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Revision Rhinoplasty

Usually, an unsuccessful rhinoplasty can get revised by having a second surgery. Revision rhinoplasty or secondary rhinoplasty is the cosmetic procedure that referred to this corrective surgery. To provide you with the needed information about the various aspects of this surgery, we prepared this page in which we will examine revision rhinoplasty and its related subjects comprehensively. So, if you just had an unsatisfying nose job, reading the below article is highly recommended for you.

What is a Revision Rhinoplasty?

Although rhinoplasty cannot go wrong, for some patients, it may have not produced a satisfying result. To achieve the desired nasal appearance and correct the impairments that recent nose job couldn’t fix, patients undergo another rhinoplasty surgery. This corrective surgery is called revision rhinoplasty or secondary rhinoplasty. In total, this surgery is more complicated than the classic rhinoplasty as the surgeon may face more complex issues that need to be treated in secondary rhinoplasty. Consequently, it is very important to plan your revision rhinoplasty with highly experienced ENT or plastic surgeons. You can plan your booming revision rhinoplasty procedure via Flora and get benefits from the high-skilled surgeons in the world along with our other exceptional services. In the following, we will fully explain the interests that we provided to our beloved customers.

Why should I have a Revision Rhinoplasty?

In some cases of rhinoplasty, especially the ones performed by an unqualified surgeon, the outcome is not so pleasing. Revision rhinoplasty can help those patients to get their desired nose appearance by having another surgery. Various reasons may determine patients to plan his\her revision rhinoplasty surgery. In below, we list some of these motives for getting the secondary rhinoplasty for your consideration.

1.Functional reasons

  • Experiencing breathing difficulties
  • Having obstruction in the nose
  • Suffering from a weak nose structure because of excessive cartilage removal in the previous rhinoplasty

2.Cosmetic reasons

  • Patients (with realistic goals) who are not fully satisfied with the result of their first rhinoplasty
  • A deviated septum emerged after the first surgery
  • To heal the scar tissues that remained from the previous rhinoplasty

When should I have a Revision Rhinoplasty?

Patients who have the above-mentioned issues which resulted from their first rhinoplasty can get their secondary rhinoplasty once they fully get recovered from the first one. It usually takes 3-6 months to pass the rhinoplasty recovery timeline. Thus, patients are able to plan their revision rhinoplasty with a more experienced surgeon after 6 months. However, a medical consultation is necessary for getting assured about the proper time of revision rhinoplasty. As a favor from flora, international patients can get help from our online medical team, consisting of ENT specialists, by clicking HERE.

Different Types of Revision Nose Surgeries

Different patients have different impairments in their nose which they seek to improve. Similarly, patients with different conditions may have different purposes from their nose surgeries. Unfortunately, in some cases, the surgeon couldn’t produce the desired result. That is why many patients decide to get a revision surgery to enhance their nose appearance more. In this section, we gathered different rhinoplasty surgeries in which patients can get secondary surgery to improve the result. You can see them below.

  • Bulbous nose tip revision rhinoplasty
  • Revision septoplasty
  • Revision septorhinoplasty (a combination of septoplasty and rhinoplasty)
  • Drooping tip revision rhinoplasty
  • Crooked nose revision rhinoplasty
  • Bony and fleshy nose revision rhinoplasty
  • Revision rhinoplasty for correcting the wide nostrils
  • Revision rhinoplasty for correcting the lower nose tip

You can get more information on these nose surgeries by clicking on them to go to their specific page.

Which Doctor should I Choose to Get my Revision Rhinoplasty?

As we mentioned, performing the secondary rhinoplasty requires great skills on the surgeon’s part. For this reason, patients should seek an appropriate, experienced ENT doctor or plastic surgeon to manage their second rhinoplasty in a needed way. To help you decide wisely about the appropriate surgeon, we list the essential characteristics of an acceptable doctor below.

  • Have enough experience to perform the surgery successfully
  • Have high skills
  • Having acceptable medical records
  • Have ethics
  • Featured with good interpersonal communication skills
  • Have kindness toward their patients

Due to the importance of a good surgeon to perform a revision rhinoplasty, Flora authorities decided to appoint the most skilled surgeons in the world. As a result, our beloved patients will have no concern about their upcoming secondary rhinoplasty procedure. To get more details, please send us a request for consultation HERE.

