emerged. Rhinoplasties are considered the best option that patients can have for treating their bulbous nasal tip. In addition, patients can get a nonsurgical nose job to fix their bulbous noses. Also, some urban myths emerged among the patients for treating the buboes nose tip. However, all these home treatments are considered worthless and will have no benefits for patients’ bulbous nose tips according to many medical experts. In the following sections of the article, we will examine how rhinoplasties and non-surgical nose jobs can fix the bulbous tip by details.

Bulbous Nose Tip Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that is used for patients who want to enhance their nasal appearance. This surgery benefits patients with numerous enhancements in their nasal shape and appearance. One of these advantages is that a successful rhinoplasty procedure will treat the patients’ bulbous noses efficiently forever. During a bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty, plastic surgeons or Otolaryngologists try to refine your bulbous tip to reach harmonized nasal appearance. The requiring techniques for having a bulbous nose job may vary for different patients. In the following section, we will fully explain the different methods acquired by surgeons in a bulbous nose rhinoplasty.

Different Methods and Techniques Used in Bulbous Tip Rhinoplasty

Your surgeon may take different techniques for fixing your bulbous nasal tip during the surgery. In the same manner, different patients may require different methods for their bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty. By referring from, we will describe the primarily used method in bulbous nose job below for you to consider.

  • Suture reshaping

In this method, the surgeon places the sutures on the domal pint of the lower cartilage. This will make the domal cartilages get closer together and result a narrower tip. This technique would work effectively for patients. As a result, usage of this method is very common in the bulbous tip nose job.

  • Cephalic trimming

The Cephalic is the upper edge of the nasal lower lateral cartilages which are located on the opposite side of the nostril edge. For patients who have a prominent cephalic, having a bulbous nose tip is very common. In these conditions, the surgeon should choose this method of bulbous rhinoplasty for patients. During this surgery, which requires great skill, the surgeon will either trim or remove the prominent cartilage to achieve the desired result. Nasal tip collapsing is a potential risk of this method. This problem occurs when an unqualified surgeon removing too much cartilage from the nose.

  • Cartilage grafting

Another frequently used method of bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty is cartilage grafting. In this technique, the surgeon will take the patient’s own cartilage from the prominent area and place that to a required location in order to refine the bulbous tip. This method demands highly skilled plastic and ENT surgeons to perform. That is why many surgeons prevent getting this method in their bulbous tip rhinoplasties. However, you can benefit from this surgery by having your bulbous nose tip surgery with Flora. In Flora medical tourism agency, we appointed the best surgeons in the world for achieving our patients a most desired result. To get more information, please contact us by clicking HERE

Open and Closed Rhinoplasty for Fixing the Bulbous Nose Tip

Both of these nose job approaches can be taken for performing the patients’ bulbous tip rhinoplasty. Tough, some distinctions exist between a patient who needs a closed bulbous tip rhinoplasty and a patient who may require an open type. Patients’ conditions should be inspected by doctors to choose the most suitable rhinoplasty type for refining their nasal tip. For your consideration, we prepared the following comparison between open and closed bulbous tip rhinoplasty.

  • A closed procedure only will fix minor problems with the nasal tip. On the other hand, an open rhinoplasty will be used in cases that major changes are required.
  • An open rhinoplasty gives better access to surgeons to perform the surgery appropriately.
  • In closed bulbous rhinoplasty, all the incisions will be made inside the nose nostrils. But, the incisions are placed on the external surface of the nose in open bulbous rhinoplasty.
  • Closed rhinoplasty will have no visible scars for the patient. In contrast, an open procedure will leave patients some scars after the surgery.
  • Patients can recover faster from a closed bulbous nose job compared to the open one.

To get more information about the comparisons between open and closed rhinoplasty, you can visit Flora’s closed open rhinoplasty page. 

In which Ethnic Group having a Bulbous Tip is Common?

Truly, people from different ethnic groups may have or have not a bulbous nose tip. But generally, Africans, African Americans, Middle Easterners, and Hispanics tend to have this problem in their noses. The special characteristics of these ethnic group’s nose ethnicity may lead a bulbous tip to arise. However, all the impairments they are suffering from can be efficiently treated with a successful ethnic nose job. In ethnic rhinoplasty, the surgeon will make adjustments on the patients’ nose to both enhance its appearance and preserve its nose ethnicity. You can get more information about ethnic rhinoplasty on our other page HERE.

