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Alarplasty is a corrective surgery that is considered as a sub-class of rhinoplasty surgeries. This special type of rhinoplasty is suggested in the cases of overly wide noses. For some patients, undergoing alarplasty surgery may have some advantages over classic rhinoplasty. For this reason, patients should consult with an ENT specialist to ensure which surgery suits them the best. In the article on this page, we tried to examine the various topics that are related to the alarplasty procedure. So, if you are considering having nose cosmetic surgery in the near future, reading the following article is highly suggested to you.

What is Alar?

The alar of the nose is the area below the lateral nasal cartilage that is placed on both sides of the nose. Alar is working as the medial and lateral wall for the nostrils. In some people, these alars are bigger than usual which result a wide nose profile for them. Alarplaty is a cosmetic treatment that can easily enhance the nose appearance of these patients. We will fully discuss this nose surgery in the very below section.

What is Alarplasty?

Alarplasty is a special kind of rhinoplasty surgery that aims to reduce the width of the nose to enhance the nasal shape of patients. People who are featured with overly wide and less balanced nose appearance are common candidates for this surgery. Alarplasty, also known as nasal base reduction surgery,  performed for both functional and cosmetic reasons. During this operation, otolaryngologists or plastic surgeons remove or reduce the excess nasal tissues from the sides of the nose nostrils to balance the asymmetry of patients’ noses. In the following section, we will fully examine the procedures, costs, side effects, common techniques, etc about alarplasty. So, stay tuned with us.

Rhinoplasty and Alarplasty

Rhinoplasty is a broader term that refers to nose cosmetic surgeries that may be performed due to various reasons. So, many nose surgeries, such as bulbous tip rhinoplasty and drooping tip rhinoplasty, are belonged to the category of rhinoplasties. Alarplasty, also, is known as one of the sub-categories of rhinoplasty surgeries. Patients who are dealt with multiple problems in their noses should get the rhinoplasty procedure instead of alarplasty. The reason is that alarplasty surgery can only make the overly wide nose appear more balanced and wouldn’t have any care for other nasal impairments. However, as alaroplasty surgery is less invasive than rhinoplasty, it can be very profiting for people who want to get rid of their wide nasal appearance.

Is Iran a Wise Choice for having Alarplasty?

Typically, having a medical or cosmetic procedure in Iran is a great choice that international patients can take. In this section, we will see what advantages that Iran has over the other countries for having your alarplasty surgeries. For your consideration, we list these benefits below to get assured about the property of Iran in cosmetic\medical operations.

How much does Alarplasty Cost in Different Countries?


Normally, as alaroplasty surgery is simpler to perform than other types of rhinoplasties, its cost is lower. However, various factors are influencing the exact cost of alaroplasty surgery for different conditions. Patients should consider these factors to decide an economical alarplasty practice for themselves. To get you familiar with these elements, we summarized them in the below list for you to consider.

  • The experience and reputation of your doctor
  • The hospital you or your doctor selected to perform your surgery
  • The required anesthesia of yours
  • The complexity of your needed surgery
  • The location (country or city) in which you decide to get your alarplasty
  • The costs of medical tourism facilitators

As we mentioned in the above section, one of the advantages of our country to have medical procedures is the low cost. This economical cost is originated from the low price of Rial (Iran’s currency) compare to the dollars. Besides this low cost, the quality of alarplasty surgery in Iran is incredibly high. Due to these reasons, our country is regarded as the wisest choice that alarplasty patients have. For comparing the average cost of alarplasty surgery in different countries, you should see the table below.


Country Alarplasty’s average cost
US $5000
Canada $4500
UK $4500
Colombia $4000
Lithuania $3500
Turkey $3000
Mexico $3000
Spain $2500
India $2000
Iran* $1500

If you have tempted to get your needed medical or cosmetic procedure in Iran, you should consider Flora medical tourism agency. Flora will provide you with even more benefits for having a suitable superior-quality medical trip in Iran. To get more information about our all-inclusive medical and cosmetic packages, please contact our online consultation team HERE.

Good Candidates of Alarplasty Surgery

According to medical specialists, good candidates for alarplasty operation should have the following properties.

  • Good general health
  • Have realistic expectation
  • Patience
  • Proved to quit smoking for a while
  • Patients who have only problems with the width of their nose and nostrils

How to Prepare for Alarplasty Surgery?

