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Balloon Sinuplasty

Sinusitis and similar sinus problems are very common among the people. Some may have only mild symptoms while some people are suffering from severe long-lasting sinusitis. Good news is that no matter how serious your condition is, all your pains in your sinuses can be relived completely by having a balloon sinuplasty surgery. This relatively new procedure is still unknown for patients. In this article, we tried to provide you with everything you need to know about the balloon sinuplasy. So, if you have sinus problems, reading the following article is highly suggested for you.

What is a Balloon Sinuplasty ?

Baloon sinuplasty, colloquially known as sinus surgery, is a relatively new (firstly performed in 2003) medical procedure used for treating the blocked sinuses. Patients who are suffering from chronic sinusitis may need the balloon sinuplasty for appeasing the pain in their sinuses. During this surgery, the surgeon will open the sinus passage ways by utilizing small, flexible sinus balloon catheter. It is minimally invasive and it can be performed in the doctor’s office, under the local anesthesia.

What is Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an irritating condition that may happen in patients’ sinuses. It will gradually leads to severe pain and discomfort. Patients should see their doctor if they suffer from sinusitis’s symptoms. Initially, your doctor may prescribe some medications and remedies to treat the problem. However, in chronic cases of sinusitis, only a corrective medical surgery (balloon sinuplasty) will help patients.

What are the Symptoms if Sinusitis?

Patient must notify their doctors immediately if they have three or more symptoms at the same time for 10 days. For this purpose, by referring from, we summarized the symptoms of sinusitis in below, for your consideration.

  • Swelling and tenderness around the eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead
  • Having inflammation in the nose
  • Nasal obstruction and congestion
  • Discharge from the nose
  • Drainage down the back of the throat
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Pain near the eyes, cheeks, nose, forehead, or ear
  • Teeth pain
  • Having problems in the sense of smell and taste
  • Cough
  • Sore throat

Why should I have Balloon Sinuplasty?

Baloon sinuplasty procedure may have many benefits for patients who are suffering from severe cases of sinusitis. Actually, it’s the best option to treat the chronic sinusitis. Although the balloon sinuplasty technology is relatively new, it became popular quickly. Today, many ENT doctors suggest their sinusitis patients to have this medical procedure to get relived from their pain. By referring from, we list the advantages that a balloon sinuplasty procedure may have for you in the following.

  • The procedure is completely safe
  • It is will be very efficient for sinusitis patients
  • There is no cutting and incision during a balloon sinuplasty
  • The bleeding is very minor in this procedure compared to the other nose surgeries
  • It has very short recovery time
  • Baloon sinuplasty won’t limit the treatment options and can be used with other medical therapies
  • A successful balloon sinuplasty will treat the patient’s sleeping problems, such as snoring and sleep apnea
  • It may reduce the tinnitus for patients greatly

Alternative for a Balloon Sinuplasty

There are some alternative procedures for a ballon sinuplasty they may be used in less serious cases of sinus problems. You can see these treatments in below.

  • Applying warm compress to the sinuses

This will relive the pains for patients by loosening up the fluid in their sinuses.

  • Nasal wash or saline spray

It can help to reduce the infection which leads to pain relieving for patients. Saline sprays are available in your local town drug store and you can purchase them without the doctor’s prescription.

  • Taking antihistamines

Antihistamine will reduce the sinus inflammation. This OTC medicine can be easily purchased in every drugstore.

  • Using decongestants

As it name reveals, decongestant will clear the sinus congestion and relive the pain for patients. Patient can use either a nasal decongestants spray or decongestants medicines.

Is Iran a Wise Choice for Balloon Sinuplasty?

Along with other medical procedures, having a balloon sinuplasty in Iran has its interests as well. Many international patients travel to our country for having their balloon sinuplasty surgery. All of them will be pleases with the result of the procedure as their surgeries has been performed by hands of most skilled ENT surgeons of the world. Moreover, the balloon sinuplasty cost in Iran is very affordable for patients. You can see the main advantages of Iran for having a balloon sinuplasty in below.

