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Fleshy and Bony Noses

Fleshy and bony noses are the two most common nose shapes in the population of the world. Having a fleshy and bony nose may result bothering problems for people’s nose appearance. Usually, fleshy noses, also called meaty noses, are a bigger concern for patients than bony noses. In the article below, we will fully examine the differences and commonalities for the treatments along with the characteristics of these two nasal shapes

What is a Fleshy Nose?

Having a fleshy nose is very common among the population of the world. As a truth, nearly 24 percent of the population have this nose shape. It is more typical in men when compared to women. Also, African and African American ethnic groups tend to have meaty noses more than other races. Anyway, many people complain about their fleshy noses and seek appropriate treatment for their condition. In the following sections, we show you how to correct your fleshy nose. Firstly, you should know that if your nose is recognized as fleshy or not. For this reason, we list some major characteristics of a fleshy nose below for your consideration.

  • Thick and oily nasal skin especially on the nose tip
  • Having pores in nasal structure
  • Having a wider lower part of the nose
  • Prominent nostrils
  • Bulbous tip
  • Weak cartilages of the nose

What is a Bony Nose?

A bony nose is another common nasal shape among people. Having a bony nose is more frequent in women when compared to men. Moreover, people from some particular ethnic groups such as Caucasians and Middle Easterners tend to have bony noses. Patients who have bony noses are recognized as suitable candidates for having rhinoplasty surgery. In fact, every year, a high number of patients decide to get rhinoplasty for enhancing the appearance of their bony noses. In order to choose an optimal treatment for your condition, it is important to know whether you have a bony nose or not. For this purpose, we list some main primary features of bony noses in the following for your consideration.

  • Having bumps on the nasal bridge
  • Humpy noses
  • Thin stretched nose skin
  • Flat nasal framework
  • Thin cartilages of the nose

Fleshy Nose Vs. Bony Nose Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic nose surgery by which patients can enhance their nasal appearance greatly. Rhinoplasty can  treat both bony and fleshy noses for different patients. However, the required procedures for each of these nose shapes are varied. You can see the differences between fleshy bone rhinoplasty and bony nose rhinoplasty in the following.

  • Performing a bony nose rhinoplasty is easier and more effortless for surgeons
  • The cost of bony nose surgery is cheaper than the cost of a fleshy nose rhinoplasty
  • Bony nose rhinoplasty result a more enhancements for patients’ nasal appearance compared to the same surgery in fleshy noses
  • A recovery procedure needed for fleshy nose rhinoplasty is longer than bony nose rhinoplasty
  • A surgeon can perform a fantasy nose surgery (dolly nose job) on bony noses while they are not able to have it on fleshy noses
  • The swelling and bruising are more intense after a fleshy nose rhinoplasty than bony nose rhinoplasty
  • In fleshy noses, the surgeon can reduce the size of the nose noticeably. But, in bony nose surgery, the major changes in the nose size couldn’t be achieved.
  • Techniques used in each surgery are varying. Mainly, reductive techniques, like fat reduction and cartilage grafting, are used in fleshy nose rhinoplasty. On the other hand, during a bony nose rhinoplasty typical technique used are reconstructive ones, such as straightening and reshaping of the nose structure.
  • In most cases, an open rhinoplasty approach has been taken to perform the fleshy bone rhinoplasty. On the other hand, a bony nose rhinoplasty are performed with both open and closed approaches depending on the patients’ condition.

To get more detail regarding the subjects related to a rhinoplasty procedure you should visit Flora’s rhinoplasty page HERE.

Open and Closed Rhinoplasty for Fleshy\Bony Noses

Both of the approaches can be taken by surgeons during a fleshy or bony rhinoplasty. However, an open rhinoplasty offers more promising results for patients with fleshy noses. The reason is that fleshy noses usually need more extreme adjustments to become appealing. Whilst, both open and closed rhinoplasty are common for patients having bony noses. As a general principle, patients who need major changes to achieve the desired nose appearance should choose open rhinoplasty. At the same time, patients who require only minor modifications in their bony noses should get a closed rhinoplasty. It is always a frequently-asked question for patients whether they should have an open or closed rhinoplasty. You can get detailed information on these two rhinoplasty approaches and their differences in Flora’s Open vs. closed rhinoplasty page HERE. Also, you can have an online medical consultation with our team of experts to determine which procedure suits you the best. You can easily contact us by clicking HERE.