Is Iran a Wise Choice for having Revision Rhinoplasty?

Iran is a distinguishing destination for getting various medical and cosmetic surgeries. Iran is featured with many benefits which attract many international patients to have their needed surgeries in our country. In the same manner, when it comes to revision rhinoplasty, Iran is the wisest choice. To make sure about the appropriateness of Iran for having your revision rhinoplasty, please see the below section in which we examined the exceptional benefits that our country provided in medical\cosmetic services.

  • High skilled and experienced Iranian ENT specialists
  • Advanced hospital and clinics
  • The most affordable cost of adenoidectomy in the world
  • The outstanding hospitality of the Iranian people
  • Sightseeing attractions of ancient four-season country of Iran
  • The safety that Iran provides for its tourists, Iran is listed as one of the safest countries for traveling, according to the

How much does a Revision Rhinoplasty Cost in Different Countries?

Generally, as secondary rhinoplasty is a more complex surgery compared to classic rhinoplasty, its price is a bit higher. Moreover, many factors may vary the exact cost of revision rhinoplasty for different patients. Patients should evaluate these factors to decide a more economical revision rhinoplasty practice for themselves. Besides the location (country or city) in which patients select to have their surgery, the following factors are also playing important roles in the cost of the rhinoplasty revision.

  • The doctor’s experience and reputation
  • The type of your required anesthesia
  • The hospital in which the surgery will be performed
  • The complexity of your rhinoplasty revision surgery
  • The prices of different Medical facilitators

As we referred, the cost of revision rhinoplasty in Iran is unbelievingly economical for our international visitors. This low cost is because of the low price of Iranian currencies (Rial) when compared to the dollars. In addition to this affordable cost, the quality of medical and cosmetic services in Iran is superior due to the reasons that we observed in the section above. That is why Iran is considered a wise choice for getting the revision rhinoplasty surgery. In the table below, we made a comparison of the cost of revision rhinoplasty in different countries for your consideration.

Country Revision rhinoplasty’s average cost
US $10000
Canada $8000
UK $8000
Colombia $5000
Lithuania $4500
Turkey $4000
Mexico $4000
Spain $3500
India $3000
Iran* $2500

If you become interested to choose Iran as a destination for your upcoming medical trip, you should consider Flora as the best help. We offer the all-inclusive revision rhinoplasty package which will cover all your needs for having a successful surgery. To get more details, please contact our online team by clicking HERE.

How to Prepare for Revision Rhinoplasty?

Tough the preparation stage of primary rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty is nearly the same, but there are some special considerations that secondary rhinoplasty patients should take. Getting fully prepared before having the surgery can lead to a most successful medical procedure. Thus, you should know how to prepare yourself for the revision rhinoplasty. To achieve this goal we summarized the tips for having a better preparation of revision rhinoplasty below for you to consider.

For both primary and secondary rhinoplasty

  • Determine your demanded type of anesthetics by having a medical consultation with your doctor
  • Get information about the risks and side effects of your surgery and how to deal with them
  • Tell your doctor about any sores, cuts, or lesions in your nose area
  • Explain your expectation to the doctor
  • Tell your doctor about the medications or food supplements that you are taking
  • Talk about your medical history to the doctor
  • Taking the essential medical tests
  • Take medical photographs from your nose
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol in a month before your revision rhinoplasty

Specifically for secondary rhinoplasty

  • Make sure that you got fully recovered from your previous nose job
  • Choose an acceptable, experienced surgeon to give you the desired result
  • Having a medical consultation with a specialist to ensure that you need a second rhinoplasty
  • Get your medical record from your previous surgeon to see what went wrong in your first rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery Step by Step

The overall procedure of both primary and secondary rhinoplasty surgery is nearly the same. As a result, patients who had rhinoplasty surgery recently have the experience of undergoing the surgeons’ knives. However, we will discuss the different steps of revision rhinoplasty surgery below for the ones who need further details.

  • Step 1: Anesthesia

Anesthesia is necessary for having a pain-free surgery. Either local or general anesthesia can be used, however, for secondary rhinoplasty usually general anesthetics are recommended.

