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Turbinate Reduction

Many people get turbinate reduction operations for having better breathing. Moreover, having successful turbinate reduction surgeries offers many other benefits for patients. Turbinate reductions are performed with taking various techniques, each of them may be suited for a specific condition of different patients. We will discuss the procedure, benefits, cost, and other related subjects to the turbinate reduction in the following article. Hence, if you are having impairments in your nose turbinate, reading this article is highly recommended for you. So, stay tuned.

What is Turbinate Reduction?

Turbinate reduction surgery, also called turbinoplasty, is a type of nose surgery recommended for patients who have inferior nasal turbinates.  During this surgery, the surgeon tries to reduce the size of turbinates to broadening the air passageways and fix the problems patients have. Inferior turbinates can be very bothersome for patients as they may lead to several disorders in patients’ daily life, like sleep apnea, nose congestion, and difficulty breathing. According to otolaryngologists, it is believed that turbinate reduction surgery is the optimal option for suffered patients. Moreover, turbinoplasty can combine with other nose surgeries, such as sinus surgery and septoplasty to produce a more desiring result

What are Turbinates?

Turbinates, also known as nasal conchae, are long, narrow fleshy passageways that are placed at each nose’s nostrils. Although many people may not know what the function of nose turbinates are, by medical experts turbinates are considered a very beneficial organ of the nose.  Simply put, they are working as nose’s air filters. In addition, turbinates provide other interests that increase its importance. To get you more familiar with the functions and efficacy of nose turbinates, we prepared the following section for your consideration.

  • Filtering the air we breathe through the nose
  • Warming the air coming through the nose
  • Directing the air in we breathe through our noses
  • Humidifying the air for protecting the olfactory receptors (a nasal organ that help the act of smelling) from damages

Due to these important functions that turbinates are responsible for, having a healthy well-shaped turbinates is really an advantageous blessing. However, the ones whose nasal turbinates are not working efficiently can easily fix them by having turbinate reduction surgery. We will discuss the procedure of this highly beneficial turbinates treatment further in the article. So, please keep attentive to read the rest.

What Causes issues in Nose Turbinate?

Having issues with turbinates is very common among the population of the world. These issues can be either easily manageable or life-threatening. Turbinates may become enlarged or inferior and lose their functions due to many causes. For your consideration, we summarized the main reason for turbinates impairments in the following.

  • Having allergies
  • Suffering from sinusitis
  • Smoking
  • Environmental nuisance, like weather changes
  • Having excessive stress
  • Side effects of some medications
  • Change in the hormone, for example, pregnancy hormonal change
  • Aging
  • Having nasal congestion

The above sources of turbinate’s impairment may not create a major concern for patients and are manageable easily (If the symptoms are mild). However, some causes of turbinates’ impairments may force the patients to have an appropriate treatment (like turbinectomy) to correct the issues. We listed these causes below.

  • Having chronic sinusitis
  • Experiencing severe cases of nasal congestion
  • Having a serious type of allergies
  • Suffering from abnormal nasal anatomy
  • Overly-deviated septum on the nose

Why should I have a Turbinate Reduction Surgery?

Many people experience problems with their turbinates once in a while throughout their lifetime. For some, these problems diminish on their own. Tough, some people may require corrective medical treatment in order to overcome the issues. For the latter group, having a turbinate reduction surgery, also called turbinectomy, is most advised by ENT doctors. During this surgery, the turbinates will get a needed adjustment to restore their functions. For knowing the benefits that a successful turbinate reduction surgery may offer, please see the following.

  • Helps the act of breathing
  • Alleviates the nasal obstruction
  • Reduce nasal drainage
  • Reduce the symptoms of sinusitis
  • Decrease the nose congestion
  • Mitigate the irritating headaches
  • Treat the sleeping problems, such as sleep apnea and snoring
  • Improves the quality of daily life

Alternative Treatments of a Turbinate Reduction Surgery

According to ear, nose, and throat doctors, getting a turbinate reduction surgery is the best treatment for patients. However, there are some alternatives that patients with less serious conditions can have instead of turbinectomy. As a result, it is very important for patients to understand the condition that they are suffering from to choose the appropriate treatment for themselves. For this purpose, patients should see a doctor (ENT specialists) and get a medical consultation with him. As a service from Flora medical tourism agency, you can contact our online medical team HERE. Our teams of experts will help you deliberately to determine the proper treatment for your condition. Also, you can see the alternatives to turbinate reduction surgery below.