Septoplasty for Fleshy and Bony Noses

Septoplasty is mainly used to correct a deviated septum for patients. By the improvements made during the septoplasty surgery, patients can breathe more easily than before. Alike to rhinoplasty, septoplasty also regards some differences between fleshy noses and bony ones. For your consideration, we compared a fleshy nose septoplasty and bony nose septoplasty below.

  • The fleshy nose septoplasty is more complex than a bony nose septoplasty
  • The price for a fleshy nose septoplasty is higher than the bony nose septoplasty
  • Patients who had a fleshy nose septoplasty should expect a longer recovery time compared to the ones who had bony noses
  • More enhancements can be achieved for patients’ nose appearance in fleshy nose septoplasty than a bony nose septoplasty
  • The side effects that threatening the patients after their surgery is more serious in fleshy nose septoplasty than bony nose septoplasty
  • For most patients having a fleshy nose, an open approach of septoplasty is recommended while in bony nose septoplasty both open and closed approaches can be taken

You can read more information about the benefits and procedures of septoplasty on Flora’s septoplasty page HERE.

Bulbous Nose Tip in the Fleshy and Bony Nose

Generally, a bulbous nose tip is typical of most fleshy noses. Bony noses can have a bulbous tip, but having a bulbous nose tip is more common in people who have fleshy noses. For treating this nasal impairment, patients can have either a surgical or non-surgical rhinoplasty. No matter whether they have a bulbous nose in a fleshy nose or a bony nose, rhinoplasty (especially the surgical one) offers you a promising result. If you require more information about the bulbous nose tip and its treatments, please visit Flora’s bulbous nose tip page by clicking HERE.

Different Techniques used in Fleshy Nose Rhinoplasty

As patients having fleshy noses may need various modifications to get the desired nose appearance, different techniques are used by surgeons during the surgery. Your required rhinoplasty technique should be determined with the consultation of your doctor. To get you familiar with common techniques used in a fleshy nose rhinoplasty, we provide the following section. You can see how these techniques may benefit different patients below.

  • Cartilage transplantation

Using this technique, the surgeon takes excess cartilages from the nose and transplants them to the other area of the nose surface. By applying the cartilage transplantation, an elegant nose shape can be achieved for patients’ fleshy noses.

  • Fat reduction

During this technique, the surgeon will remove the excess flesh and fats from the nose (especially in the nose tip). Due to this reduction, a thinned nose will be resulted that will greatly enhance the nasal appearance for patients.

  • Proportional reduction in nose size

In this method, the surgeon tries to reduce the distance between the nose skin and nose structure to get the desired result. In other words, the surgeon tries to reduce the thickness of nose skin by applying needed modifications. The result of this technique is a more formed nasal shape.

  • Structural nose support

This is where the surgeon makes the modifications to the nose structure for resulting an acceptable proportion between the nose size and its skeleton. During this method, the surgeon applies corrections to nasal skin by reducing the excessive meat and fat under it.

Patients should note that performing a fleshy rhinoplasty by taking the above methods requires high experience and expertise from surgeons. Thus, if you want a thriving result from your rhinoplasty, you should choose yourself a qualified acceptable plastic surgeon or ENT specialist. International patients can travel to Iran for having their rhinoplasty procedure by the hand of the most skilled Iranian surgeons. As globally known, Iranian otolaryngologists are very proficient and experienced in cosmetic surgeries. You can gain from these surgeons, by choosing Flora’s qualified surgeons HERE.

African Nose Job for Fleshy Noses

As many people of African, and African American races possess a fleshy nose, a special treatment designed to improve their nasal appearance. Actually, due to the high frequency of fleshy noses in African ethnic groups, the fleshy nose rhinoplasty came to be known as the African nose job. During an African nose job, the main aim of the surgeon is to reduce the size of the patients’ noses by removing the excess flesh or reshape the nose structure. This procedure requires a highly experienced surgeon to be performed.

Recovery Procedures of Fleshy and Bony Noses Rhinoplasty

The overall recovery procedures for both fleshy and bony noses are almost the same. Although, there are some differences between the recovery timeline for patients with fleshy and bony nose rhinoplasty. It is very important to be fully informed about the directions that you must consider for having a better recovery period. Hence, we provide the following section for you in which you can read the main guidelines of fleshy and bony nose rhinoplasty.