Have you become interested to have your sinus surgery in Iran and profiting all these benefits? If yes, you can easily plan your high-quality balloon sinuplasty in Iran via Flora HERE. Our online team will guide you deliberately for preparing yourself to fly to our country.

How Much does a Balloon Sinuplasty Cost?

Many factors will influence the cost of balloon sinuplaty for different patients. As a result, we couldn’t consider a price for all patients. However, we summarized the factors that may change your balloon sinuplasty cost in the following for your consideration. Each patient may need to pay more or less money for his\her balloon sinuplasty based on:

  • Their ENT surgeon’s experience and expertise
  • The country or city where they wanted to get the balloon sinuplasty
  • Their required type of anesthesia
  • The hospital that they chosen to have their surgery
  • The policies of their health insurance company, whether they cover the cost of the procedure or not
  • The complexity of their balloon sinupalsty surgery

Additionally, if you want to travel to a foreign country for having your balloon sinuplasty you should consider three other factors.

  • Daily-life cost in that country
  • The reputation that the particular country has for cosmetic services
  • The prices of different Medical tourism agencies

How Much does My Balloon Sinuplasty Cost in Iran?

Generally speaking, the cost of medical surgeries in Iran is the most economical one in the world. The reason for this low costs is the invaluably of Iranian currency (Rial) compared to dollar. International Patient should notice that this affordable cost doesn’t mean that the quality of balloon sinuplasty is poor in Iran. In fact, the quality of balloon sinuplasty and other medical procedures in Iran is superior. You can compare the balloon sinuplasty costs in different countries in the table below.

Country Baloon sinuplasty cost
UK $4000 to $8000
Colombia $3000 to $6000
Lithuania $3000 to $6000
Turkey $2800 to $5000
Mexico $3000 to $5500
Spain $3000 to $5000
India $2500 to $4500
Iran $1500 to $2500

*These stats are based on the data of

If you have fascinated to have your nasal balloon procedure in Iran you can contact Flora’s online team HERE. Surely, they will help you for planning your effective balloon sinuplasty surgery performed by the most skilled ENT surgeons at the most economical cost.

How to Prepare for a Balloon Sinuplasty Procedure

Before having any medical procedure patients should be informed about the overall processes involved in order to prepare him\herself for it. To achieve that goal, we provide you with the stages of balloon sinuplasty surgery in the below section.

  • Talking your medical history with your doctor

Initially, patients must inform their doctors of their previous medical conditions and surgeries (if they had). They should also notify their doctors if they took or taking any medications and supplements. Moreover, patients shouldn’t drink alcohol or smoke at least for a month before the surgery.

  • Medical photography

Patients need to take a CT scan before the balloon sinuplasty procedure. By observing the CT scans, your doctor will have a better awareness of your condition.

During a personal medical visit, the doctor will inspect your condition to decide what techniques he should use while the surgery. Plus, your doctor will command you the directions that you need to consider before the surgery.

Balloon Sinuplasty Surgery

Usually, balloon sinuplasty surgery takes around 1 hour to perform. The exact time depends on the complexity of the sinuplasty. The usual steps in this surgery are:

  • Anesthesia

Anesthetics injection or medication will be administered on patients. This stage is important because it helps patients to have pain-free surgery. Depending on the patients’ condition, the doctor will decide whether you need local or general anesthesia.

  • Administering the balloon sinuplasty technology on patients

The procedure includes 3 steps:

Step 1

A sinus catheter and a flexible sinus guidewire will be installed through nose nostrils in order to access the sinus area.

Step 2

The sinus balloon catheter will be located across the blocked sinus opening and smoothly inflated. In this step, the surgeon tries to open the sinus passageways to restore the normal sinus drainage and function without damaging the sinus.

Step 3

After the sinus blockage is treated, the balloon sinuplasty system will be removed. Occasionally, your doctor may place nasal splints on your nose for protection.