  • Step 2: Make the incisions

The surgeon will incise the nasal skin to access the nose structure. Within these incisions, the needed adjustments will be applied to patients’ noses.

  • Step 3: Make the needed changes in nasal structure to achieve the desired result

This is where the surgeon will make the adjustments that had not been produced in the previous rhinoplasty surgery.

Some common changes that patients of revision rhinoplasty require are:

  • Fixing the deviated septum
  • Correcting the bulbous nose tip
  • Fixing the crooked nose
  • Strengthening the nose structure by cartilage grafting
  • Correct the nasal obstruction and reopen the narrowed nasal air passageways
  • Step 4: Close the incisions

Nasal stitches will be used for closing the incisions made on the second step. Normally, nasal splints are recommended for protecting the fragile nose after surgery.

  • Step 5: See the result

Patients can see the result of their successful revision rhinoplasty surgery after the recovery period; it usually takes 3-6 months.

Open or Closed Revision Rhinoplasty?

Depending on the expectations of patients and their conditions, either the open or closed approach can be taken for their revision rhinoplasty. Nearly 30 percent of secondary rhinoplasties are performed with a closed approach. The reason for this low frequency of the closed approach when compared to the open one is that the surgeons need full access to the underlying nasal structure for applying the required modifications. By the external incisions of open revision rhinoplasty, the fullest access would be achieved, and consequently the desired result.

Revision Rhinoplasty Recovery Procedure

There are no major differences between the recovery procedure of primary and secondary rhinoplasties. However, as the revision rhinoplasty is a more complex surgery, the required time for getting fully recovered from it is longer. No matter what, patients should consider some dos and don’ts during the recovery period of their primary or revision rhinoplasty. You can read these guidelines below.

  • Avoid strenuous activities and tense physical exercises at least for 3 months
  • Don’t blow in your nose for 3 months after the surgery
  • Avoid swimming at least for 3 months
  • Cover your nose with nasal splints for at least a week
  • Put some pillows beneath your head to elevate your head while sleeping
  • Brush your teeth gently
  • Tape your nose for a time that your doctor prescribed
  • Avoid staying out in the soon for too long
  • Take baths instead of showers while you have the dressings on your nose
  • Behave cautiously to your nose while washing your face
  • Keep a healthy diet
  • Don’t smoke or drink alcohol at least for a month

Some of the above explanations are referred from

Good Candidates for Revision Rhinoplasty

Some patients who seek to get their second rhinoplasty may have unrealistic goals that cannot be achieved even with the most skilled surgeons. This is why having a medical consultation with a qualified specialist is necessary to ensure that you need this surgery or no. To help you for achieving this goal, our online medical teams are available to help your 24\7. You can contact our team of medical experts HERE and ask them about any complexities you have for getting your needed medical or cosmetic procedures. Besides these, there are some essential characteristics that a revision rhinoplasty should have to be considered as good candidates. You can see them below.

  • Healthy patients with no serious medical condition
  • Patients who passed an unsatisfying rhinoplasty surgery which cannot enhance their nose appearance
  • Finished the facial growth (16 or older girls, 18 or older boys)
  • Patients who are either nonsmokers or showed that they can avoid smoking for a while

Risk and Side effects of Revision Rhinoplasty

Usually, the revision rhinoplasty is more invasive than the primary nose job. As a consequence, the risks and side effects that threaten the patients after the secondary rhinoplasty may be more severe. However, all these side effects, no matter whether they are severe or mild, can get easily managed. In the following, by referring from, we will examine the common side effects of revision rhinoplasty plus how to get rid of them.

  • Pain

Experiencing some discomforts is totally normal after the surgery. To get relieved from the post-operative pains, patients should take prescribed pain medications.

  • Bleeding

Bleeding can happen during or after the revision rhinoplasty surgery. Usually, the bleedings are not severe and cannot cause serious complications for patients.

  • Swelling and bruising

The swellings and brushings of revision rhinoplasty may be more intense than the primary nose job. However, patients can reduce them by having the prescribed medications.

  • Infection

Infection is possible during the first two weeks of the surgery. Usually, antibiotics are enough to treat the problem for patients.