Guidelines common for both procedures

  • Patients should avoid any tense physical activity for at least 3 months.
  • Instead of showers, patients should take baths for the first week after their surgery
  • Eating high-fiber foods will help to get recover sooner
  • Avoid extreme laughing or smiling
  • Brush teeth gently and smoothly
  • Strenuous activities are forbidden for the first two week
  • Patients should avoid blowing their nose
  • Don’t stay out in the sun as possible
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohols
  • Avoid swimming

Differences between fleshy and bony nose rhinoplasty

  • The needed time to get fully recovered is longer for fleshy nose rhinoplasty compared to the bony nose rhinoplasty. Hence, patients who had a fleshy nose rhinoplasty must respect the above Dos and Don’ts for a longer time
  • The side effects, such as swelling and bleeding, that patients may have after the fleshy nose rhinoplasty is more intense than in bony nose rhinoplasty
  • Generally, patients of fleshy noses rhinoplasty will need to tape their noses for a relatively long time after their surgery than the patients with bony nose rhinoplasty
  • As the side effects of a fleshy nose rhinoplasty are more serious than a bony nose side effect, the patient should regard special attention to take the prescribed medications

You can get more information about the recovery procedure of different types of rhinoplasties by visiting HERE. Flora prepared a comprehensive article regarding the recovery procedure of rhinoplasties for our beloved customers.

Fleshy Bones and Nasal Polyps

As mentioned, fleshy noses are featured with oily and relatively thick nasal skins. These characteristics along with other features of the fleshy noses lead nasal polyps to appear on meaty noses. You may feel no pain when you first recognized that you have polyps on your nose. However, as it grows larger, it becomes painful and bothersome for you. In some cases, these polyps convinced the patients to treat them by having rhinoplasty surgery.

Nasal Bumps in Fleshy and Bony Noses

Both of these nasal shapes may or may not have bumps in their structure. However, having bumps is a representative characteristic of bony noses. Similarly, patients with bony noses tend to have bumpy noses more frequently than patients with fleshy noses. As having bumps on the nose bridge decreased the nose attractiveness drastically, many patients hope for a more enhance nasal shape by having nose cosmetic surgeries. Rhinoplasty is known as the optimal solution for patients with bumpy noses. By visit HERE, you can see the top-quality affordable rhinoplasty package of Flora medical tourism agency. To get more information, please contact us simply by clicking HERE.

Nasal Lumps in Fleshy and Bony Noses

Similar to polyps, nasal lumps are more frequent on fleshy noses. A nose lump is a meaty tumor-like swelling that arises on the nose surface. Although the nose lump is not life-threatening, it hugely lessens the nose appeal of patients. That is why every year many people undergo a rhinoplasty procedure to get rid of this bothering nasal impairment. Needless to say, you can read about the other advantages that a successful rhinoplasty on Flora’s rhinoplasty page HERE.

Is Iran a Wise Choice for having my Fleshy and Bone nose Rhinoplasty?

Similar to other medical or cosmetic procedures, Iran is a popular destination for international patients. Many people from different countries travel to our country to treat their fleshy and bony noses. After the procedure, they leave Iran with flying colors. You can see the advantages of Iran for having a rhinoplasty procedure below.

How Much does a Fleshy and Bony Nose Rhinoplasty Cost?

Patients of rhinoplasty surgery should regard many influencing factors to calculate the exact cost of their needed procedure. One of these factors is the condition that particular patients suffer from. As discussed earlier the required modifications are more extreme in fleshy noses than bony noses. Hence, the cost of bony nose rhinoplasty is slightly cheaper than the cost of fleshy nose rhinoplasty. For your consideration, we list the other factors influencing the cost of rhinoplasty below.

  • Your surgeon’s experience and skill
  • The country or city where you wanted to have your rhinoplasty
  • The type of anesthesia you need
  • The hospital that you have chosen for having your rhinoplasty
  • The complexity and techniques used for your rhinoplasty surgery

Plus, if you want to travel abroad for getting your rhinoplasty procedure, you should consider the following factors as well.

  • Daily-life cost in that country
  • The appropriateness of that country for cosmetic procedures
  • The costs of different Medical tourism agencies

To get more detailed information about the cost of your rhinoplasty, please click here to see flora’s “How Much is a Nose Job ?”.

How Much does my Fleshy and Bony Nose Rhinoplasty Cost in Iran?

As a rule of thumb, the cost of medical and cosmetic surgeries in Iran is dramatically low and affordable. The reason is that Iranian currency (Rial) has rather a low cost compared to the dollar. However, this low cost doesn’t mean that the quality of cosmetic services is inferior. In fact, as Iranian plastic surgeons and otolaryngologists are famous for their high skills the quality of rhinoplasty is superior in Iran. To have a better comparison of the rhinoplasty costs in different countries, we provide you with the table below. As a general rule, the cost of fleshy nose rhinoplasty is a little more expensive (between $300 and $1500). This This price difference is seen in all countries.