  • Feel the result

In most cases, patients can go back to their homes 10-15 minutes after the surgery. Balloon sinuplasty has no recovery time and patients can experience the relief resulted from their successful balloon sinuplasty right away.

Good Candidates for a Balloon Sinuplasty Surgery

As mentioned, balloon sinuplasty surgery will provide many benefits for patients with sinusitis and similar problems. It is the best way to treating chronic, long-lasting sinusitis for patients. Due to these facts, many people decide to have this medical procedure to get released from the irritating problems in their sinuses. Similarly, many otolaryngologists advise their patients to undergo balloon sinuplasty. Typically, patients who are suffering from the below symptoms are considered good candidates for balloon sinuplasty.

  • Long-lasting sinus infection that arises every so often
  • Severe headaches around the eyes
  • Have difficulty in breathing normally through the nose
  • Foul taste in the mouth
  • Continuing nasal problems

Differences between Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) and Balloon Sinuplasty

Alike to balloon sinuplasty, Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is a frequently used treatment for sinus problems. Although these two technologies are very similar in their procedures, they have some differences that may benefit patients with different conditions. Patients should consult with an ENT specialist to see which procedure would work better for their condition. For the purpose of contrasting these two surgeries, we prepared the following section in which we will examine the differences between them.

  • During the FESS patients should be under general anesthesia while a balloon sinuplasty can also be performed under the local anesthesia
  • In FESS surgery, an otolaryngologist uses endoscopic scopes to reach the sinus. In contrast, the ENT specialist uses the sinus catheter to get access the sinus.
  • Endoscopic sinus surgery is usually suggested to patients with unusual nasal anatomy that prevents the use of balloon surgery.
  • Compared to a balloon sinuplasty, endoscopic sinus surgery is accepted for patients who have more serious symptoms and inflammatory conditions.
  • Endoscopic sinus surgery requires its patient more time to get fully recovered than a balloon sinuplasty
  • FESS procedure has more threatening side effects than a balloon sinuplasty
  • During endoscopic sinus surgery, patients’ nasal impairments (like nasal congestion) can be treated as well.
  • Bleeding is more severe in FESS compared to a balloon sinuplasty
  • Balloon sinuplasty is slightly more expensive in its cost than a FESS procedure

To get fully assured about which procedure will be more suitable for your condition, you can contact Flora’s online medical team HERE. Our team of ENT experts will guide you through every other question you may have about balloon sinuplasty surgery.

Differences between Turbinate Reduction Surgery and Balloon Sinuplasty

Turbinate reduction surgery may have some common aims with balloon sinuplasty in its procedure. In turbinate reduction surgery, the doctor will shorten the size of the turbinate in order to clear the air passageways. Moreover, it will correct the sinus drainage issues for the patient. Turbinate reduction is normally suggested to patients who are suffering from a serious sinus infection that leads to vital breathing problems. However, balloon sinuplasty is more frequent in these cases. But, for some patients, the doctor may recognize that a turbinate reduction would be more effective.

Differences between Balloon Sinuplasty and Septoplasty

Septoplasty and balloon sinuplasty are two distinguished medical surgery that may be used for patients with different conditions. Although both of these procedures are highly efficient, the differentiation between these two medical procedures should be apparent for patients. Therefore, they would be able to select the operation that works best for their condition. Generally speaking, Balloon sinuplasty is used for curing serious cases of sinus infection (sinusitis). In contrast, septoplasty is majorly performed for correcting the breathing problems and patient’s deviated septum.

Balloon Sinuplasty Recovery Procedure

As stated, one of the main advantages of balloon sinuplasty is that it has a very short recovery time for patients. Most patients can return to their homes 10-15 minutes after the surgery. They can also continue their regular activities after 1-2 days. Anyhow, there are some dos and don’ts that patients should consider during the balloon sinuplasty recovery timeline. By referring from, we prepared the following Dos and Don’ts for your consideration.