  • Septoplasty surgery (In fact, this surgery can treat the impairments of turbinate when it combined with a turbinate reduction surgery)
  • OTC medicines, like antihistamines and decongestant
  • Nasal saline sprays
  • Antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays
  • Oral decongestants

Is Iran a Wise Choice for having my Turbinate Reduction Surgery?

As a general rule, the costs of medical and cosmetic procedures in Iran are unbelievingly affordable. In addition, the quality medical\cosmetic services in Iran are most superior because of Iranian high experienced doctors and high-tech hospitals. All these advantages convinced many international patients to set their needed medical\cosmetic procedures in our country. For turbinate reduction surgery, also, a noticeable number of patients came to reduce the impairments of their nasal turbinates. Concisely, we prepared the following section in which you can get to know why Iran is so popular for having turbinate reduction surgery.

How much does a Turbinate Reduction Surgery Cost?

Alike to all other medical procedures, a definite cost couldn’t be deemed for all the patients. Depending on their condition, patients have to pay more or less money for their turbinate reduction surgery. Additionally, there are other factors that can influence the cost of turbinate reduction surgery cost. To get familiar with these influencing factors, please consider the following section.

  • Your ENT doctor’s experience and capabilities
  • The hospital that you have chosen for operating your turbinate surgery
  • The anesthetic you require for the surgery
  • Whether your health insurance covers the expenses of your turbinectomy or not
  • The complexity of your needed surgery
  • The country or city in which you want to have your turbinectomy


Further, if you want to have your turbinate reduction surgery in other countries, you should regard the following elements as well.

  • Daily-life cost in that country
  • The appropriateness of that country for medical procedures
  • The costs of different Medical tourism agencies

To get more detailed information about the cost, please click here to see flora’s “How Much is a Nose Job ?”.

How much does my Turbinate Reduction Surgery Cost in Iran?

As mentioned above, the price for a turbinate reduction surgery is noticeably lower and more economical compared to the cost of the same procedure in other countries. This economic cost is due to the low price of Iranian currency (Rial) contrasted to the dollar. International Patients should note that this relatively low cost doesn’t imply low quality of turbinate surgery. Actually, as explained, the quality of medical procedures in Iran is remarkably high as Iranian has the most skilled ENT surgeons in the world plus high-tech hospitals. For comparing the costs of turbinate reduction surgeries in different countries, we prepare the following table. Please take a look at it.

Country Turbinectomy’s average cost
US $5000
Canada $4500
UK $4500
Colombia $3000
Lithuania $2500
Turkey $2500
Mexico $2500
Spain $2000
India $2000
Iran $1500

Became interested to plan your turbinate reduction in Iran and profit from all these benefits? As your honored host, Flora medical tourism agency provides you an all-inclusive turbinate reduction medical package. We proved that with the first-rate services that we provide, our beloved customers can enjoy their promising turbinate reduction procedure in Iran. To get more information about the benefits that Flora has, please contact us HERE to have an online consultation.

Turbinate Reduction Procedure

Nasal Turbinate reduction surgery can be either performed at the hospital or surgical centers. During this surgery, the ENT surgeon may take various techniques for reducing the size or reshaping the nasal turbinates. By applying these adjustments, patients’ nasal obstruction will treat. Accordingly, they will breathe more easily. Depending on the patients’ required surgery complexity, turbinate reduction surgery may take between 10 and 30 minutes. The usual steps of the turbinate reduction surgery are:

Step 1: Anesthesia

Anesthetic is necessary for patients before their surgery. Your doctor will give you the required anesthetic to perform a pain-free surgery

Step 2: The incisions

The surgeon places a small incision on the lining of the turbinate.

Step 3: Reduce the size of turbinates

The surgeon may use special tools, like a microdebrider, to reduce the enlargement of turbinates by cutting the nasal tissues. During this stage, the septoplasty can combine with turbinate reduction surgery.

 Step 4: Closing the incisions

After the surgeon made the modifications, he will close the incisions he made earlier with nasal stitches. In some cases, the surgeon may recognize that nasal splints are also needed for protecting the fragile tissues of the nose.

Step 5: Feel the result

Patients can feel that their breathing act is improved noticeably after two weeks of the surgery.