The preparation stage is very crucial for patients to have a successful alarplasty surgery. There are some tips that medical experts are suggesting to take before the alarplasy procedure. As the procedure of alarplasty is very similar to rhinoplasty surgery, patients should take similar instructions to get prepared for these surgeries. We list these guidelines below for your consideration.

  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for a month before the surgery
  • Do not take any blood-thinning medications (such as aspirin and ibuprofen)
  • Get some information about the risks and side effects of your upcoming surgery
  • Notify the doctor about your medical history and the medication or food supplements you are taking
  • Fully explain to the doctor about your expectations from the alarplasty surgery
  • Take your doctor pre-surgery prescribed instructions
  • Don’t eat or drink anything 8 hours prior to your surgery

Alarplasty Surgery Step by Step

The overall procedure of both alarplasty and rhinoplasty are nearly the same. However, there are some distinctions in the incisions made during these surgeries. In this section, we will examine the different steps of alarplasty for your consideration. You should note that knowing about the procedures of alaroplasty is very helpful to prepare better for this surgery.

  • Step 1: Anesthesia

Anesthetics are used to provide pain-free surgery for patients. Both general and local anesthesias are usable in alarplasty. The required type of patient’s anesthesia must be determined in the pre-medical visit before the surgery.

  • Step 2: Make the incisions

The surgeon will make some incisions on your nose in order to reach the nose structure and apply the modifications to it. Different techniques are for incising the nose in this step. We will fully explain these techniques in the section below.

  • Step 3:  Reshape and reduce the width of the nose

In this step, the surgeon will either reduce or reshape the excess tissues of the nose from its sides. Depending on the patients’ conditions the approach used in this step varies.

  • Step 4: Closing the incisions

The surgeons have to close the incisions he made earlier after making the needed adjustments. Nasal stitches are used for this purpose.

  • Step 5: See the result

Patients are able to see the result of their successful alarplasties once the post-operative swellings are reduced completely. This usually takes around one month.

Different Incision Techniques in Alarplasty Surgery

As we stated different approaches can be taken by the surgeon for performing the alarplasty surgery. In below, we summarized the most common techniques of alarplasty incisions for you to notice.

  • Wedge excisions

This type of incision is used to reduce nasal flaring by removing the fleshy lower part of the nose (where the nose attaches to the cheek). It is usually recommended for patients who need minor changes. The incisions are made externally which means that require a longer time to heal.

  • Sill incisions

By these incisions, the surgeon will narrow the nose and reduce the width of nostrils. Sill incisions are made on the internal side of the nose and require a relatively short time to heal. This type of incision is usually combined with wedge incisions to produce a more booming result.

  • Weir incisions

This technique is first performed by Robert Weir in 1892. It is used less frequently than the other types; however, it will have its value for some conditions. By weir incisions, the surgeon will balance the width of the nose and then use sutures to make the contours.

*The above explanations referred from

Recovery and Aftercare of Alarplasty

Although alarplasty has a relatively short recovery timeline than the other facial surgeries, there are some considerations that patients should take to get recovered properly after their alarplasties. As there is no bone-reshaping in this surgery the recovery period except to end around 1 month after the surgery. This is in contrast with full rhinoplasty’s recovery procedure takes 6 months. In below, we prepared some tips for you to have a better recovery out of your recently done alarplasty.

  • Elevate the head by placing extra pillows while sleeping
  • Avoid strenuous and intense physical activities for a month after the surgery
  • Do not blow in your nose for one month
  • Keep nasal splints on your nose for the first week; these splints will protect from your fragile nose after the surgery
  • Taping your nose regularly if your doctor prescribed
  • Prevent from drinking alcohol and smoking for one month after the alarplasty
  • Avoid swimming for the first month after the surgery
  • Keep healthy diets including nutritious and high-fiber foods
  • Brushing the teeth in a gentle manner

Is Alarplasty Surgery Worth it?

Alarplasty is very beneficial for patients who are suffering from special conditions (the ones who have just a problem with the width of their nose). As this surgery is less invasive its recovery timeline is much shorter than a classic rhinoplasty. Also, the risk and side effects of alarplastiy are not as serious as in other facial surgeries because of the same reason. All things considered, we should say that having the alarplasty surgery would totally worth it for the good candidates of it. However, it is very important for patients to get a specialized medical consultation with experts. To achieve this goal, you can contact Flora’s online medical team and talk your condition to the most skilled ENT specialist in the world to see which surgery is most fitting for you. You can easily contact us HERE.