  • Avoid blowing in your nose for 2-3 days after the surgery
  • Avoid doing strenuous activities for the first week
  • Sleep with your head and neck in a raised position
  • Take some helpful OTC anti-inflammatories or pain relievers for the week after the surgery
  • Use nasal spray and sinus rinse every two hours after the surgery to keep the nasal cavity moist
  • In some cases, patient should tape their nose after their surgery

Which Doctor Performs Balloon Sinuplasty Surgery?

Typically, Balloon sinuplasties are performed by an ENT specialist, also known as an otolaryngologist as balloon sinuplasty is a very technical and complicated surgery it requires high skills to perform it. Thus, the experience and expertise of your ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor is very crucial for having a satisfying result from the balloon sinuplasty procedure.  You can find the best ENT specialists in the world in Flora medical tourism agency. Iranian orthorhinolaryologist are famous for their reputation around the globe. Most experts among them have been hired by Flora medical tourism agency to ensure the best possible result for our beloved customers’ balloon sinuplasties. You can see our orthorhinolaryologists’ medical records and information HERE to make assure of the propriety of them. You can choose whoever you want to perform your balloon surgery. Just contact our online medical team by clicking HERE and set an online consultation session with ENT specialists.

Risk and Side Effects of Balloon Sinuplasty

Similar to any medical surgery, balloon rhinoplasty may have its side effects for patients. The essential thing here is that patients know about these threats and know how to deal with them after their balloon sinuplasties. For this reason, we prepared the following section. In below, you can see the most reported side effects that occurred for patients after a balloon sinuplasty procedure.

  • Swelling

Patients may have some swelling on their noses for the first few days. It can be simply reduced by taking OTC medications in severe cases.

  • Infection

Infection may occur in case patients are not clean their noses correctly. Patients can take antibiotics in order to diminish the infection.

  • Bleeding

Nose bleeding may happen for patients during or after the balloon sinuplasty surgery. These bleedings are normal and usually very trivial. Patients should not worry themselves over bleeding at all.

  • Problems in sense of smell

Although the balloon sinuplasty usually improves the smelling act, in rare cases it may make it worse. Patients should inform their doctors to get rid of this side effect with their advice.

  • Intracranial complication

This problem happens if the nerves that connect the nose to the brain are damaged during the surgery. This complication happens rarely for patients and can be treated easily before finishing the surgery.

Flora’s Follow up Program for Balloon Sinuplasty

Although balloon sinuplasty doesn’t have a complicated recovery procedure, patients should have a scheduled follow-up program after their surgeries. A consistent follow-up program would have many interests for patients. Any complication they might have should be considered and treated by follow-up medical sessions after the surgery. Moreover, the doctor should inspect the patient’s condition periodically in order to prevent any problem. Due to the high value of an organized follow-up program for patients, Flora designed a consistent follow-up for its customer. Our follow-up program, which continues after two years of your surgery, provides our beloved patients with several advantages. In the following, we list some of the benefits that Flora’s follow-up program has over the other medical tourism facilitators.

  • Flora has a 24\7 follow-up team that includes experts in the field of medical services
  • Flora’s follow-up team will support you through your recovery procedure for two years after the surgery
  • Flora has a CRM which is a customer relationship management
  • Besides the follow-up team, Flora’s customer can communicate with their doctors 24\7 and ask them about the obstacles they may face
  • Flora’s customers will join Flora’s customers’ club in which they can profit from special discounts on cosmetic and medical services

With this exceptional follow-up program, Flora’s beloved customers would have no complication toward their balloon sinuplasty recovery time. For planning your superior-quality balloon sinuplasty via Flora, you can easily send us a request HERE.

Is having Balloon Sinuplasty Worth it?

Generally, balloon sinuplasty is more recommended to patients than traditional sinus surgeries. According to, having balloon sinuplasty is successful in treating 94 percent of cases of chronic sinusitis. In addition, patients who decided to get this medical procedure may profit from its various advantages. We list some of them below.