In the end, patients should note that although the radiofrequency technique provides several advantages, it is not as effective as surgical removal. Usually, radiofrequency techniques will be suited for patients who are experiencing less severe turbinate impairments. Hence, having a medical consultation is important before the surgery to determine an appropriate technique for your upcoming turbinate reduction. As a service from Flora, our international guests can contact our online medical team HERE 24\7. Our team of ENT experts will help you through any question you have relating to the turbinate reduction procedure.

Techniques Used During the Turbinate Reduction Surgery

In addition the mentioned procedures, there are some other techniques and tricks that surgeons take during the turbinate reduction surgery. We will specifically examine them in the following. For now, to acquaint you with theses mostly used techniques, we prepared the following section.

  • Using medical lasers to create less invasive lesions during the surgery (laser turbinate reduction surgery)
  • Remove the turbinates’ tissues surgically from the nose (turbinectoomy)
  • Reshape the turbinates by using heat source and energy waves (turbinoplasty)
  • Coblation turbinate reduction or radiofrequency reduction

Turbinate Reduction Surgery Recovery Procedure & Aftercare

As many medical experts claimed, a recovery procedure after the surgery is even more important than the surgery itself. In the case of turbinate reduction surgery, likewise, a recovery period is crucial for gaining a satisfying result after the surgery. For this reason, we prepared the following section in which you can read the common Dos and Don’ts that patients must respect during a turbinate reduction recovery period.

  • Packing the nostrils with gauze at least for the first week to keep the nose tissues in place
  • Avoid doing strenuous activities at least for two week
  • Do not blow in your noses for two weeks
  • Put some pillows under your head while sleeping
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohols at least for a month
  • Avoid taking some blood-thinning medications, such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Herbal medications, and so on
  • Do not swim at least for 6 weeks
  • Brush your teeth gently
  • Eat high-fiber foods; they can help you to get healed faster


Point out that for the more invasive type of trubinoplasty, patients should consider the above guidelines for a longer period. To get more information on recovery procedures of different nose surgeries, please click HERE to go to our other page. We prepared a comprehensive article studying the recovery procedures of different nasal medical\cosmetic surgeries.

Good Candidates for a Turbinate Reduction Surgery

As turbinate reduction surgery is claimed to be very profitable in treating turbinate impairments, each year many patients decide to have this surgery. To get more assured whether you should have turbinate reduction or not, we prepared the following section for your consideration. In general, good candidates are the ones who have the following properties:

  • His\her facial growth became completed
  • Patients who don’t smoke or showed that they can put aside their cigarettes for a while
  • Healthy patients with no serious medical conditions
  • Patients who have difficulty in breathing through their nose due to the inferior turbinates
  • Patients who experience a nasal obstruction in the air passageways
  • Having swollen turbinates as a consequence of sinusitis

Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction Surgery

Both septoplasty and turbinoplasty are mainly performed to correct the patients’ breathing difficulties. More specifically, the septoplasty will treat the breathing problems by fixing a deviated septum. However, in turbinate surgery, the main concern is to reduce the size of inferior turbinates to improve the act of breathing. Moreover, these two procedures can combine in order to produce more enhancements for patients. In this combined surgery, both patients’ deviated septum and inferior turbinates will be treated to free the air passageways of the nose. If you need more information about the procedure of septoplasty, please visit Flora’s other page HERE. On this page, you can read a comprehensive article we prepared regarding septoplasty and its related subjects.

Nasal Congestion after the Turbinoplasy and Septoplasty

Experiencing the nasal congestion is normal following the septoplasty or turbinate reduction surgery. This congestion is the effect of blood clots and inflammations inside the nose structure. As the inflammation and swelling gradually diminish after two weeks, the nasal congestion will also cure on its own. To fasten the healing procedure and reduce the nasal congestion during these two weeks, patients can take suggested directions. In the following, we list some of them for your consideration.

  • Have nasal wash regularly
  • Take antihistamines sprays\pills
  • Use decongestant sprays\pill
  • Saline nasal spray
  • Elevate the head while sleeping

What is a Bilateral Turbinate Reduction?

Bilateral turbinate reduction surgery is a term used for referring to a turbinoplasty in which both of the nasal turbinates are reduced. Our turbinates are bilateral, as each of them is placed on the two different sides of the nose nostrils. Bilateral turbinate reduction is relatively unknown for patients, as nowadays you couldn’t found any ENT surgeon to use this term for naming turbinate reduction surgery. The reason is that 95 percent of turbinate reductions require reduction of both turbinates. So, it can be concluded that 95 percent of turbinoplasties are bilateral turbinate reductions. Over time, doctors dropped the bilateral part, and simply called a procedure the turbinate reduction.