Bulbous Nose Rhinoplasty Recovery Procedure

Ordinarily, it takes two weeks for patients to return to their normal activities after their rhinoplasties. This is also included for a bulbous tip rhinoplasty. Depending on the type of their rhinoplasty (Open or closed), patients may expect different recovery procedures. Ordinarily, the swelling and bruising of patients will be gone after these weeks. Lastly, it is the patients’ nose tips that require the longest time to be healed after the surgery. In the following section, we prepared a Dos and Don’ts list that patients should consider during their bulbous tip rhinoplasty recovery timeline.

  • Don’t blow in the nose for at least 3 months after the surgery
  • Elevate your head by placing additional pillows under it while sleeping for the first two month after the surgery
  • Avoid doing strenuous activities for 3 months
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohols for 6 months after your surgery
  • Don’t swim for 6 months
  • Brush gently for at least 3 months
  • Don’t sneeze for at least 3 months

For more information about the recovery procedure of rhinoplasties, you should visit our comprehensive article regarding the rhinoplasty recovery period. You can go to that article by clicking HERE.

Good Candidates for the Bulbous Nose Tip Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is the best medical surgery by which patients can correct their bulbous nasal tip as well as the other problems. As a result, any patients who have bulbous nose tips decide to undergo this procedure. However, in some cases, other treatments, like a nonsurgical nose job, may benefits patients more. Hence, patients are in dilemma between the surgical and nonsurgical nose job. In the following, we studied the conditions that necessitate the patient to have surgical rhinoplasty for fixing their bulbous nose tip. A good candidate of bulbous nose rhinoplasty should have the following properties:

  • Serious problems in their nasal tip that need major changes
  • Patients who want to apply more improving changes to their nose appearance
  • In cases who are suffering from multiple nasal impairments in addition to the bulbous tip
  • Patients who don’t smoke at least for a month before and after the surgery
  • Their facial growth is complete

Is Iran a Wise Choice for Bulbous Nose Tip Rhinoplasty?

Like other medical\cosmetic surgeries, having a bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty in Iran has its profits as well. Many international patients travel to our country for having their bulbous tip surgery. All of them leave our Iran with a big smile on their face which shows that they are highly pleases with the result of their surgery. One of the reasons for this satisfying result is high-skilled Iranian ENT. Furthermore, the price for a bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty in Iran is very affordable for patients. You can see the other benefits that Iran for having a balloon sinuplasty in below.

How Much does a Bulbous Tip Rhinoplasty Cost?

As the exact costs of rhinoplasties are dependent on various factors, we couldn’t specify a single cost for all the patients. Patients of bulbous tip rhinoplasty should consider the influencing factor that may change the cost of their upcoming surgery to decide consciously. For this purpose, we list these factors in the following for your consideration.

  • Your ENT doctor’s experience and reputation
  • The country or city where you wanted to have your bulbous tip rhinoplasty
  • The type of anesthesia you would require
  • The hospital in which your surgery performed
  • The complexity of your needed bulbous tip nose job

Also, if you are considering having your rhinoplasty in a foreign country, you should regard the following factors as well.

  • Daily-life cost in that country
  • The reputation that the particular country has for cosmetic services
  • The prices of different Medical tourism agencies

Please click here to see flora’s “How Much is a Nose Job ?”.

How Much does my Bulbous Nose Tip Surgery Cost in Iran?

As a general fact, the cost of medical\cosmetic procedures in Iran is distinguishably lower in Iran than in other countries. The reason for that is the low price of the Rial (Iranian currency) compared to the dollar. Patients should notice that this low cost doesn’t imply that the quality bulbous tip rhinoplasty is inferior in Iran. Truly, the quality of different kinds of rhinoplasties in Iran is dramatically high. To compare the bulbous tip rhinoplasty cost in different countries, you should see the below table.

Country Bulbous nose Rhinoplasty’s average cost
US $8000
Canada $7500
UK $5000
Colombia $3500
Lithuania $3000
Turkey $3000
Mexico $3000
Spain $2500
India $2500
Iran $2000

*The above stats are based on the data provided by

If you became interested to have your bulbous tip rhinoplasty in our country, you can simply contact our online team HERE. Our online consultation will explain how you can plan your benefitting rhinoplasty in Iran.

Nonsurgical Nose Job Vs. Surgical Nose Job for Treating the Bulbous Nose Tip

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure in which the surgeon uses fillers to improve the nasal problems for patients. Similar to surgical rhinoplasty, a nonsurgical nose job will have its value for fixing the bulbous nose tip. It may have its specific advantages and disadvantages over the surgical nose job. Patients should regard these differences in order to make the best decision for their condition. In the following, we compared these two procedures that are commonly used for correcting the bulbous tip for your consideration.