Risk and Side Effects of Alarplasty Surgery

Since alarplasty surgery is considered less invasive than rhinoplasty, it normally has less severe side effects and risks for patients once the surgery is done. However, there are some threats for patients which may come after their alarplasties. Although they are very mild and can get managed easily, patients should be aware of them and how to treat the side effects after the surgery. For this reason, we provide you with the below section in which we summarized the mostly-occurred side effects of alarplasties along with their solutions.

  • Pain

Pain is normal after the alarplasty surgery. The post-operative pain is very mild and patients can get easily relieved from them by taking the pain medications.

  • Swelling

Like rhinoplasties, swelling can happen for patients with alarplasty after the surgery. This swelling will disappear completely after 2-3 weeks of the surgery.

  • Infection

Patients may deal with some infections after they had the alarplasty. These infections are not so serious and are totally controllable by taking the doctors’ prescribed antibiotics.

  • Bleeding

Bleeding is natural after alarplasty surgery. Patients may have mild bleeding in the incisions site of the surgery. This problem only lasts for a few days and can get easily treated by home remedies.

Tip plasty vs. Alarplasty

Similar to alarplasty, tip plasty is another sub-category of rhinoplasties. Tip plasty is recommended for patients who have a fleshy nasal tip. During this surgery, the surgeon will either remove or reduce the excess cartilages from the nasal tip in order to produce a smart nose look for patients. You can read more information about this special kind of rhinoplasty and its related topics on Flora’s tip plasty page HERE.

Can I have a Revision Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty?

Alike to surgical rhinoplasty, non-surgical rhinoplasty can lead to an unsatisfying result unsatisfying for some patients. To enhance the result, patients can get a revision nonsurgical nose job. Before having this surgery, your surgeon will remove the injected fillers on your nose to make it ready for new modifications. You can get more information on a nonsurgical nose job and their procedure on Flora’s other page HERE.

Alarplasty Based on the Nose Ethnicity

People from different ethnicities can have an overly wide nose on their faces. Tough, some specific ethnic groups, such as Middle Easterners and Africans, tend to have this nasal feature more than others. The good news is that no matter what your ethnic group is, both alarplasty and ethnic rhinoplasty can reduce the width of your nose to result a smarter look for your nose. The decision between these cosmetic surgeries is dependent on the patients’ condition and expectations. Also, the advice of medical experts can help patients to get better decision for their upcoming surgery.

Alarplasty and Nonsurgical Nose Job

A nonsurgical nose job, also called liquid rhinoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure which performs by injecting the nasal fillers onto the nose of patients. It can also reduce the overly wide nose of people. However, the achieved result of nonsurgical alarplasty cannot be compared to surgical alarplasty. Tough, the nonsurgical procedure may have its benefits for patients who require minor changes in their nasal appearance. To get more information about the nonsurgical nose job and its associated matters, please visit Flora’s other page HERE.

Last Word

As alarplasty surgery is known to be very profiting for some rhinoplasty patients, we decided to provide you with a comprehensive article on this page discussing the various aspects of this surgery. Throughout the above article, we fully examined the procedures, costs, side effects, preparation, recovery, and other related matters to alarplasty surgery. We believed that you can get everything you need to know about alarplasty by reading this page. However, if you still need more details, please do not hesitate to contact our online medical team HERE. Our teams of experts will deliberately answer all your questions and help you to plan your needed surgery at ease.

Alarplasty Rhinoplasty Asked Questions

Is alarplasty permanent?

The result achieved of a successful alarplasty surgery will last for the patients’ lifetime.

Will health insurance cover the costs of alarplasty?

Unfortunately, most health insurance companies regard alarplasty  as unnecessary cosmetic surgery. Hence, they refuse to defray the expenses of alarplasty surgery. However, different health insurance companies have different policies. You should contact your insurance authorities and ask them specifically whether they will cover the expenses or not.

How long alarplasty take to heal?

It usually takes around 1 month for patients to get fully healed from the alarplasty.

Ramin Pourasadian

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