Balloon Sinuplasty Vs. Nose Turbinate Reduction Surgery

Balloon sinuplasty, also known as sinus surgery, is a medical procedure used in chronic cases of sinusitis. Patients’ sinus blockage and congestion can be easily treated by having the balloon sinusplasty procedure. When compared with turbinate reduction surgery, patients who need balloon sinuplasty and turbinate reduction may have some common symptoms, but their procedures and purposes are quite different. Normally, turbinoplasty is used for fixing the breathing problems caused by inferior turbinates. On the other hand, a successful balloon sinuplasty will help patients to get rid of the pains and troubles in their sinuses. For getting more information about the balloon sinuplasty procedure and its related subjects, please see our balloon sinuplasty article HERE.

What is Cobaltion Turbinate Reduction?

Cobaltion is a method of turbinate reduction surgery. Using this technique during a turbinate reduction surgery may have some extra benefits for some patients. The main drawback of this method is that it can help patients with severe conditions of inferior turbinates. For these cases, other techniques of turbinate surgery, such as surgical removal, must be chosen.  No surgical incision, being a lesser invasive procedure, the cheaper cost is some advantages that this technique can have for turbinate reduction patients. During the coblation turbinate reduction, the surgeon uses some needle-like devices to apply the heat or energy waves for making the adjustments on the turbinates.

Turbinoplasty vs. Turbinectomy

Both of these names can be used interchangeably as turbinate reduction surgery. However, in fact, turbinoplasty and turbinectomy are two common types of turbinate reduction surgeries. The difference is that in turbinoplasty, turbinates are reshaped, but in turbinectomy, some turbinates’ tissues are removed.

What is Laser Turbinate Reduction?

Lasers turbinate reduction is a special technique the ENT surgeons may use to access the turbinates structure. With special lasers, the surgeon creates minor lesions on the nose. The lesions made will help the surgeon to easily remove or reshape the turbinates to achieve the desired result. The prime advantages of laser turbinate reduction are that it is minimally invasive and it won’t lead to any complications after the surgery.

Can a Turbinate Reduction Treat my Allergic Rhinitis?

One of the usages of turbinate reduction surgery is to help patients with allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis may cause a chronic nasal obstruction that may lead to pains and breathing difficulties. However, by having a turbinate reduction surgery, these complications will be treated efficiently.

What is turbinate resection?

Turbinates can be reduced by removing their tissues (partially or completely) from the nose. This technique is called turbinate resection, also known as turbinate surgical removal. Ear, nose, and throat doctors use turbinate resection for patients who are suffering from a serious condition. The turbinectomy is the name of a surgical procedure in which the surgeons take the turbinate resection technique for fixing the inferior turbinates.

What is Adenoidectomy?

Like septoplasty and turbinate reduction surgery, adenoidectomy is another medical procedure for correcting the breathing problems of patients who have inferior adenoids. Adenoids are lumps that are placed at the end of the nose, above the roof of the mouth. In this surgery, adenoid glands are removed to reduce the symptoms. Their main function is to protect people from infection, bacteria, and viruses. For some patients, adenoids can interfere the breathing which requires them to undergo adenoidectomy. Other benefits of adenoidectomy are reducing chronic infection and earaches. You can get more information on the adenoidectomy procedure by visiting Flora’s other page HERE.

What is a CPT for Turbinate Reduction?

The current procedural terminology (CPT) code for medical procedures that remove the inferior turbinates (turbinectomy) is 30130. This removal of turbinate can be either partial or complete. For the resection of the inferior turbinates (turbinoplasty), a CPT code 30140 is used among the ENT specialists and physicians.

Is having a Turbinate Reduction Surgery Worth it?

Inferior nasal turbinates can cause many difficulties for people, like breathing problems and nose congestion. The optimal treatment for these problems is having turbinate reduction surgery. No matter what method has been taken for your turbinoplasty, it will reduce your symptoms. Furthermore, ENT doctors believed that turbinate reduction is very practical and surely has its own worth for patients with inferior turbinates.