Country Fleshy nose rhinoplasty’s average cost Bony nose rhinoplasty’s average cost
US $9000 $8000
Canada $8000 $7000
UK $6000 $5000
Colombia $4000 $3500
Lithuania $3500 $3000
Mexico $3500 $3000
Spain $3000 $2500
India $3000 $2700
Iran $2000 $1500

*The above stats are referred from the data of

Are you become interested to have your top-quality rhinoplasty at the lowest cost in Iran? If yes, you should contact Flora’s online team. Flora medical tourism facilitator is the greatest choice for planning your rhinoplasty surgery in Iran. To get more information click HERE for setting up a consultation session with our experts.

Nonsurgical Nose Job Vs. Surgical Nose Job for Treating the Bulbous Nose Tip

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure in which the surgeon uses fillers to improve the nasal problems for patients. Similar to surgical rhinoplasty, a nonsurgical nose job will have its value for fixing the bulbous nose tip. It may have its specific advantages and disadvantages over the surgical nose job. Patients should regard these differences in order to make the best decision for their condition. In the following, we compared these two procedures that are commonly used for correcting the bulbous tip for your consideration.

  • The nonsurgical procedure has a very short recovery time compared to a surgical rhinoplasty
  • Surgical Rhinoplasty can result more enhancement in patients’ nose appearance than a nonsurgical procedure
  • Rhinoplasty results are permanent while nonsurgical nose job should be reperformed every 6 to 12 month
  • There are no inactions in nonsurgical nose job while for operating a surgical rhinoplasty, the surgeon will incise the nose surface to access the underlying nasal structure
  • The price for a nonsurgical rhinoplasty is more affordable than surgical rhinoplasty cost

You can read more information regarding the subjects related to a nonsurgical nose job on Flora’s nonsurgical rhinoplasty page HERE.

At the end of the day, you should choose the required procedure for yourself. A doctor’s consultation may be a great help for you. As a service from Flora, you can contact our 247 online medical team to have a medical consultation. During an inline session, our team of medical experts will help you through any issue you may have. You can easily send us a request HERE.

Which Nose Shape is more Appropriate for having a Rhinoplasty? Fleshy or Bony?

Rhinoplasty can modify the nasal impairment in both fleshy and bony noses. However, there are some variances between a fleshy nose rhinoplasty and bony nose rhinoplasty. Generally speaking, as a fleshy nose requires more extreme adjustments in its shape, patients having this nose shape are known as the best candidates for a rhinoplasty. Meanwhile, a bony nose rhinoplasty can be performed more easily than a fleshy nose rhinoplasty which will have its value for both patients and surgeons.

Last Word

All things considered, having fleshy and bony noses are normal. They may originate from different reasons, such as race, nose shape, and nasal trauma. The crucial matter is that you take the best treatment for fixing the impairment that these noses appeared on your face. In the above article, we discussed the common treatment, characteristics, and other related subjects of fleshy\bony noses in detail. We believed that by reading this article all your questions are answered. Tough, if you still need more information regarding your fleshy or bony nose, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can contact Flora’s team of medical experts and schedule an online consultation for yourself by clicking HERE. Surely, our experts will help you with any issue or question you may have.

Fleshy and Bony Nose Frequently Asked Questions

How to get rid of a fleshy nose?

Patients who have fleshy noses should have rhinoplasty surgery to get rid of their meaty nose permanently and effectively. Although both open and closed rhinoplasty will make enhancement on fleshy noses, the open approach is more optimal.

How to reduce fleshy nose?

By having a rhinoplasty surgery performed by an acceptable experienced surgeon, you can reduce your fleshy nose. During the surgery, your doctor may take special techniques, such as fat reduction, for reducing the size of the fleshy nose for you.

Why is my nose so fleshy?

Various nasal characteristics, like thick skin, bulbous tip, and weak cartilages, may lead to having fleshy noses. The main reason, however, is originated from your ethnic group and nose ethnicity.

How to make a fleshy nose smaller?

Patients can make their fleshy noses look smaller by undergoing a successful rhinoplasty procedure. Different techniques, like cartilage transplantation and fat reduction, may be used during a fleshy nose rhinoplasty to reduce the nose size.

How to contour a fleshy nose?

According to ENT specialists and plastic surgeons, Rhinoplasty is considered the optimal treatment for contouring the fleshy nose. As in this procedure used to enhance the nose appearance greatly, it will provide the patient with several advantages. For having more information about the rhinoplasty procedure and its related subjects, please visit Flora’s rhinoplasty page HERE.

Ramin Pourasadian

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