  • Breathing problems

In rare cases, patients may have some difficulties while breathing through their noses. To treat this problem, the patient should inform their doctor immediately.

  • Experiencing a weakened sense of smell

This problem happens when the surgeon mistakenly harms the nerves in the nose. The newly recovered nose of patients in revision rhinoplasty improves the chance for this side effect to occur.

Is Revision Rhinoplasty Worth it?

Revision rhinoplasty can result the desired nose appearance for patients who had passed an unsuccessful first rhinoplasty. Although many patients may not need to undergo this procedure, but in some cases with realistic goals, it will surely worth it. In the following you can see the conditions for which rhinoplasty revision will totally worth.

  • Patients who are still having from impairments in their nasal look (such as bulbous tip, thin bridge, wide nostrils, etc) after their first rhinoplasty
  • Patients who are experiencing breathing problems after their unsuccessful rhinoplasty
  • Patients who had some remnants of scar tissues even after the recovery timeline of their first rhinoplasty

It is very important to plan your second rhinoplasty with a highly skilled surgeon to get the best result out of it. To profit from the best plastic surgeons and ENT specialists of the world, you should give honor to us for helping you to plan your needed surgery in Iran. For more information on Flora’s revision rhinoplasty package, you can simply contact us by clicking HERE.

Can I have a Revision Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty?

Alike to surgical rhinoplasty, non-surgical rhinoplasty can lead to an unsatisfying result unsatisfying for some patients. To enhance the result, patients can get a revision nonsurgical nose job. Before having this surgery, your surgeon will remove the injected fillers on your nose to make it ready for new modifications. You can get more information on a nonsurgical nose job and their procedure on Flora’s other page HERE.

Last Word

In the above article, we discussed all the matters related to the revision rhinoplasty surgery in detail. As you read, the failed rhinoplasty can get improved by having rhinoplasty revision surgery. We also examine the cost of secondary rhinoplasty along with its procedures. It is believed that after reading this page, you will have no question about revision rhinoplasty. However, our online medical teams are available to you 24\7. You can contact our medical experts HERE and get your needed details about any issues you are dealt with.

Revision Rhinoplasty Asked Questions

Is revision rhinoplasty free?

Normally surgeons would not accept to perform their patients’ revision rhinoplasties for free (though it may because of their faults). So, patients who are considering getting their secondary rhinoplasties should put some money aside. It is worth mentioning that Flora medical tourism agency will perform its customers’ revision rhinoplasties for free (if they had the primary rhinoplasty with us).

Is revision rhinoplasty more expensive?

Yes. Due to its complexity, normally revision rhinoplasty is more expensive than primary rhinoplasty.

Is revision rhinoplasty common?

Yes. Revision rhinoplasties are common for patients who are not satisfied with the result of their first nose job. However, if the primary rhinoplasty is performed by an acceptable surgeon, there will be no need to have the rhinoplasty revision.

Is revision rhinoplasty safe?

As anesthesia is used to perform the revision rhinoplasty, this surgery is considered completely safe while the surgery. However, like other medical procedures, rhinoplasty revision surgery also has its side effects for patients. These side effects should be completely managed by having the required treatments that your doctor will prescribe on the follow-up session.

How many revision rhinoplasties can you have?

For most patients, their required modification will be completely applied by getting the revision rhinoplasty. However, in rare cases, patients may need three or four rhinoplasties to get their desired result.

How long after the rhinoplasty can you get a revision?

Patients who passed an unsatisfying nose job can get their revision rhinoplasty once they finished the recovery timeline. For ensuring the correct time to get this surgery, patients should consult with medical specialists. However, rhinoplasty’s recovery period usually takes 3-6 months.

How common is revision rhinoplasty?

Approximately, 15% of patients with rhinoplasty will require a rhinoplasty revision surgery to improve the result.

Does revision rhinoplasty take longer to heal?

Yes. Since it is more invasive than the primary rhinoplasty, its healing time usually takes more time.

Can revision rhinoplasty be closed?

Revision rhinoplasty surgeries can be performed with both open and closed approaches. Tough, the open revision rhinoplasty is more common than the closed one.

Ramin Pourasadian

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