  • Balloon sinuplasty is safer than traditional sinus surgeries
  • Balloon sinuplasty procedure is not invasive at all
  • It has nearly no recovery time
  • It will treat sinus infection and inflammation efficiently
  • The balloon sinuplaty can be performed in only around 60 minutes even in the doctor’s office

Last Word

Until now, the great role of balloon sinuplasty surgery in treating sinus infection should be fully clear for you. If you are considering having a balloon sinuplasty, you should be acknowledged about the alternative option you have. You can also see the overall procedure, benefits, side effects, and other related matters to balloon sinuplasty surgery in the above article. We believe that by reading this article, all your questions regarding balloon sinuplasty are answered. However, if you still need more information, please contact our online consultation team HERE. Surely, our medical experts will help you with any concerns you may have faced.

Balloon Sinuplasty Frequently Asked Questions

How long does balloon sinuplasty take?

Compared to traditional sinus surgeries, balloon sinuplasty takes a shorter time to be performed. Ordinarily, the ENT specialist performs balloon sinuplasty surgery in an hour.

How much does balloon sinuplasty cost with insurance?

Health insurance companies usually take different policies when it comes to a balloon sinuplasty. Some insurance may defray all the cost while some may only pay a small amount of the balloon sinuplasty expenses. Thus, you should contact your insurance company and ask them if to what extent they will cover the costs of your balloon sinuplasty.

How long does a balloon sinuplasty result last?

Balloon sinuplasty is a promising option for patients to get relieved from their sinusitis. Hence, the result of a successful balloon sinuplasty lasts for the patient’s lifetime. You can have this surgery by the hand of Flora’s most skilled ENT surgeons at the most economical cost. Click HERE to get more information.

How long has a balloon sinuplasty been around?

Balloon sinuplasty is relatively a new medical technology used for treating sinus problems. This procedure was first performed in 2003 and since then it has gained much prestige.

How often can you have balloon sinuplasty?

Patents don’t need to have second or revision balloon sinuplasty if they had a successful one earlier. Also, as balloon sinuplasty promises a lifetime result, there will be no need to have this procedure once and a while. You can schedule yourself a high-quality balloon sinuplasty at the lowest cost via Flora. Please contact us HERE to get more information.

Can balloon sinuplasty be repeated?

Only unsuccessful balloon sinuplasty that had been performed by an unqualified ENT specialist should be repeated. Patients by deciding the appropriate ENT doctor for themselves can get a lifetime result from their balloon sinuplasty surgery. With the lowest cost in the world, you can plan your surgery with Flora’s highly-experienced ENT doctors by contacting us HERE.

What expects after balloon sinuplasty?

Although balloon sinuplasty is completely safe, it may cause some side effects for patients. Swelling, nose bleeding, fatigue, congestion are the main side effects that patients are dealing with them after their surgery. These complications should be treated by the treatment that your doctor will prescribe.

Is balloon sinuplasty result permanent?

Yes. The result of a successful balloon sinuplasty will last for patients during their whole life span. That is why many patients decide to have this procedure for getting relieved from irritating sinus problems.

Can balloon sinuplasty fix a deviated septum?

Occasionally, Baloon sinuplasty may relieve some sinus-related symptoms which are increased by a deviated septum. However, this surgery cannot align the deviated septum for patients. Septoplasty is a medical procedure that is used in patients who are suffering from a deviated septum. For more information about this procedure, you should visit Flora’s septoplasty page HERE.

Can balloon sinuplasty help sleep apnea?

Yes. According to many ENT specialists, a successful balloon sinuplasty will reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea in patients.

Can balloon sinuplasty help snoring?

Yes. Balloon sinuplasty will make a huge difference for patients who are having snore during their sleep.

Can balloon sinuplasty help tinnitus?

Yes. Balloon sinuplasty will also reduce the symptoms of tinnitus as well as its other benefits.

Will balloon sinuplasty help headaches?

Yes. One of the aims of balloon sinuplasty surgery is to ease the headaches that originated from a sinus infection. Patients should no longer suffer from annoying headaches after the successful balloon sinuplasty.

Ramin Pourasadian

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