Risks and Side Effects of Turbinate Reduction Surgery

Side effects are inevitable for every medical procedure. Same as other medical surgeries, a turbinate reduction can also threaten the patients with its side effects and risks. The critical thing here is that patients be aware of these risks and how to deal with them correctly after their turbinate reduction. To reach this goal, we prepared the following section for you to consider. You can see the possible risks and side effects that a turbinate reduction surgery may lead to below.

  • Bleeding

Patients, noses may bleed after they had turbinate reduction surgery. These bleeding are not life-threatening and can be tolerated well by patients.

  • Infection

Infection in the patients’ noses is also possible after the turbinate surgery. Infections are treatable by taking antibiotics and spraying nasal sprays.

  • Nose obstruction

Obstruction in the nose is normal after the turbinate reduction. The cause for this complication is the swollen turbinates and nose structure of patients after the surgery. This obstruction will disappear once the swellings become reduced (after 1 week).

  • Pain

Patients may feel some discomfort after they had turbinate reduction surgery. These paints are fully manageable by taking pain relievers.

  • Empty nose syndrome (ENS)

This complication happens when an unqualified surgeon removed the turbinates excessively during the turbinate reduction surgery.

  • Toxic shock syndrome

This complication occurs very rarely for patients after their turbinate reduction. The infections can be prevented by using nasal packing after the surgery. However, in some cases, the ENT doctor may not see the packing necessary. As this side effect is life-threatening, patients should notify their doctor immediately if it happens.

Some other rarely occurring side effects are:

  • Change in the sense of smell or taste
  • Alternation in voice quality
  • Nose dryness
  • Nasal crusts

Flora’s Follow up Program for Turbinate Reduction Patients

The recovery procedure of turbinate reduction is considered simple for patients. However, a scheduled follow-up program can be very beneficial during the recovery period. A consistent follow-up program would have many advantages for patients. Any confusion they might have should be examined and treated by follow-up medical sessions after the surgery. Further patient’s condition should be periodically inspected by doctors to prevent any problem might happen. Because of the important role that an organized follow-up program plays in the recovery procedure of patients, we provide our beloved customers with an orderly follow-up program that will continue for two years after the turbinate reduction surgery. In the following, we mentioned some of the benefits of Flora’s follow-up program for you to consider.

  • Flora has a 24\7 follow-up team that includes skilled medical specialists
  • Flora’s follow-up team will support you through your recovery procedure for two years after the surgery
  • Flora has a CRM ( a customer relationship management) system for our customers
  • Besides the follow-up team, Flora’s customer can contact their otolaryngologists 24\7 and ask them about the obstacles they may face
  • Flora’s customers will join Flora’s customers’ club in which they can gain from special discounts on our other medical and cosmetic services

With this exceptional follow-up program, our beloved customers shouldn’t have any confusion about their turbinate reduction recovery period. By the same token, they should expect the result of their successful turbinoplasty to come at ease.

Nonsurgical Treatment for Turbinate Reduction

Besides turbinate surgery, there are some nonsurgical treatments that may work for patients with less severe problems. Please note that these treatments would not fix the inferior turbinates permanently. For fixing your inferior turbinates both efficiently and permanently, you should get a surgical turbinate reduction. Anyhow, you can see the nonsurgical treatments for treating the inferior turbinates below.

  • Steroid sprays (oral or nasal)
  • Antihistamines sprays (oral or nasal)
  • OTC medicines, such as antihistamines and different kinds of decongestants
  • Nasal saline sprays

Turbinate Reduction Vs. Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty has many differences when contrasted to a turbinate reduction. Colloquially known as a nose job, this procedure, is used to fulfill cosmetic purposes. In contrast, turbinate reduction surgeries are used for correcting the patients’ breathing problems (medical reasons) by reducing the size of nasal turbinates. For reading more differences about these two procedures you should visit Flora’s rhinoplasty page HERE. On this page, you can get all the needed information regarding the rhinoplasty procedure and its related subjects.

Last Word

The important role of turbinate reduction surgery become obvious for you now. As said, the turbinate reduction is a medical procedure used for correcting the issues caused by inferior, enlarged, swollen nasal turbinates. Throughout this article, we examined the ins and out of turbinate reduction procedure. We believe that in the above comprehensive article, we left no questions about turbinate reduction unanswered. However, if you need more information or have an extra question regarding the turbinate reduction or its related matters, please contact us HERE. Our online medical team is available for helping you with any issues you have with your needed medical procedure.

Turbinate Reduction Frequently Asked Questions

Is turbinate reduction safe?