  • The nonsurgical procedure has a very short recovery time compared to a surgical rhinoplasty
  • Surgical Rhinoplasty can result more enhancement in patients’ nose appearance than a nonsurgical procedure
  • Rhinoplasty results are permanent while nonsurgical nose job should be reperformed every 6 to 12 month
  • There are no inactions in nonsurgical nose job while for operating a surgical rhinoplasty, the surgeon will incise the nose surface to access the underlying nasal structure
  • The price for a nonsurgical rhinoplasty is more affordable than surgical rhinoplasty cost

You can read more information regarding the subjects related to a nonsurgical nose job on Flora’s nonsurgical rhinoplasty page HERE.

At the end of the day, you should choose the required procedure for yourself. A doctor’s consultation may be a great help for you. As a service from Flora, you can contact our 24\7 online medical team to have a medical consultation. During an inline session, our team of medical experts will help you through any issue you may have. You can easily send us a request HERE.

What is a Bulbous Boxy Tip?

Bulbous boxy tip or boxy nose tip like the bulbous tip is a nasal problem that decreases the nose appearance in patients. A boxy nose tip may happen for patients because of the excessive separation they have in their lower lateral cartilages. Contrastingly, a bulbous nose tip is featured with wide dome-shaped lower lateral cartilages. Having a bulbous nose tip is more common in people of Hispanic, African American, and Middle Eastern. Meanwhile, a boxy nose tip is a typical characteristic of Caucasians’ noses. Happily, a boxy tip also can be fully treated by having a successful rhinoplasty.

Can I Fix my Bulbous Nose with Makeup?

To reduce the unattractiveness of bulbous nose tips, patients can use special techniques of makeup on their faces. However, the produced enhancement is very minimal and will be gone after a while. To fix the bulbous nose tip, you should have rhinoplasty surgery to achieve a permanent promising result. You can get more information about the profits that rhinoplasty may offer you on Flora’s rhinoplasty page HERE.

Can I Fix my Bulbous Nose with Special Exercise?

There is no evidence for the effectiveness of exercising or massaging to treat or reduce the bulbous nose tip. It is just an urban legend that people rumor around. To fix your bulbous nasal tip permanently and effectively you have to undergo a rhinoplasty procedure.

Is it True that Being an Alcoholic Lead to have Bulbous Nose Tip?

It’s a myth that drinking alcoholic beverages cause a bulbous nose tip for people. Surely, drinking too much alcohol will have its harms for patients. But, it doesn’t have any relation to bulbous nose tip.

Last Word

As having a bulbous nose tip is very usual among patients, we decided to provide you with this article. In the above article, we have discussed the subjects related to a bulbous nose tip comprehensively. We believed that by reading this article all the questions in your head about a bulbous tip would be answered. However, if you still need more information or have an unanswered question, you can contact Flora’s online medical team 24\7. Our team of medical experts will set you an online consultation session as soon.

Bulbous Nose Tips Frequently Asked Questions

How to get rid of bulbous nose tips naturally?

There are many self-made remedies for treating the bulbous nose tip without having surgery. However, none of them have been proven till now. If you prefer not to have a surgical procedure to fix your bulbous nose, you should consider having a nonsurgical procedure. In non-surgical rhinoplasty or liquid rhinoplasty, the surgeon will inject filler to your nose for making the modifications. Nevertheless, the optimal treatment of bulbous nose tip is a surgical rhinoplasty. You can get more information about these two cosmetic procedures by visit Flora’s rhinoplasty and nonsurgical nose job page HERE.

Will my nose tip drop after rhinoplasty?

If you passed a successful rhinoplasty performed by an acceptable surgeon, you shouldn’t have any concern for this problem. However, in rare cases, nasal tip dropping may occur for patients after their rhinoplasty surgery. The main reason for this complication is inexperienced surgeons. To have your rhinoplasty with the most skilled ENT specialist in the world, you should choose Flora as your esteemed host for having a most successful rhinoplasty procedure. To get more information, please click HERE.

How to contour my bulbous nose tip?

In order to contour your bulbous nose effectively and permanently, you should have a rhinoplasty procedure. You can choose either a surgical or non-surgical nose job to fix the problem. However, the nonsurgical procedure won’t promise a lifetime result for patients. You can read about these two procedures commonly used to treat the bulbous nose in Flora’s other pages HERE.

How to reduce bulbous nose tips?

Rhinoplasty, either surgical or non-surgical one, is a suggested treatment for reducing the size of patients’ bulbous nose tip.

Ramin Pourasadian

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