Some techniques of turbinate reduction surgeries such as radiofrequency turbinoplasty are 100% safe, as they require no cutting or removal. Although in invasive techniques of turbinate reduction surgery more risks may threatening the patients, they are also considered fully safe when performed by a skilled ENT surgeon.

Is turbinate reduction permanent?

After you had the turbinate reduction surgery, your nose turbinates won’t grow back (if your facial growth became completed). Thus, the turbinate reduction is offering permanent relief from inferior turbinates for patients.

Is turbinate reduction painful?

As aesthetics are used beforehand of the turbinate reduction surgery, patients wouldn’t feel any pain during the surgery at all. However, they may have some discomforts for the first week after the surgery. By taking OTC pain relievers, patient can manage these post-operative pains easily.

Can turbinate reduction cure sleep apnea?

Having a successful turbinate reduction surgery may cure the less serious cases of sleep apnea. For getting relived from this complication, patients may need balloon sinuplasty surgery. You can get more information about the balloon sinuplasty procedure and their other benefit on Flora’s other page HERE.

Can turbinate reduction is repeated?

In rare cases of turbinate reduction surgeries, the impairments in the patients’ turbinate may not have been fully corrected. An inexperienced ENT surgeon is the main reason for this unsuccessful surgery. Unhappy patients should have another turbinate reduction surgery to overcome their problems. The good news for Flora’s customers is that our authorities appointed the most skilled ENT doctors in Iran for performing their surgeries. By gaining from these highly accepted surgeons, Flora’s patients shouldn’t have any concern over the result of their turbinate reduction procedure.

Will turbinate reduction help allergies?

Yes. In patients who have allergies, the turbinate reduction may offer some help.

Does turbinate reduction change voice?

Although it is very a rare side effect of turbinate reduction, happening this complication is possible. Patients who are concerning about this side effect should see their doctor find a way for fixing it instantly.

Will turbinate reduction help post nasal drip?

Yes. Having turbinate reduction surgery is also helpful for patients who have this problem in their noses. .A successful turbinate reduction surgery will reduce the nasal drainage and post nasal drip.

Does turbinate reduction change the shape of the nose?

Although turbinate reduction surgery is a very advantageous medical procedure, it won’t cause any modification to the nasal shape. For reducing and reshaping the unattractive nasal appearance, patients should get a rhinoplasty procedure. You can get the needed information on this cosmetic surgery on Flora’s rhinoplasty page HERE.

Can turbinate reduction cause ENS (Empty nose syndrome)?

It is very rare to occur, but it’s possible. Empty nose syndrome is resulted from an excessive removal or reduction of the nose turbinates during the turbinate reduction surgery. Surely, an acceptable experienced ENT doctor will never make these kinds of mistakes. As Flora’s surgeons are the most skilled ones around the globe, our beloved customers wouldn’t have any concern over this side effect.

How long does a turbinate reduction last?

The result of a successful turbinate reduction performed by an acceptable ENT surgeon should remain for a patients’ lifetime. To gain from the most skilled ENT doctors in the world, you should plan your turbinate reduction procedure via Flora. You can easily send us a request by clicking HERE, our online team will hand you the needed information.

How long does a turbinate reduction take?

Performing a turbinate reduction surgery usually takes 10 to 30 minutes. Depending on the techniques used while the surgery, the performing time may vary for each patient.

How long does a turbinate reduction surgery take to heal?

The required healing time for a turbinate reduction is highly dependent on the techniques used during the surgery. Usually, less invasive techniques of turbinate reduction won’t need any special healing time. On the contrary, in an invasive turbinate reduction in which the patients’ turbinates are removed (partially or completely), the turbinates need at least two weeks for healing.

When is turbinate reduction necessary?

As turbinate reduction offers various treatments for patients, various conditions may necessitate them to get this surgery. Usually in the following conditions, having a turbinate reduction surgery is considered necessary.

  • Experiencing serious breathing problems caused by inferior turbinates
  • Suffering from suffering sinusitis because of the inferior turbinates
  • Experiencing severe nasal obstruction due to the turbinate impairments

Moreover, turbinate reduction can reduce the symptoms of the following complications as well.

  • Sleep apnea
  • Nasal congestion
  • Allergies
  • Post nasal drip
  • Snoring

Will turbinate reduction help snoring?

Yes. Patients’ snoring would be noticeably reduced after having the successful turbinate reduction surgery.

Ramin Pourasadian

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